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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1892-1895
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“It’s almost here! It’s almost there!”

Ji Yuanzun used the burning essence and blood as a guide to escape, vomiting blood along the way

without stopping at all.

Finally, after some sprinting, Ji Yuanzun quickly saw the tall wall in front of the base.

As long as he crosses the wall, he will be safe.

There are so many miraculous medicines in the base, and there is always one that can cure the poison

in the body.

There is hope, he is still alive!

”Open the city gate! Open the city gate quickly!”

When he rushed to the underground of the city wall, Ji Yuanzun had reached his limit, staggering and

unable to stand firmly.

Especially that face, which was black and purple, and black blood was still leaking out from the mouth

and nose.


As soon as Ji Yuanzun finished speaking, several siege crossbows as thick as an arm suddenly shot

out from the city wall.

Each siege crossbow contains a hundred thousand kilograms of power and is extremely powerful.

Ji Yuanzun’s eyelids twitched and he quickly dodged.

”Bang, bang, bang!”

Several siege crossbows finally hit Ji Yuanzun half a meter in front of him. The huge power caused half

of the crossbow to sink deep into the ground, leaving only the back half outside, trembling slightly.

There were roars.

”Hey! Are you crazy? I am the master of the Dragon Protection Pavilion! Open your dog eyes and see

clearly!” Ji Yuanzun roared towards the city wall.

The soldiers on the city wall did not react at all. Instead, they raised their weapons and pointed them at

Ji Yuanzun.

All kinds of heavy firepower were also activated one after another.

Countless cannons and guns were aimed at Ji Yuanzun under the city wall at the same time.

Just wait for an order to kill him to pieces.

”You blind guys! Don’t you even know me? Open the city gate quickly! Otherwise I won’t be able to

spare you!” Ji Yuanzun roared repeatedly.

He thought he had been saved, but he never expected that he would be blocked at the door of his


What the hell are these guys doing?

”Ji Yuanzun, your death is about to begin, so I’ll capture you immediately. I can still give you a good


At this time, a cold and stern voice came from behind.

Dustin and three others had followed and blocked Ji Yuanzun’s retreat.

”Quick! Fire quickly! Kill them!”

Ji Yuanzun came back to his senses, pointed at Dustin and the three of them and roared.

On top of the city wall, a group of soldiers looked indifferent and did not react at all, as if they had not

heard anything.

”Are you all deaf? I’ll let you fire!” Ji Yuanzun roared hysterically.

Because he was too excited, he spat out another mouthful of black blood, and his spirit became even

more depressed.

”The God-Destroying Poison is really powerful. Even a character like Ji Yuanzun can’t withstand it. It’s

really incredible!”

Looking at Ji Yuanzun who was on the verge of collapse, Dustin Kate couldn’t help but feel shocked.

As the fifth strongest person in the world-shattering list, there is no doubt about his strength.

Even if the three of them join forces, they can’t win head-on.

But now, after being poisoned by the God-Destroying Poison, Ji Yuanzun’s vitality is rapidly passing

away, and now he is completely exhausted.

”No need to shout anymore, the soldiers on the city wall are not from your Dragon Guard Pavilion at

all.” Dustin said coldly.

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Chapter 1893

”Stop! If they are not from my Dragon Guard Pavilion, could they be from your Prince of West

Lucozia?” Ji Yuanzun shouted with red eyes.

”Yes, they are indeed all my people.”

Dustin admitted straightforwardly: “When you led the team to ambush us, my troops had already taken

advantage of the opportunity and captured your base. Now , this place belongs to me!”

”Dustin! Stop scaring people here!”

Ji Yuanzun shouted with a ferocious look: “Although I brought a lot of elites out this time, there are still

at least 30,000 soldiers and horses in the base. , coupled with various defensive measures, without

more than 100,000 troops, it is impossible to attack in a short time. Your West Lucozia Black Dragon

Army is under my surveillance. If you mobilize more than 100,000 troops, how can I possibly Don’t


”Who said I was calling the Black Dragon Army?”

Dustin said with an indifferent expression: “You can naturally think of anything I can think of, so this

time, in order to wipe out the remnants of you, I specially invited Foreign aid.”

Last night, he sent a letter with Thorian Rhys, asking him to spread it quickly, just to move


Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time and completed all his plans.

”Foreign aid? What foreign aid?”

Ji Yuanzun frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

”The largest army closest to West Lucozia is the White Tiger Army in the southwest, and the

commander of the White Tiger Army is the military god Adam Spanner. Unfortunately, Adam Spanner is

my best friend.” Dustin said calmly.

”White Tiger Army? Adam Spanner? How is that possible? You are lying!”

Ji Yuanzun shook his head wildly, completely unable to believe Dustin’s words.

”If you don’t believe me, look back and see for yourself.”

Dustin did not explain, but raised his chin behind him.

Ji Yuanzun seemed to feel something. He looked back and saw the gate of the city wall slowly opening.

Immediately afterwards, a young man wearing silver armor and a handsome mask walked out with a

team of elite soldiers, his head held high.

The young man is none other than the military god Adam Spanner!

”Ji Yuanzun, how are you? Are you surprised?”

”In order to deal with you, I dispatched 200,000 white tiger troops this time, plus 30,000 black dragon

troops from West Lucozia, and finally captured This your base.” Adam Spanner had a smile on his lips,

but his eyes were cold.

The person in front of him has too big a plan. It can be said that he is extremely ambitious to control the

Prince of West Lucozia, hold the imperial power, and become the common ruler of the world.

But unfortunately, it fell short in the end.

The reason was that he underestimated the enemy too much and did not take Kirin seriously.

”Adam Spanner? Is it really you?!”

Ji Yuanzun’s body shook, as if his whole body had been struck by lightning.

When he saw Adam Spanner walking out of the base, he understood that Dustin was not lying.

The base has fallen, and he is completely defeated now!

”How could this happen? How could this happen?”

Ji Yuanzun kept shaking his head, still finding it difficult to accept the fact: “No…no! It is impossible to

mobilize an army of 200,000 without imperial orders, and I have already planted spies around the

emperor. If he wants to mobilize the army, I should know about it soon.” “Mobilizing the army does not

require an official order in person, just a military talisman is enough.” Adam Spanner said with a smile.

”It can’t be done in one night from West Lucozia to Stonia and then back to Stonia!” Ji Yuanzun denied


”Why go to Stonia to get the military talisman? Dustin has a key person beside him who can act on

behalf of the officials.”

Adam Spanner said, taking the initiative to move out of the way, and at the same time bent down to

salute: “Your Highness, please.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a graceful woman wearing white clothes and a hat and veil slowly

walked out.

The woman is none other than the princess of the Dragonmarsh Kingdom, Margaret, who is at the top

of the rouge list!

Chapter 1894

“Ji Yuanzun, you have brought disaster to the country and the people, and your crimes are extremely

heinous. You must be arrested immediately, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!”

Margaret’s voice was cold and her aura was strong. In her hand, she was holding a golden token

representing imperial power.

She left Stonia this time and followed Dustin to West Lucozia, originally to deal with the remnants of

Hulong Pavilion, so she made various preparations.

The golden order to mobilize troops was given by her father himself, just in case.

Fortunately, this golden order played a big role, otherwise it would be impossible to mobilize troops

across provinces, and it would still be 200,000 White Tiger troops.

”Why? Why is this happening?”

After seeing Adam Spanner and Margaret, Ji Yuanzun staggered back with despair on his face.

Between his mouth and nose, black blood flowed more.

”Ji Yuanzun has been defeated, and there is no possibility of a comeback. After today, the Dragon

Guard Pavilion will no longer exist. You bunch of scoundrels hiding in the darkness will finally have to

pay the price for your actions.” Dustin said coldly.

”No! I haven’t lost yet! There is no way I will lose!”

Ji Yuanzun looked up to the sky and screamed hysterically: “It took a lot of effort for me to get to where

I am today. It took a lot of effort for me to have the opportunity to become the co-owner of the world.

How could I lose? For you brats like this?!”

He endured it for many years and finally came forward and became the master of the Dragon

Protection Pavilion.

He thought he could gain supreme power, but just a few days later, he suffered a heavy blow, and now

he is forced into a desperate situation.

He is not willing to give in!

I am not willing to fail like this, I am not willing to be defeated by a few young people, and I am not

willing to die like this.

”Ji Yuanzun, don’t you understand yet?”

Adam Spanner said calmly: “Ever since the Sword Immortal Bai Ye cut off the dragon veins and

obliterated the Dragon Protection Pavilion, you have lost your momentum and your luck. If you hide in

the darkness and linger on, you may still be able to live a few more years, but you should absolutely

not be greedy, and should not have ideas for the Prince of West Lucozia. From the moment you make

a decision, you are destined to fail. This is God’s will and the general trend. Accept your fate.”

“What bullshit God’s will? I don’t accept it! I don’t accept it!”

”I am the one destined by destiny! I am the leader of the world! There is no way you guys can beat me!”

I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!”

Ji Yuanzun roared angrily, looking like a madman.

The gentian red flame spear flickered, and the whole person turned into a bloody light and shadow, and

rushed towards Dustin.

It’s all about death anyway, so before you die, take someone with you.

”Go to hell!!”

Ji Yuanzun’s eyes were red, and all the blood and essence in his body was burning.

Black blood kept pouring out between his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, but at this time, he no longer



Dustin snorted coldly. Without dodging, he held the Sky Sword and stabbed forward.

The two were so fast that they covered a hundred meters in the blink of an eye and crashed into each



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There was a loud noise.

The moment the sword tip and the spear tip touched, a terrifying energy wave erupted instantly.

All flowers, plants and trees within a hundred meters radius evaporated, and the powerful air wave

swept away in all directions with a devastating force.

Under the terrifying impact, Dustin was shaken back several steps and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chapter 1895

Ji Yuanzun, on the other hand, flew upside down more than ten meters away, vomiting blood.

His entire arm had exploded, the gentian red flame spear had been ejected, and his whole body was

lying on the ground like a rag, dying.

”Your Highness, are you okay?”

Albert quickly stepped forward and supported Dustin, who was shaking.

”I’m fine…”

Dustin felt the blood surge in his body, his arms were numb, and he could barely hold the sword steady.

Although Ji Yuanzun had been seriously injured, the full blow just now should not be underestimated.

He was so shocked that he vomited blood.

Fortunately, the God-Destroying Poison in Ji Yuanzun’s body has already taken effect. Otherwise, he

might not be able to defeat the opponent today.


”I’m not willing to… I’m not willing to give in!”

Ji Yuanzun lay on the ground, roaring feebly. His hands dug into the ground and scratched out several

long finger marks.

The originally ugly face became even more ferocious now.

”Do you have any last words?”

Dustin walked forward slowly, holding the Sky Sword, and looked at Ji Yuanzun condescendingly.

The once great hero of today’s generation is now like an old dog on the verge of death.

Embarrassing, miserable, and a bit ferocious in the struggle to death.

”Dustin! You despicable villain!”

”If you hadn’t framed me, I wouldn’t have lost, let alone where I am today!”

”I won’t accept it! I won’t accept it even to the death!”

Ji Yuanzun roared, Looking crazy.

His opponent was a world-famous figure like King Rufus Rhys of West Lucozia, who was the emperor

of the day.

Unexpectedly, today, he would be defeated by a few brats.

This was hard for him to accept and made him even more dissatisfied.


Dustin snorted coldly: “It’s so ironic that such words come from your mouth! You sent people to

assassinate my father, sow discord, bewitched my third uncle to rebel, and caused trouble in West

Lucozia. What kind of thing is not Despicable? Now that the defeat is certain, you actually start to talk

about truth. Don’t you think you are ridiculous? Besides, I don’t care whether you accept it or not, I just

want you to die!” “Hahaha…”

Hearing this , Ji Yuanzun suddenly laughed wildly: “Dustin, Dustin, so what if you kill me? Do you think

you will win? It’s just a dream! Our Dragon Guard Pavilion is deeply rooted and has members all over

the world, even if you kill me, more people will come out. Sooner or later, they will avenge me and

destroy your Prince of West Lucozia!”

“You reminded me that before killing you, I will issue a nationwide edict to arrest all the guards.

Members of the Dragon Pavilion, if they surrender early, they can avoid death. If they are stubborn,

they will end up like you.” Dustin said coldly.

”There are so many people in the world, can you kill them all? As long as there is one person left in the

Dragon Protection Pavilion, there will be a chance to make a comeback. I am dead, but our spirit will

never die!” Ji Yuanzun laughed.

”Really? Then I want to see if your spirit can be destroyed?”

After saying this, Dustin raised his hand and cut off Ji Yuanzun’s head with a sword.

Even before his death, Ji Yuanzun had a sinister smile and madness on his face.

Dustin raised Ji Yuanzun’s head with one hand and shouted to the sky: “I declare that from today

onwards, Dragon Guard Pavilion will be destroyed!”