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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33


Taking a look at the sky, | realized that twas far spent already. Aridah was calling as | thought of what could

possibly be happening in my pack without my presence. The Canthrastras weren't to be trusted or


In a sudden shift of the conversation, she inquired with a tone that resonated with longing.

“How are my parents?” Her voice carried a depth of emotion, revealing a heartfelt connection to her family.

“They're fine. | made sure of that.” | reassured her as a sense of responsibility underlined my words, and |

probed further, “You miss them?”

“Of course, | do.” She affirmed genuinely. Her acknowledgment resonated with a touch of nostalgia and a

yearning for familial connection.

“You know, you can always return when you're ready. They will surely welcyour well. The pack remains

yours.” | offered her a comforting pat on her shoulder which | supposed she very much needed.

“Thank you,” she mumbled inaudibly, but it didn’t skip my hearing.

With a smile, | announced my departure.

“So, bye. I'll be leaving too. I'll cvisit you when | get the chance. By then, | need a definite answer from


However, she seemed very concerned and interjected.

“Wait, where were you headed? The road ahead is quite dangerous.”

“I know that, Donnie. But it's a necessity forto go. | need to gather information about the recent happenings

in the pack.” The intensity in my voice hinted at the importance of the mission.

Concern etched on her face, she inquired anxiously, “Did something happen?” A hint of fear colored her tone,

reflecting her worry for the pack.

“Nothing to be worried about.” | reassured her. Yet, her skepticism prompted her to press further.

18:49 Fri, 1 Mar

Chapter 33

“I won't take that for a response. If it's not something to be worried about, you wouldn't be heading for the

dangerous Mountain of Canth right now. So, tellwhat's going on. Her authoritative ione showed concern and

determination, revealing a strong, assertive side that resonated with familiarity. My woman, she is!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Okay, fine. Actually, I'm heading for the land of Aridah.” | told her, still amused by the way she questioned me


“The forbidden land of Aridah where the Canthrastras were sealed?” She gasped, surprised.

“Yes, I'm going to that very point.” | replied, “Sincident occurred in the pack and suspicions are that it is

related to the Canthrastras. | need to go there to inspect the seal and see if there are planning anything.

“But why are you going alone? Shouldn't you go with your better or Gammas, or probably the garrisons? You

might get hurt if you go alone. It’s been a while anyone ventured there. No one can tell the current state of that


“Is this you been worried about me” | taunted her.

“I'm only being worried as member of your pack. Nothing more. If anything should happen to you, the pack will

be in disorder and my parent's safety won't be guaranteed.” She analysed the reason for her concern but | knew

she was feigning it. Her reasons were beyond that, the bonds were working.

“I'm an Alpha, Donnie. What harm can possibly cto me?”

“Sure, you're an alpha. But sthings are possibly done better when you have more hands to help.”

“You're right, though. Just take care of yourself on the way. It's late already.” | bade her goodbye once again.

“No, wait! I'm coming with you.”

“Did | hear you right? No, you're not doing that.” | disagreed with her. “I want you to Don’t even think of

followingat all.” The sternness in my voice reflected a protective instinct, urging her to prioritize her safety.

return hto Athena this want, Donnie.

‘No, | insist. | will follow you. You can think of it as having a pet around you to ward off evil.” She stood her

ground. Her declaration holding both determination and a touch of humor, a surprising stance given the

seriousness of the situation.

18.49 Fr. 1 Mar D

Chapter 33

“I won't agree with that, Willow. That place is very dangerous just like you know already and | can’t stand you

getting hurt. | won't he able to take it if you get hurt.”

“It's not necessary i get hurt, Alpha. I'm sure you're capable of protecting me.” She walked up to me, holding my

hand like a baby begging his parents for something. Her words were true. | can protect her but I didn’t want to

take risk.

On a second thought, | felt it won't be bad to take her with me. That way, we would bond more along the way.

“0k, fine. But won't Athena be worried about your late return?”

“No, she won't. She knows I'll surely return.” She smiled at me.

Together, we headed towards the land of Aridah. Silence endured between us at first when we started the

journey but she broke the silence just right when we got to the Mountain of Canth.

“How did you kill the assassins?” Curiosity laced her question.

| have my ways. | responded cryptically with a smirk on my face.

Ever persistent, Donnie pressed on.

I know you have your ways, but | want to know. Else, | won't ask.”

“It's a secret.” | answered playfully as my tone conveyed a sense of reluctance to reveal the details. | didn’t want

to tell her about the Death force just yet for so many reasons. The matter of the Death force has always been a

secret and telling her before we're mated would mean breaking the rules. That, | couldn't afford..

“Making it two secrets you failed to tell me.” She commented, makingrecall that | had told her the method |

used in healing her wound was a secret.

“Since you really want to know, choose one. Would you like to know how | heaked your wounds or how I killed

them?” | played a gamble with the hope that she chooses how I heal her wound, placing a probability of about

eighty per ent on it. That was because | noticed her skillful care when uprooting the White Dasier. It's either

she’s versed in healing, learnt it or she has a thing for it.

“I'll rather know how you treated my wound than know how you killed them since | can’t know both and I'm not

planning to kill anyone anytsoon.”

As expected, | won the gamble.

Chapter 33

“About that, it's easy. Since we have a fated connection between us and I'm an Alpha, my blood could heal your

wounds when it reacts with yours.” | explained.

“Wow! That's amazing.” She sounded surprised.

“So you can heal any sick person in the pack right?”

“No, not everyone. Only people that are directly connected toin one way or the other. Like | said, we have a

bond between us which is why it worked.”

We continued our journey ahead and soon, we climbed the Mountain of Canth which was the only barrier for us

to reach the Land of Aridah.

“Wow, it's so high here,” Sidonnic commented as she looked around us, studying the envoironment.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yes, it is.” | chipped in affirmatively.

“You know, sometago, | really wanted to walk up to somewhere very high and just yell out my pains and

worries into the space in the absence of everyone.

“And why didn’t you do it?”

“I didn’t have the chance to due to sreasons.”

“You can chere withanytyou want in the future.” | assured, holding her hand but she only stared up

at me, avoiding my gaze as she kept mute.

“How were you able to cope during the past three years?” | changed our topic of discussion. Since | saw her once

again, I've always been wondering how she was able to pull it through all alone without the support or directive

of anyone.

“It’s not been easy,” she heaved a sigh. “But | just have to work hard. Out there, it’s all about survival.”

“It's everywhere. Survival is key.”

“That's true enough. But there's difference in the way we all want to survive. Sreally need it while some

only need to in little ways and little efforts. Those are the people who have everything already made for them.”

“But do you know having everything made for one doesn’t mean one’s lucky. It will have to depend on how well

you can live with those things provided and left for you.” | pointed out. “You know, I'm a bit jealous of you.” |


Chapter 33

“Jealous of me? In what way?”

“Since childhood, | didn’t have the chance to do what I really want. It's always for the pack, for the future or for

the elders. It'll always be for something or someone asides. myself...”

“Wait!” Sidonnie interrupted suddenly and stopped walking.”

“What the matter?” | asked, fully alert while eye searching around for any signs of danger.

“Don’t you feel this place is more silent than it should? Given the talks and legends. about it?” She noted. Truth

be told, she was right. We've entered the mountain boundaries for a while and no threat or beast cout way.

Something was wrong somewhere. But before | can conclude, | needed to get to Aridahfirst.

“Let's hasten up.” | said, holding Sidonnie’s hand tightly as we increased our walking speed.

