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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74
“Because Enrico thinks that I planned the kidnapping to eliminate him from inheriting the family wealth. So, my brother wants to
seek revenge against me.” Damien snickered. Ava was puzzled and blurted, “What kind of logic is that?” Well, Damien thought
that Enrico’s little antics all this while were amusing. As a child, Enrico would place cockroaches on his dinner plate. Now, he
chose to transfer the asset ownership of Radbury Group secretly to himself as revenge on Damien. All in all, Enrico was satisfied
as long as it annoyed Damien The more upset Damien was, the happier Enrico felt. “Why don’t you tell him the truth then? You
are worried about him and yet he is being selfish.” “Do you think that he can handle the truth?” Damien asked in return.
Ava was at a loss for words.
Damien was right. Enrico would have a mental breakdown once he discovered the truth. Such a shame that things had to be this
way. Ava then stated, “Damien, I know it’s a mess between you two but I think there must be ways to resolve this...”
“What if someone tells you that everything that happened between you and Beth is just a misunderstanding and expects you two
get back together, will you agree then?”
“We are not the same because Beth wants me dead!” Ava blurted.
This time, Damien replied, “Exactly. Enrico wants me dead too.”
“Plus, I have no intention of forgiving him either.”
Damien went back to his old self. Ava was not good at consoling people up and she could only observe silently as he gulped the

drink over and over again. If it wasn’t for Enrico’s stupid crave for cotton candy, none of this would have happened. Now both of
them hated each other for everything that had happened, despite their brotherhood. Seemed like the two brothers could never
resolve their differences. Ava sighed helplessly. Tonight, Damien was surprisingly talkative compared to the last two years.
Suddenly, Ava realized that she knew nothing about Damien except for his cold facade. If it wasn’t for the alcohol, he might never
confess his secrets. Ava thought that Damien would be extremely drunk by the time they were done, but the latter went sober
again as they exited the bar. Moreover, he was ready to drive. Ava was appalled and snatched the car key quickly to him.
Damien was surprised, “You can drive?” “Of course! I received my license back in college, but I never had the money to buy a
car and practice driving.” Knowing that Ava seldom drove, Damien felt uneasy, and he was convinced to be a better driver than
her despite his drunken state..
In the end, they took a cab home. After arriving home, Ava noticed Damien’s piercing stare. She felt uncomfortable, “Why are
you staring at me like that?” “Everything I’ve said today, you must take them to your grave.” “Don’t worry, your secrets are safe
with me. Plus, I have no one to share them too.” “Swear it.”
“Fine. I swear, alright?”

Ava discovered that Damien was completely a different person when he was drunk. Yet, she was glad that he chose to share his
secrets with her tonight. Ava took it as a sign of trust from Damien.
The next day.
Probably because of the hangover, Damien was still sleeping soundly. This was rare, as he had a habit of waking up early. Ava
did not attend the office since it was the weekend. She finished her breakfast and prepared to visit her mother. She found the
butler standing by the door and hesitated to wake Damien up, “Let him sleep. He drank too much yesterday.” “How did he get so

drunk at such an important party?” It was late when both Damien and Ava arrived home last night, and the servants had slept.
So, they were clueless about what happened. Ava explained, “He had a few drinks at the bar, don’t worry about it.”
“You went to the bar? Is everything alright? Did something happen between the Radbury brothers?” “Do you know something
about their childhood stories, too?” The butler was taken aback and answered, “I’ve been working for the Radbury family my
entire life and it is impossible for me not to know anything. Did he tell you everything last night, Miss Nagel?”
Ava nodded.
The butler was suprised. Damien never told anyone his secrets unless he trusted them. “Looks like both are you are getting
along well now.” He was relieved. Ava stunned, “What do you mean?” “What I’m saying is, you are important to Mr. Radbury. It’s
just that he doesn’t realize it yet,” explained him.
Ava was contemplating over the butler’s explanation. Was she really that important to him? She had longed for this day to come,
but why was it difficult for her to believe it now? Ava was still distracted when she arrived at her mother’s house Jessica noticed
her behavior and said, “What’s the matter? You’ve been lost in thoughts since just now. Did you quarrel with Damien again?”
“Mom, I think Damien started to like me.” The words felt wrong as soon as they left her lips and she shook her head, dismissing
them. Ava had a crush on Damien for ten years and they were married for two years now. Despite that, he never cared for Ava.
Jessica felt her daughter’s forehead and muttered, “You’re not sick, so what’s wrong with you now?”
“Mom, I’m serious. He... he seems to care about me lately.”
“I thought Damien is having a thing with Miss Newton? So he’s back to you again? Where’s the dowry then?” Jessica
complained. “He just paid off your debts of five million dollars. Isn’t that enough for you?
Jessica was in disbelief, “What! So he was the one helping me? I thought you pawned the wedding ring for the money?” Ava
presented her with the box containing the wedding ring and said, “Yeah, about that...Damien bought it again.” Jessica’s eyes
twinkled greedily as she touched the large gemstone on the ring. “I think he likes you then! How can anyone resist your stunning
beauty? Looks like I can buy more jewelry soon,” she giggled.