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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 510
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Chapter 510 Sleep On The Couch, Noah

"Grandpa had a sudden cardiac arrest when he saw the cake. It must have been no ordinary cake."

Wilda and her guards surrounded Madeline.

"I don't see any ambulances here. I guess he is fine now. Ms. Harvey, I don't think you have the right to

detain someone."

"You are up for no good. I'm not letting you escape. Lock her in the warehouse," commanded Ms.

Harvey in a strict tone.

The battle broke out. When Madeline saw that her children tried to help, she beckoned them to stop.

But due to this distraction, she took a kick to her stomach. Thomas immediately bit Wilda's hand


"What's wrong with you, prick?" Wilda glared at Thomas. But before Thomas could reply, Colton

pressed his dagger against Wilda's kidney. He said coldly,

"Make them stop."

"Kids should stay out of the adult's..." Colton planted the dagger inside Wilda's body, not giving her a

chance to finish her sentence.

Kids like Colton weren't very strong. It wasn't a deep stab, but it sure hurt. Still holding the dagger in his

hand, Colton issued an ultimatum.

"Don't come near us. Or I'll push it deeper."

The guards froze. Thomas and Mackenzie shielded Colton from the guards' advance.

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Wilda wanted to scream from the searing pain. But she would not surrender to a mere kid. She

grabbed Colton's hand and pulled the dagger out.


A butler barged in. "Ms. Harvey, Mr. Shane wants to see her."

But when the butler noticed Wilda's bloodied waist, he panicked. "Oh my god, Ms. Harvey! Are you all


"I'm fine," answered Wilda while gritting her teeth. "That woman and her children are very aggressive.

Be careful."

"Noted." The butler took Madeline with him. But she was worried about her kids so she brought them

with her. Wilda looked at them, stumped. She then went to the infirmary to get patched up.

"What do you want?" Shane looked just a tad better than before.

When Thomas and others accidentally went inside Shane's room, all of them had a wonderful time.

Perhaps blood was indeed thicker than water at that moment. But now, someone in Shane's household

hurt their mother. There was no way those kids would want to hang out with Shane again. When Shane

noticed the hostility of the little ones, he felt stung.

Madeline mocked loudly, "They say you are quite the bean counter. That you live a modest life despite

the wealth you possess. It seems like it's true then. But do you think everyone cherishes money as

much as you do here?"

"Why are you here if not for money then?" Shane wasn't mad at the provocation at all. He regarded

Madeline with curiosity. He couldn't deny that Madeline resembled Eliza closely.

"I’m working here." Madeline shrugged.

"With your kids?" Shane raised his eyebrows.

Madeline answered slyly. "They are not my kids. They are my previous employer's. I used to work for

him. I raised them myself so they are close to me."

Shane scanned Madeline's work uniform, mulling.

"If there's nothing else, I have to go back to my work. I would hate to see my pay deducted because

people think I'm slacking here." Madeline made herself look as pitiable as possible to get back at

Shane. She wanted him to realize how miserable his granddaughter was because he refused to take

her in.

Shane took another glance at Madeline. "Since you're a helper here, you can stay."

Shane then lay back on his recliner and took a siesta. The butler came and treated Madeline's wound.

When Madeline was all taken care of, she stood among the rows of servants in the main hall to pass

the dishes. However, Madeline had an ulterior motive of her own. She wanted to seize this occasion to

see what kind of people worked for the Harvey family and its social circle.

Before long, the birthday banquet began. Invited guests came in waves and Madeline greeted Eliza's

relatives one after another. There were so many of them that Madeline felt overwhelmed.

Lone Wolf came with Mia too. When Thomas, Mackenzie, and Colton saw them, they immediately

stayed with Lone Wolf. Elise and Gabriel, who were nowhere to be seen, also came in with a bright

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smile. Madeline wondered what kind of identity Lone Wolf got them. It must be something prominent

because they were allowed to dine with Shane in the main hall. And when Madeline was busy passing

the dishes, she caught a glimpse of someone familiar. She blinked to make sure her eyes did not fool

him. It was Noah, who came without telling her. And he came with Wilda. Arm in arm, they entered the

main hall, immediately soliciting adoration from the people around.

Excuse me? Did all of you forget about a certain Mrs. Quincy in Imperia? Did everyone just selectively

ignore this piece of information now?

And suddenly, Wilda stumbled. Noah tried to support Wilda but instead, he pulled her into his embrace.

Wilda wasn't pretending or anything. She was stabbed by Colton. Noah didn't mean to pull her into his

embrace as well. He just felt sorry because his son did stab her.

But from Madeline's perspective, everything looked so staged. Her man came here, without telling her,

to see another woman. And they acted all lovey-dovey in public.

That was it. From now on, Noah was sleeping on the couch.

"Hey! Don't space out. Pass the dish." The helper next to Madeline gave a small nudge. She was quite

fed up with awestruck fangirls like Madeline.

Like, wake up, doofus. That hot Mr. Quincy is not going to notice you at all.

Wait. Is Mr. Quincy walking toward her? No way. She is such an ordinary woman. Well, I guess you can

argue that she is cute.

Madeline was busy passing the dishes. She did not realize the dumbfounded look her colleague was

wearing nor did she register Noah's signals. She plopped a spicy dish before Shane impatiently. The

butler was about to chastise Madeline, but Shane gave an order.

"You. Stay here to serve us the dishes."