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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 427
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Since that was Jayden's order, Emmanuel dared not say anything more. Instead, he obediently

accepted the order despite being unhappy about it. "Okay. I'll inform her as soon as possible."

Meanwhile, in Hovington, the news of John getting dismissed and secretly promoted to the position of

chairman was soon announced by Levisay Group's public relations department. In less than half a day,

that news had spread throughout the city and caused quite a stir.

'Could it be? I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. So, the president is now the chairman.

However, I remember him being quite young. How could he have stepped down so soon?'

'He didn't step down from his position. He was forced to give it up. As for him becoming the chairman,

it's only a nice title. The chairman from other companies still has authority, but look at Mr. Levisay. He

doesn't have any of that! The announcement clearly says that from now on, the new vice president and

the board of directors will discuss and decide all company matters! Though it says they would discuss

those matters, I think the new vice president could probably decide most of the matters on his own."

'What the heck! Things at Levisay Group have changed so quickly. I don't think anyone saw this

coming, and John Levisay might have also been shocked.'

The public wasn't stupid, and they quickly realized there must have been some kind of conflict between

the two sides, so they started asking for the inside scoop.

'I did some digging on the new vice president, and oh, boy, he's a real senior. He had fought alongside

Old Mr. Levisay when he conquered the business industry back then, and he's Old Mr. Levisay's most

trusted partner!'

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'Could it be that Old Mr. Levisay's old followers had regained control over Levisay Group? I remember

how Old Mr. Levisay ran the company is different from how Mr. Levisay is currently running it.'

'There's something even more shocking! Just now, my friend at Levisay Group said that Joaquin had

attended the shareholders' meeting that day!'

Once that news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

'Joaquin? I thought he didn't work in the Levisay Group. So, why would he attend the meeting?'

'Even if he doesn't work there, he is still Levisay Group's shareholder. I heard that he was the one who

caused this situation.'

'Could Joaquin have helped this new vice president to this position? Is he looking to take over Levisay

Group as well?'

'According to the Levisay Group notice, the changes do not include Joaquin. So, he still has no position

at Levisay Group. This is so confusing! What is he trying to do?'

'Jeez! So, what if he doesn't have a position? He can easily turn the tides and even play his father into

the palm of his hand. What can't he do? I think he probably doesn't care about having a position inside

the Levisay Group. He is a shareholder, so he can sit back and earn the dividends.'

'Tsk! I'm so jealous, but Joaquin is definitely something. He's usually quiet and lays low, but who would

have thought he could do something like this?'

'Of course. Did you forget that he's from Area Seven? When it comes to intelligence and means, no

one can beat him—'

Soon, the Internet was filled with discussions on this matter. With such a huge commotion, the Levisay

Family would naturally know about it too.

That was why Elizabeth anxiously came forward after John returned home. There was a big frown on

her wrinkled face, and she asked, "Is it true that Joaquin has stripped you of your authority and position

at Levisay Group?"

On the side, Hera had been worried for the whole day, so she urged John, "Honey, come on. What


He had been frustrated by his inability to express his anger elsewhere, and upon returning home, he

completely lost it. However, he didn't answer immediately but went to the living room with a solemn

expression. His gaze was so gloomy it was like a storm was coming.

Noticing the situation, Hera came forward and patted him. "Come on, talk. Mom and I are waiting—"

On the other hand, she had no idea that John would go berserk and charge toward the antique cabinet

when she opened her mouth. Then, he grabbed an antique vase and began throwing them to the

ground. Instantly, the continuous sounds of porcelain hitting the ground and smashing into pieces rang

inside the living room.

Seeing that, Hera and Elizabeth were terrified and quickly retreated.

"Honey, w-what are you doing? Stop!"

However, he was in such a raging temper that he refused to listen to what they had to say and ramped

up his object hurling. Crash! After the last vase hit the ground and broke, John finally stopped. He was

heaving while looking at the mess on the floor. The corners of his eyes were red, and there were also

red veins in his eyes. "That son of a b*tch!" He said every word through his gritted teeth. "Joaquin, that

son of a b*tch! I must be cursed to have him as my son. I would rather have a pet than him. At least a

pet would be more obedient than him!"

His behavior confirmed the news, and Hera and Elizabeth paled at the sight.

"How could that be? How could you lose to a brat who has only stepped foot in the company a few

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times?" Elizabeth immediately criticized him with a stern expression.

John was still breathing heavily and red from the face down because of his anger. "That brat has long

colluded with the remaining people siding with Dad. Then, he used who knows what method to make

those seniors who supported my dad willingly abide by his words! I f*cking have no idea he had so

many spies under my nose!"

"What?" Hera's expression turned pale after hearing that. "Then… Wouldn't that mean he has long

thought about taking over Levisay Group?"

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was also furious. "That little b*stard! He even pretended like he wasn't interested

in the company. However, now that we mentioned splitting his shares, he immediately reveals his true


Hera had a solemn expression, and her eyes were filled with reluctance and jealousy. She reflected on

how she had assisted Robert in devising numerous plans, but she had not expected her son to meet

such a tragic end. Until now, Robert was still crippled and spent his days in despair as though he had

given up on himself.

Even though she had found many well-known doctors, none could cure his condition! Since she and

her son were trapped in this state with no means of escape, Joaquin suddenly appeared! This was

turning into the situation she feared the most, so how could she accept it? Robert was her son, so she

wanted him to take over Levisay Group and leave nothing for that b*stard, Joaquin. However, she

couldn't have known Joaquin would secretly contact the senior members at Levisay Group. So, what

was she and Robert supposed to do now? Wouldn't that mean they no longer have a place in the

Levisay Group?

While Hera gritted her teeth, she had a reluctant expression as she looked at her husband. "Honey,

you're our family's breadwinner and Levisay Group's boss. Are you willing to see that b*stard son of

yours take away your rightful place? You have to do something! You must get the company back no

matter what, or else our family will be done for!"