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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 2331-2360
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Chapter: 2331

Liu Xiangsi became a little anxious: “Didn’t you press the entire Jishi Hall when those hooligans made

trouble before? And you also pressed Lu Chen! Why would you rather trust an outsider than me?

Why?! ”

She almost yelled out the last sentence.

“Girl, it was forced before, but now it’s your willfulness. You have to understand the difference between

the two.” Liu Gongquan frowned and explained.

“I don’t care, I don’t care!”

Liu Xiangsi didn’t listen at all, and was very emotional: “Why is it that Lu Chen deserves your pressure

on Jishitang, but I can’t? If you don’t believe me today, I will sever ties with you!”


Liu Gongquan was furious for a moment.

I was annoyed and helpless again.

Why is this girl so stubborn?

In order to win a sigh of relief, as for risking all his wealth?

“Master, although Junior Sister is a little impulsive, what she said makes sense.”

At this time, Liu Cong began to chime in, “I am familiar with this woman, Yin Tao. She has no ink in her

stomach. In terms of poetry and prose talent, she is completely incomparable with my junior sister. I

believe my junior sister will definitely win!”

“Yes, Master, Junior Sister Xiangsi is recognized as a talented woman. She is very good at reciting

poems and composing. She can completely crush this rich girl!” Qian Chun agreed.

“Master! Wealth and honor come from danger. If we can win the 100 million yuan, our Jishitang will be

able to save more patients. This is a great merit!” All the disciples persuaded.


Under the overwhelming public praise, Liu Gongquan couldn’t help but feel a little shaken.

Now the arrow is on the string and has no choice but to act. If she rejects her granddaughter, this girl

will be impulsive, and she doesn’t know what stupid thing she will do.

On the contrary, if you agree and win the bet, you can solve a lot of troubles for Ji Shitang.

For a moment, he had a hard time making a choice.

“Master, agree, I am willing to vouch for junior sister!” Liu Cong offered another favor.

“Since you said so, let this girl do whatever she wants for once.”

After hesitating again and again, Liu Gongquan finally nodded, and then added seriously: “But it’s just

this once, it won’t be the same next time!”

“No problem.” Liu Cong nodded.

“Thank you, grandpa!” Liu Xiangsi also smiled happily.

“Haha… I thought you didn’t dare to gamble, but I didn’t expect you still have some backbone. It’s a

pity, you are destined to lose.” Yin Tao said with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

“Losing? Huh! What a joke! I know how much you have. With your talent, you are not even worthy of

carrying my shoes!” Liu Xiangsi snorted.

During her four years in college, she knew everything about Yin Tao, but she also knew herself and her


It is no exaggeration to say that the words she writes with her toes are more beautiful than the other


“Since you are so confident, let’s just wait and see. I just hope you won’t regret it then.”

Yin Tao smiled meaningfully, then took the man beside her and sat in the private seat not far away.

Chapter: 2332

After a while, the cultural evening held by the Emperor Building was about to begin.

“Distinguished guests, everyone, good evening.”

After the cultural evening party started, a fair and plump middle-aged man walked up to the stage with

a smile, and then bowed to the guests from all over the stage to show respect.

In terms of etiquette, he was very thoughtful and did not neglect at all.

“My surname is Chen, and I am the shopkeeper here. Thank you all for coming to the Imperial Tower.”

The fat man smiled and said: “Tonight is another cultural exchange meeting held every three months.

Our big boss has specially selected a good treasure from the treasure table as a bonus tonight to give

everyone a boost. Interested. Of course, our aim is to make friends through literature, not to win or

lose, but to talk about romance.”

“Shopkeeper Chen, what exactly is the treasure prepared by your boss? Let us open our eyes?” A man

suddenly said loudly.

“Yes! We came here specifically for this, please don’t let us down.” Many people started cheering.

“Don’t be impatient, everyone, I will immediately order someone to bring the baby up, so that you can

have a quick look at it.”

The fat white man bowed slightly and immediately gestured to the two people next to him.

The two people quickly understood, and after a while, they brought out a rectangular wooden box.

The wooden box is half a meter wide and 1.5 meters long, and the whole body is made of golden


Just such a box is worth a lot of money, not to mention the treasures inside?


Under the attention of everyone, the fat white man slowly opened the wooden box.

A framed painting is revealed inside.

The content of the painting is a woman in palace clothes, sitting in a pavilion, admiring the snowy

scenery outside.

The woman has a slim figure and a refined temperament, even though only half of her face is exposed.

But it is still breathtakingly beautiful and captivating.

Especially those eyes, bright and enchanting, as if they could seduce the soul.

The beautiful woman with excellent appearance, combined with the snowy scene as white as jade, the

two complement each other and bring out the best in each other, ultimately creating a magnificent


“What a nice view!”

After seeing the painting, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Regardless of whether they were men or women, everyone was shocked by this painting.

At first glance, it is not only beautiful, but also has an indescribable artistic conception.

The more I look at it, the more charming I feel, and the more I look at it, the more heartwarming I feel.

“I didn’t expect there to be such stunning beauty in the world?”

Liu Cong was stunned, his eyes seemed to be shining.

Although he was not a person who was obsessed with sex, he still couldn’t take his eyes away when

he saw such a beautiful beauty.

That appearance, that temperament, and the charm displayed in every frown and smile are really


Chapter: 2333

“If I could marry such a woman, I would live ten years shorter!” Qian Chun kept swallowing.

The other Jishi Hall disciples were also fascinated.

No one thought that a painting could have such magic power.

“Huh! There can’t be such a perfect woman in the world. The artist must have made it up!” Liu Xiangsi

looked jealous.

Although she was very confident in her appearance, compared with the woman in the painting, she

couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed of herself.

So she was sure that the person in the painting must be fake.

“Shopkeeper Chen, what is the origin of this painting? Who is the beauty in the painting?”

At this time, a man suddenly asked.

“To be honest, this painting is the work of Master Daoxuan, and it’s called: Picture of Beauty!” The fat

white man introduced.

“What? This turned out to be a painting by Master Daoxuan?”

“Master Daoxuan? Could it be that master of poetry and painting?”

“That’s right! Master Daoxuan is known as the contemporary saint of poetry and painting. Every one of

his paintings is hard to find!”

After knowing the origin of the work, the whole scene was in an uproar.

The people who appear here tonight are more or less fond of elegance.

Legendary figures like Master Daoxuan are even more popular.

Poetry and painting are two completely different categories.

It is not easy to learn one of them.

People who know both are undoubtedly rare.

As for an existence like Master Daoxuan whose poetry and painting had reached its peak, it was simply

unheard of.

The key point is that Master Daoxuan is a maverick. He regards money as dirt and never writes poems

or paintings easily.

Therefore, whenever a work by Master Daoxuan is released, it will be auctioned for a large amount of

money and regarded as a treasure.

Many arty dignitaries are proud of getting an authentic copy of Master Daoxuan.

Now that I see it with my own eyes, I am naturally fascinated.

“I believe you all know how rare Master Daoxuan’s authentic works are. If our boss hadn’t had a close

relationship with Master Daoxuan, I might not have been able to obtain this beautiful painting.” The fat

white man said with a smile.

“As expected of Master Daoxuan’s work, this picture of beauty is so vivid, it’s like a heavenly girl

descending to earth, it’s absolutely amazing!”

“It’s a great honor to be able to witness the authentic work of Master Daoxuan!”

“Wait… I heard that Master Daoxuan’s paintings focus on the truth. Isn’t the beauty in this painting


Everyone chatted and chatted, and suddenly realized the problem.

“This distinguished guest is right. The beauty in the painting is not a fabrication, but a real existence.”

The fat man paused for a moment, and after everyone’s curiosity was aroused, he said loudly: “To tell

you the truth, the original body in this beauty picture is the number one beauty in the Dragon Kingdom,

and the top of the rouge list—— Li Qingcheng!”

Chapter: 2334

“What? Li Qingcheng?!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place instantly became a sensation.

All of them were surprised and excited.

Li Qingcheng’s three characters have become very famous in recent years.

However, this woman is extremely mysterious.

No one knows what she looks like, no one knows what background she has.

Everyone only knows that a few years ago, the name Li Qingcheng came out of nowhere, defeating all

the stunning beauties on the rouge list and topping the list.

Since then, she has been hailed as the number one beauty in the Dragon Kingdom!

Although he has dominated the list for several consecutive years, Li Qingcheng has never appeared in


So far, no one knows what she looks like?

However, the more this is the case, the more curious it is.

So after hearing that the person in the painting was Li Qingcheng, all the guests present looked


Although the beauty in the painting has only half a face, it is still hard to find its peerless beauty.

At the top of the rouge list, the most beautiful woman in the Dragon Kingdom truly deserves her


“Master Daoxuan’s paintings, coupled with Li Qingcheng’s flourishing style, does tonight’s treasure

meet your expectations?” The fat white man said with a smile.

“Hahaha…Okay! It’s really a good baby! I’m going to order this beauty picture tonight!”

“Fart! The beauty picture is mine, no one can take it away!”

“Hmph! What’s the use of talking? Whether you can get a picture of a beauty or not will depend on your



After a lot of fueling, the atmosphere in the entire Emperor Building has reached its peak.

Everyone is gearing up and ready to show off their talents.

“Since everyone is in high spirits, I won’t hold back any more.”

Clearing his throat, the fat white man continued: “Today’s question from our boss is not poetry, but our

traditional Lantern Festival activity, guessing lantern riddles.”

“Guess lantern riddles?”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Immediately, they looked at each other in blank dismay, a little unclear.

In the past, the competition was all about poetry, poetry, calligraphy, and painting. Why did you end up

guessing lantern riddles today?

You know, in order to win the first place.

Many dignitaries specially spent a lot of money to invite some poetry experts or literary talents to help


Nowadays, it is no longer compared to poetry, nor calligraphy and painting, but inexplicably compared

to guessing lantern riddles.

Chapter: 2335

Isn’t their previous arrangements all in vain?

“Shopkeeper Chen, isn’t Dou Yidou’s poetry good? If you suddenly do this, aren’t you deliberately

making things difficult for us?” Someone expressed dissatisfaction.

“My dear guest, I misunderstood. The questions given by our boss are all randomly selected, and there

is no intentional difficulty. Please forgive me.” The fat white man nodded slightly.

“Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, just guess lantern riddles. What’s so big about it?”

“That’s right. People like us who are well-read in poetry and books, why should we be afraid of mere

lantern riddles?”

“Now, it’s finally time to test your literary skills. Whether it’s a mule or a horse, pull them all out!”


Everyone was chattering and urging one after another.

“Junior sister, you are good at poetry. Are you confident about guessing lantern riddles?”

In the private seat, Liu Cong couldn’t help asking.

“Brother, don’t worry, you can understand everything in writing, even poetry and songs can’t trouble

me, let alone a small lantern riddle?” Liu Xiangsi was full of confidence.

In her opinion, guessing lantern riddles and other unfashionable things are only played by ordinary


An elegant person like her dismisses it at all, because there is no challenge at all.

As long as she makes a move, it will definitely be a dimensionality reduction blow.

“That’s good, that’s good…”

Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: “If junior sister can win this beauty picture,

can you sell it to senior brother? I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy it!”

“Senior brother, I’m seeing someone else. As long as you like it, why not give it to you?” Liu Xiangsi

was very generous.

That confident look seemed to have won the day.

“Thank you, Junior Sister!”

Liu Cong’s face lit up, and his heart beat faster.

This picture of a beauty is simply a priceless treasure. If it is used well, it can even make the Liu family

rise to the sky in one step!

“Since you have no objections, let’s start now.”

After the surroundings became quieter, the fat white man waved and ordered someone to bring a

sealed box.

There was a hole in the top of the box, just big enough to put a hand in.

The fat white man lifted up his sleeves, put his hand into the hole, and after a brief exploration, he took

out a card.

He opened it and took a look, then said loudly: “The riddle of the first question is: the bright moon hides

the tall trees, guess a word.”

“The bright moon hides behind the tall trees?”

Hearing this, everyone quickly showed contemplative expressions.

They are really not very good at guessing lantern riddles.

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Many people have only a half-knowledge and are purely guessing by luck.

Chapter: 2336

“Junior sister, how should I explain the bright moon hidden in the tall tree?” Liu Cong was a little



Liu Xiangsi was at a loss for words for a while, she didn’t know how to answer, so she could only say:

“Senior brother, let me think about it first.”

“Okay, think about it slowly, don’t worry.”

Liu Cong didn’t dare to push anymore, for fear of interrupting Liu Xiangsi’s train of thought.

“The bright moon hides the tall tree. Guess a word. It is not difficult to understand the meaning from the

surface. The word should be related to the moon and trees.”

Liu Xiangsi tapped the table lightly with her fingers, muttering to herself.

After a while, she seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up: “Brother! I know

what the word is!”

“Oh? What is it?” Liu Cong regained his energy in an instant.

“It’s the word ‘悂’!”

Liu Xiangsi said confidently: “The bright moon represents ‘moon’, and the tall trees represent ‘wood’.

When the two are combined, they just form the word ‘悂’!”

“‘枂’? Are you sure?” Liu Cong asked tentatively.

“Of course! How can such a simple lantern riddle be hidden from me? I can easily solve it with just a

little use of my brain.” Liu Xiangsi was full of confidence.

“Junior Sister Acacia is really amazing, she has solved the mystery so quickly, she is indeed a

recognized talented woman!” Qian Chun boasted.

“That’s right! With Junior Sister here, we can not only win the beauty picture, but also earn 100 million!”

The disciples of Jishi Hall were very excited.

“Hmph…it’s just a mere lantern riddle. It’s really not a challenge at all. I can’t use my talents at all.” Liu

Xiangsi looked proud.

Hearing this, Lu Chen just shook his head and chuckled.

This woman is really overconfident, she didn’t examine the questions clearly, she just made random

conclusions, she was really convinced.

“Hey! Why are you laughing? Am I right?”

Liu Xiangsi glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Lu Chen secretly laughing, her pretty face

immediately turned cold and she was very dissatisfied.

“Of course not.”

Lu Chen said lightly: “Mingyue hides the tall tree, and the focus is on the word ‘yin’. How could the word

you made up randomly be the correct answer?”

“Bah! Who do you think you are? How dare you teach me?”

Liu Xiangsi glared, and shouted: “I know all about poetry, poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting, why

do you point fingers in front of me?!”

“That’s right! Junior Sister Xiangsi is recognized as a talented woman. She has been writing and writing

since she was a child. How can you, a mountain villager like you, have the courage to show off in front

of Junior Sister Xiangsi?” Qian Chun sneered.

“I’m just reminding you, it’s up to you to believe it or not.” Lu Chen shrugged.

Anyway, it’s not him who is embarrassed.

“Brother Lu, from your tone, do you already have an answer?” Liu Cong asked casually.

“If you guess correctly, the answer should be the word ‘Yao’.” Lu Chen replied.

“‘杳’ character?”

Chapter: 2337

Liu Cong touched his chin, and before he could ask further questions, Liu Xiangsi snorted coldly: “The

word ‘杳’ is nonsense!

The riddle clearly refers to the moon and the trees, but it can only be the word ‘枂’, what does it have to

do with ‘yao’? I really don’t understand and pretend to understand! ”

“It’s still the same sentence, believe it or not.” Lu Chen didn’t bother to argue.

Some people never look back until they hit the wall.

“Senior brother, this guy is just trying to flatter me. Don’t pay attention. Just listen to me and write the

word ‘枂’ on the newspaper. You will definitely win the first question!” Liu Xiangsi was very conceited.

“Okay! Junior sister is talented, I believe in you!”

Liu Cong nodded, and immediately raised his hand: “Master Chen, I know the answer to the puzzle!”


The fat white man raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: “Dare to ask Young Master Liu,

what is the answer to the riddle?”

“It’s the word ‘悂’!”

Liu Cong vowed: “The bright moon hides the tall tree, which refers to the moon and the tree. The

combination of the two is ‘枂’. There is no other answer!”

As soon as these words came out, many people started whispering.

Discuss whether this answer is correct.

“Liu Shao, are you sure it’s the word ‘枂’, why don’t you think about it again?” the fat man persuaded.

“Don’t think about it, it must be the word ‘枂’, just announce the result!” Liu Cong urged.

“Young Master Liu, I’m sorry, but your answer was wrong.” The fat white man shook his head.

“What is wrong?”

Liu Cong was stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Xiangsi subconsciously.

Didn’t you say take it steadily? Why is it so wrong the first time you open your mouth?

“How is that possible? How could my answer be wrong?”

Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened and she couldn’t believe it.

She is proficient in poetry, music, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, how could she even guess

the lantern riddles wrong?

There must be something shady!

Someone deliberately targeted her!

“Hey! Why do you say that my answer is wrong? How could I guess wrong for such a simple lantern

riddle?” Liu Xiangsi couldn’t help but clamored.

She was very dissatisfied. As a talented woman, she had her own pride.

It is impossible for her to be difficult for a mere lantern riddle.

“Miss, please don’t get excited. The answer to the crossword puzzle has been fixed for a long time. The

word you provided is indeed wrong.” The fat white man tried to explain.

“Okay! If you say my answer is wrong, then announce the correct answer immediately. I want to see if

there is any answer that is better than mine!” Liu Xiangsi was aggressive.

“Miss, other guests haven’t guessed yet. It’s against the rules to announce the answer now. If no one

can guess this question, I will announce the result afterwards. I hope you can stay safe.” The white fat

man said neither humble nor overbearing. road.

Chapter: 2338

“Liu Xiangsi, Liu Xiangsi, if you are wrong, you are wrong. You are a talented girl, you can’t afford to

lose, can you?”

At this time, a strange voice came from the side lightly.

The person who spoke was none other than Yin Tao, who was holding the wine glass.

“Who says I can’t afford to lose? My answer is absolutely right!” Liu Xiangsi stared.

“Hehe…you are still as conceited as ever.”

Yin Tao picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said with a faint smile: “Do you know why I hate you?

Because you obviously have no ability, but you still claim to be noble and arrogant like a peacock. Just

like now, you are obviously wrong, but you still can’t die. Admit it, it’s disgusting.”

“You fart! Why do you say I’m wrong? Do you think you are better than me?” Liu Xiangsi shouted.

“Why? I already have the correct answer.”

Yin Tao stood up gracefully, glanced at the fat man, and said with a smile: “Shopkeeper Chen, the

answer I gave is the word ‘杳’.”

“Hmph! It’s really a donkey’s head and a horse’s mouth!”

Liu Xiangsi crossed her arms and snorted: “The word ‘Yao’ in your mouth is completely inconsistent

with the riddle. If this is the correct answer, I will write the name upside down!”


Yin Tao jokingly smiled: “Master Chen, please announce the results. Is my word ‘Yao’ correct?”

“Congratulations, Miss Yin, the answer is correct.” The fat man nodded slightly.


As soon as these words came out, Liu Xiangsi froze as if she had received an electric shock.

She didn’t expect that the word she sneered at turned out to be the correct answer?

How can it be? !

“Liu Xiangsi, how are you? Are you surprised? Very unexpected?”

Yin Tao raised the corner of her mouth and teased: “According to your temper, do you want to say that

there is a shady story? Is the Emperor Tower deliberately favoring me?”

“That’s right! I’m not convinced!”

Liu Xiangsi shouted unwillingly: “Why is the word ‘Yao’? Why is it not the word ‘枂’? You must give me a

reasonable explanation today!”

“Okay, I will make you convinced that you have lost today.”

Yin Tao snapped her fingers and signaled the young man beside her to stand up.

The man was soft and frail, full of bookish aura, but what he said was very loud and clear: “The bright

moon is hidden under the tall tree. This lantern riddle is not difficult. The key is the word ‘hidden’. ‘Ming

Yue’ refers to the moon. The moon is hidden.” When the word “日” is gone, only the word “日” is left,

and Gaoshu refers to the top of the tree, so if we take the word “木” and add the word “木” to the word

“日”, wouldn’t it mean the word “杳” ? This is the solution to the mystery.”

After saying that, the book man Shi Shiran sat down.

“Okay! Good solution!”

“What Mr. Sir said really enlightened me. It turns out that this is the correct answer.”


After hearing the answer to the riddle, many people applauded and expressed their admiration.

Chapter: 2339

Some things seem very simple, but if you can’t find the key to deciphering them, it’s like being in a fog

and never seeing the light of day.

“It turned out to be ‘Yao’, so didn’t I just miss a good opportunity?”

After recovering, Liu Cong regretted his mistake and almost slapped himself.

Damn, if only I had listened to Lu Chen just now.

It’s good now, not only did he not show off, but he also lost people.

“Why is the word ‘杳’ called? How can it be called ‘杳’?”

Liu Xiangsi murmured to herself, a little hard to accept.

“How is the talented girl Liu? What else do you have to say now?” Yin Tao smiled provocatively.

“…” Liu Xiangsi was speechless.

Although she was very dissatisfied, the facts were before her eyes and there was no room for her to


After hearing the analysis just now, she also knew in her heart that the word ‘yao’ is indeed closer to

the correct answer than the word ‘枂’.

“Congratulations, Miss Yin, for answering the first question.”

The fat white man cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Of course, everyone here don’t need to be

discouraged. There are still a few questions ahead. If you can answer all of them correctly, you still

have a great chance of winning.”

Hearing this, Liu Xiangsi, who had been slightly depressed just now, immediately cheered up again.

That’s right, there is still a chance, it’s just that you lost one question, as long as you look good later,

you can still win.

“Now, please listen to the second question.”

The fat white man took out another card from the box, and read aloud: “Question 2: Clouds cover the

Mid-Autumn Festival, the Lantern Festival lanterns are rained, guess an idiom.”

“The clouds cover the Mid-Autumn Moon? Rain covers the Lantern Festival lanterns?”

Everyone looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

What’s the meaning?

How should this thing be guessed?

“Junior sister, these two poems, guess an idiom, do you have a clue?”

After waiting for a while, Liu Cong tentatively asked.

“In these two poems, one is about Mid-Autumn Festival and the other is about Lantern Festival. If the

answer to the riddle is an idiom, then it should be related to Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival.”

Liu Xiangsi began to analyze it in detail: “The meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival is reunion and

happiness, while the meaning of the Lantern Festival is to pray for blessings. Normally speaking, it

should be a more festive idiom.

However… before Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival, cloud cover and rain were added

respectively, which added some uncertainty, so I guess, there should be two moods for the answer to

the mystery.

On the one hand, there must be a happy reunion, and on the other hand, there must be some regrets. I

only think of one idiom that has two artistic conceptions at the same time, and that is joy, joy,

separation and reunion! ”

At the end, she was already in high spirits, as if seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

“Sorrows and joys?”

Liu Cong was confused.

Chapter: 2340

How come the more you hear it, the more mysterious it becomes?

“That’s right! It’s joys and sorrows!”

Liu Xiangsi vowed: “Only this idiom echoes the artistic conception of these two poems. I dare to

conclude that this time it will never be wrong!”

“Junior Sister, are you sure?” Liu Cong was a little suspicious.

“Senior brother, please believe me again. This time I am very confident. I promise I will not let you

down!” Liu Xiangsi’s tone was sonorous.

“Brother Lu, what do you think?”

Liu Cong didn’t answer directly, but looked at Lu Chen who was drinking tea next to him.

The other party accurately guessed the answer to the first question, which proved that he had some

literary talent.

“Miss Liu and I have different views.”

Lu Chen said lightly: “Lantern riddles and lantern riddles are usually guessed literally. What kind of

poetic artistic conception is not so lofty. I think Miss Liu has over-interpreted.”

“Hmph! What do you know? How can we use common sense to figure out the lantern riddles from the

Imperial Tower?”

Liu Xiangsi said with a cold face: “Don’t think that just because you got a lucky guess, you can tell me

what to do. In terms of real ability, you are not qualified!”

In her opinion, Lu Chen was lucky, and the blind cat met a dead mouse, so he answered the first

question correctly.

But this kind of luck cannot always exist.

“Really? It seems that Miss Liu is very confident in her answer.” Lu Chen half-smiled.


Liu Xiangsi raised her head: “I have read a lot of poetry and books, and I am full of talent. If I can’t even

solve this little lantern riddle, what face will I have in the future?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

This woman is really not ordinary confident.

“Brother Lu, why don’t you share your opinion? We can discuss it together.” Liu Cong said.

“Since Young Master Liu is willing to listen, I will express some humble opinions.”

Lu Chen picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said: “The clouds cover the Mid-Autumn

Festival moon, and the rain showers the Lantern Festival lanterns.” This sentence means that if the

moon is covered by clouds on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, then there will definitely be spring

rain around the Lantern Festival in the coming year. Continuously, wetting the Lantern Festival


“Hmph! Of course I know what this means, why do you need to show off here?” Liu Xiangsi snorted


Mid-Autumn Festival clouds cover the moon, and it rains on Lantern Festival night.

This situation completely coincides with the two moods she mentioned.

“Brother Lu, so your answer is?” Liu Cong asked tentatively.

“Whereabouts unknown.” Lu Chen spat out four words.

“Whereabouts unknown?” Liu Cong was slightly startled: “What do you mean?”

“The clouds cover the Mid-Autumn Moon, which alludes to rain, echoing the last sentence, so the word

‘fall’ refers to the falling rain. After the rain falls, it extinguishes the Lantern Festival lanterns, so it is

naturally ‘unknown’, so the answer is ‘Whereabouts unknown’.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Bullshit doesn’t make sense!”

Chapter: 2341

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xiangsi immediately retorted: “What’s missing? That’s nonsense!

It’s just a superficial analysis like yours, without any profound meaning. Do you think the Imperial Tower

will be as superficial as you?”

“I’m just solving the puzzle according to the problem. Believe it or not, it’s up to you.” Lu Chen spread

his hands.

It’s pointless to argue with such a conceited woman.

Because even if you say something extravagant, the other party will still be able to find faults and find

various reasons to refute.

“Elder brother! Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense, mine is the correct answer!” Liu Xiangsi said



Liu Cong looked left and right, looking a little hesitant.

The father-in-law said that the father-in-law was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law

was right. Their explanations sounded the same.

As for who to trust, he was still a little unsure.

“Brother, don’t you believe my judgment?”

Liu Xiangsi frowned and looked a little unhappy: “You should be very clear about my literary talent. The

previous question was just a mistake. I am 100% sure that I can win this question!”

“Really?” Liu Cong raised his eyebrows.

“It’s more real than pearls!” Liu Xiangsi said with a serious face.

“Okay! Since Junior Sister is so confident, I’ll try again!” Liu Cong became energetic.

Dare to say such words, must be full of confidence.

This time, there will be no mistakes.

“Shopkeeper Chen, I know the answer to the puzzle.”

Liu Cong stood up again, attracting everyone’s attention.

I lost my face before, now I want to get it back no matter what.

“I’d like to hear the details.” The fat man nodded slightly.

“Mid-Autumn Moon covered by cloud, Lantern Lantern rained, refer to two artistic conceptions, the joy

of reunion and the regret of parting, so my answer is-sorrow and joy!” Liu Cong raised his head.

“Sorrows and joys?”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but start whispering.

Some rich people who didn’t know how to pretend to understand even slapped their thighs regretfully.

“Hey! I was about to talk about joys and sorrows, but I didn’t expect this guy to beat me to it. What a


“Me too, me too. If I hadn’t hesitated just now, when will this kid get the limelight?”

“Sorrows and joys…it is indeed a good mood and a good idiom!”

Seeing that Liu Cong was full of confidence and what he said was true, many people believed him.

“How about Shopkeeper Chen? Did I guess right?”

Liu Cong raised the corners of his mouth, full of air.

Chapter: 2342

“Well… I’m sorry, you guessed wrong again.” The fat white man said politely.

“What? Wrong again?”

Hearing this, Liu Cong’s smile immediately froze on his face: “Shopkeeper Chen, are you kidding me?”

“How can you joke about this kind of thing? Your answer is indeed not the answer to the riddle.” The fat

white man shook his head.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Cong, including the disciples of Jishi Hall, all looked strange and

glanced at Liu Xiangsi in unison.

“How is it possible? I have clearly understood the artistic conception of these two lines of poetry, why

am I still wrong?” Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened, a little hard to accept.

She is so talented, how could she make mistakes one after another?

“Young Master Liu, it seems that you are the wrong person to trust.”

At this time, Yin Tao, who was not far away, started to get angry again: “Liu Xiangsi is arrogant and

arrogant, but he has no real ability. You believe everything this kind of person says, you might as well

just guess.”

Liu Cong’s eyes twitched and he was speechless for a moment.

Damn, this is so embarrassing.

It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake the first time, it can still be regarded as a mistake.

I got it wrong twice now, and I was the first to answer each time.

Inevitably some embarrassment.

“Yin Tao! Don’t be too arrogant! Although I got the answer wrong, it’s better than you not being able to

answer it!” Liu Xiangsi shouted.

“Who says I can’t answer it?”

Yin Tao smiled slightly, then snapped her fingers: “Tell her what the correct answer is?”


The man with the book next to him stood up and said loudly: “The clouds covered the Mid-Autumn

moon and the rain drenched the Lantern Festival lanterns. The answer is – the whereabouts are

unknown. ‘Whereabouts’ means falling rain. The rain fell and wet the Lantern Festival lanterns, so it is

‘unknown'” , echoing back and forth, the correct answer is whereabouts are unknown!”

“Fart! How could it be the whereabouts…”

Just when Liu Xiangsi was about to quibble, the fat man suddenly said: “Miss Yin’s answer is correct.

The answer to the mystery is indeed ‘whereabouts unknown’.”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xiangsi’s voice stopped suddenly and her whole body froze.

Somewhat unbelievable.

If one person said that, she would definitely scoff.

When the two said this, she could still argue with their arguments.

The question is, now that all three of them have given the same answer, how can she argue?

“I didn’t expect Lu Chen’s answer to be true. What a missed opportunity!”

“It’s a pity. It would be better if the senior brother listened to Lu Chen’s advice.”

The disciples of Jishi Hall shook their heads and lamented.

Seeing that Liu Xiangsi was full of confidence, she thought she was sure of winning, but she got two

questions wrong in a row, which is really disappointing.

Chapter: 2343

On the contrary, it was the mediocre Lu Chen who gave the correct answer every time.

Unfortunately, no one believed it.

Thinking of this, the way everyone looked at Lu Chen became very different.

This…is the real secret!

“Miss Yin family has won two games in a row. If this continues, our Jishi Hall will be in danger!”

Liu Gongquan’s brows were furrowed and his face was solemn.

If he knew this was the case, he shouldn’t have agreed to this bet.

Once defeated, half of his life’s hard work will be wasted.

“Yin Tao obviously came prepared, we should be counted.”

“This woman is so despicable!”

Several Jishitang disciples were cursing and swearing, they were not angry, but there was nothing they

could do.

Now the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

The bet decided in public cannot be changed, and one can only find opportunities to win by taking


“Liu Xiangsi, you have lost again.”

Yin Tao’s joking voice drifted over: “If you lose a few more questions, your Jishi Hall will be mine.”

“Hmph! Don’t be too happy too early, everything has just begun!” Liu Xiangsi shouted in a deep voice.

She has already asked. There are ten questions in the lantern riddle. As long as she answers six

questions correctly, she will win.

So now, she still has a chance to make a comeback.

“You can’t even answer two such simple questions, and you still expect to follow up? Stop being

ridiculous. I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment.” Yin Tao said


“It’s still unknown who will win the deer, let’s wait and see!” Liu Xiangsi said angrily.

“Okay, I want to see how capable you are.” Yin Tao smiled slightly: “Shopkeeper Chen, continue to ask



The fat white man nodded, took out another card from the box, and read out: “Please listen carefully to

the third question: one to the right and one to the west, three rooms square to the southeast, guess a


“One to the right and one to the west? Three bungalows standing in the southeast?”

As soon as the puzzle came out, everyone quickly began to think deeply.

Generally speaking, when guessing words, you always find flaws in the puzzle.

As long as you find the key, it will be easy to solve the mystery.

But obviously, this word is not simple.

“I thought of it!”

After pondering for a moment, Liu Xiangsi’s eyes lit up and he suddenly said: “Brother, I know the

answer to the riddle, it’s the word ‘sprinkle’!”

Chapter: 2344

“Spray? What do you mean?” Liu Cong was taken aback.

“Check the question carefully. The three dots of water next to the word ‘Sa’ represent three bungalows.

The combination of three dots of water and ‘West’ is the character for ‘Sa’?” Liu Xiangsi said happily.

“One comes from the right and the other comes from the west. How do you explain the ‘right’ in it?” Liu

Cong was a little confused.

“This is simple. There are three dots of water on the left side of the word ‘sa’ and west on the right side.

It just explains the puzzle perfectly.” Liu Xiangsi replied.

“Why do I feel a little far-fetched?” Liu Cong frowned slightly.

Wrong two questions in a row, he has lost trust in Liu Xiangsi.

“Senior brother! If you believe me one last time, I promise, there will be no problem this time!” Liu

Xiangsi said confidently.


The corner of Liu Cong’s mouth twitched, and he wanted to curse a few words, but finally held back.

What the hell! This again?

Every time he made a promise, the result was a big disappointment. He and he were pointed at, and

his face was disgraced.

If it weren’t for his brothers and sisters from the same school, he would have lost his temper a long time


“Brother Lu, what do you think?”

Liu Cong didn’t pay attention to Liu Xiangsi, but turned his attention to Lu Chen.

“Is it important that I have any opinion? Anyway, you don’t believe me if I say it, so it’s better not to say

it.” Lu Chen ate his food by himself, ambiguous in his mouth.

“Ahem…Brother Lu, I was blind before and didn’t see your talent. This time I will definitely believe you.”

Liu Cong promised.

“Brother! What do you mean by this?”

Hearing this, Liu Xiangsi immediately became dissatisfied: “Who is he? Can he be compared with me?

Would you rather believe an outsider than me?”

“Shut up, you!”

Liu Cong turned around and roared, “I believed you twice before, and I was wrong twice. How can you

make me believe it?”


Liu Xiangsi was choked, her pretty face flushed red.

The senior brother in her memory had always been like the big brother next door, and he had never

been so cruel to her.

what is it today?

“Xiangsi, this is not a child’s play. You and Yin Tao have already made a bet. Once you lose, you will

lose the entire Jishi Hall!”

Liu Cong restrained his sharpness and advised earnestly: “Besides, you are good at music, chess,

calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry. You have not dabbled in lantern riddles. As the saying goes,

there are specialties in the arts, so you should give it a try, Brother Lu.”

Regardless of whether it is Jishitang or Beauty Picture, he is determined to win, so naturally he cannot

allow others to act recklessly.

“Okay, I’ll give him a chance to show off, but if he answers wrongly, replace me immediately, so maybe

there’s still a chance.” Liu Xiangsi puffed her lips, and finally compromised.

“no problem.”

Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Chen again: “Brother Lu, tell me your answer?

What is the word?”

Chapter: 2345

“One to the right and one to the west, and three square meters standing in the southeast. If you

guessed correctly, it should be the word ‘醢’ [hai].” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Hai? Which hai?” Liu Cong looked confused.

“It’s the word ‘醢’.”

Chase Lu ordered some tea with his finger, and then wrote it out one stroke at a time on the table.


Looking at the unfamiliar words, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other.

This is the first time they have seen this word when they grow up so big, it is too uncommon.

“In the word ‘醢’, there are right and west, corresponding to the first sentence; as for the second

sentence, three bungalows stand in the southeast, look at the word ‘dish’, does it look like three

separated rooms? ?” Lu Chen explained one by one.

“Like! It’s so similar!”

Liu Cong took a closer look, and couldn’t help but look overjoyed: “Brother Lu, your word ‘醢’ is

absolutely perfect! It really enlightened me!”

Liu Xiangsi’s word “sprinkle” before was not convincing at all.

Now that he saw the word “醢”, he suddenly realized that this was the correct answer.

“Brother, don’t be too happy yet. Who knows if this is the correct answer? What if it’s wrong?” Liu

Xiangsi poured a basin of cold water down.

“I admit I’m wrong!”

Liu Cong stood up suddenly, and said loudly, “Master Chen, I already have the answer to the third


“Liu Shao, are you too impatient? You have already got two questions wrong in a row. If you get the

third question wrong, you will be ashamed to see others.” Yin Tao said suddenly.

“Someone really doesn’t look back until he hits the wall!”

“It’s fine if you don’t have the skills, but you still like to show off. It’s really not embarrassing!”

“Hmph! Just a few clowns trying to flatter themselves.”

At this moment, many dignitaries began to ridicule.

If you make a mistake once or twice, you will suffer a lot and it is time to stop.

The people in front of me are good, and they are the first to answer every time, but the key is to get the

wrong answer every time.

Isn’t this self-defeating?

“Liu Shao, the answer to this riddle is a bit difficult, why don’t you think about it again?” The fat white

man issued a kind reminder.

“Don’t think about it, I am very confident this time.” Liu Conglang said.

“Oh? May I ask Young Master Liu, what is the answer to the riddle?” the fat man asked back.

“It’s the word ‘醢’!”

Liu Cong didn’t waste any time. He wrote down a big word “醢” with pen and paper, and then slapped it

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heavily in front of the fat man: “Shopkeeper Chen, look carefully. Is this word correct?”


Looking at the paper that Liu Cong slapped heavily, the fat white man couldn’t help being slightly taken

aback, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Chapter: 2346

He didn’t expect that the other party could actually answer it.

The third puzzle is much more difficult than the previous two puzzles.

You know, the word ‘醢’ itself is a rare word, and few people know it, let alone write it.

And it is even more difficult to guess this rare word by combining the riddle.

When he had just drawn this question, he thought that no one could answer it, so he planned to discard


It turned out that Liu Cong, who was illiterate, answered the question first, which was really surprising.

It seems that there should be an expert’s guidance behind the other party.

“Shopkeeper Chen, what are you doing in a daze? Give me a quick word, is this word right?” Liu Cong


He was full of confidence at first, but when he saw the fat white man’s expression changed, he became

nervous for no reason.

“Young Master Liu, I advise you not to struggle. You can tell from shopkeeper Chen’s face that you

must be wrong again this time.” Yin Tao teased.

“If you don’t have the ability, go down early and don’t embarrass yourself here!”

A group of dignitaries and dignitaries in the audience started to boo.

“Isn’t it wrong again?”

Liu Cong frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

“Hmph! It’s so hype, it’s not wrong in the end? If I knew it earlier, I shouldn’t have believed you!” Liu

Xiangsi gave Lu Chen a vicious look.

How could a guy who was inferior to himself be able to answer such a difficult puzzle?

“Don’t get me wrong…”

After reacting, the fat white man said quickly: “Young Master Liu did not answer wrongly. On the

contrary, he answered very correctly. The answer to the third question is indeed the word ‘醢’.”

“What? Correct answer?”

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Yin Tao’s face froze instantly.

The dignitaries who had just made a fuss were all looking at each other in confusion at this moment.

As for Liu Xiangsi, she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

“Shopkeeper Chen, are you right? How can they answer this question correctly?” Yin Tao couldn’t

believe it.

Even the talented person she hired at a high price couldn’t answer for a while, let alone Liu Xiangsi and

Liu Cong?

“I saw it clearly, and there is no mistake. Mr. Liu really got the answer right.” The fat white man nodded


“Then tell me, what word did he answer?” Yin Tao questioned.

“It’s the word ‘醢’.”

The fat white man clearly displayed the words written by Liu Cong in front of everyone.

After reading it, many people nodded suddenly and agreed.

“Is that the word?”

Chapter: 2347

Yin Tao glanced at the scroll man next to her and asked.

“One is from the right and the other is from the west. There are three square houses standing in the

southeast. There are ‘right’ and ‘west’. The three bungalows correspond to the pictographic character

‘dish’. The word ‘醢’ is so correct that I didn’t even think of it. “The scroll man commented.

“It shouldn’t be…”

Yin Tao frowned: “Liu Xiangsi, that woman, has a good eye but a weak hand. She has no ability. How

can she solve such a difficult puzzle? Could it be that there is someone else helping her?”

As she spoke, her eyes swept over them one by one, and finally settled on Lu Chen.

Because compared to the surprise and astonishment of the people around him, the other party

behaved very calmly, as if he had expected it long ago.

“Hahaha… That’s right, that’s right, I finally got it right!” Liu Cong was excited.

His mistakes in the first two questions made him lose face and made him a laughing stock.

This third question finally regained a little face.

“Xiao Lu, I didn’t expect you to be able to guess lantern riddles, you’re amazing!” Liu Gongquan gave a

thumbs up.

This kid is really capable of both literature and martial arts, and is versatile.

“It’s nothing to read a lot of books and know everything about it.” Lu Chen smiled lightly.

“Brother Lu, please stop being modest. It was thanks to you just now. Otherwise, we would have lost

again.” Liu Cong returned to his seat with a smile.

“Hmph! What’s the big deal? It’s just luck!” Liu Xiangsi puffed her lips, dissatisfied.

In her opinion, Chase Lu was lucky enough to guess the answer.

In other words, the other party has seen the relevant puzzles before, so they answered quickly.

“Brother Lu, the rest of the puzzle depends entirely on you. Once it’s done, I’ll be very grateful!” Liu

Cong hugged Lu Chen and hugged his fists.

“For the sake of Divine Doctor Liu, I will do my best.” Lu Chen yawned.

If he had to keep Ji Shitang, he wouldn’t bother to meddle in his own business.

“Liu Xiangsi, I can’t see that there is a smart person hiding among you.”

Yin Tao’s voice came again: “But don’t be too happy. We are still in the lead now. The next seven

puzzles are the key to victory.”

“Hmph! Just let the horse come over!” Liu Xiangsi held her head high, not afraid at all.

“Shopkeeper Chen, please give me a question!” Yin Tao urged.

The fat white man nodded, and immediately took out the fourth card from the box, and read: “Please

listen to the fourth question: Leave Banyue, guess a word.”

As soon as his voice fell, Lu Chen faintly uttered a word: “Brain.”

“Congratulations to this guest, the answer is correct.” The fat white man directly announced the result.


Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

The puzzle had just come out, and they hadn’t even had time to think about it yet, and now someone

gave the answer?

What kind of joke are you kidding?

Chapter: 2348

Is it that fast?

“Wait! Why is the word ‘brain’ the answer? Can you explain it more clearly?” someone questioned.

“Leave Ban Yue, take the upper part of the word ‘Li’ and spell it with the word ‘Moon’, so naturally it

becomes the word ‘Brain’.” Lu Chen gave a concise explanation.

“So that’s it. It sounds quite simple. No wonder the answer is so fast.” Everyone suddenly realized.

“Shopkeeper Chen, continue to write questions!” Yin Tao was a little dissatisfied.

“Please listen to the fifth question: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Nine, guess an idiom.” The fat

white man said.

“Lack of food and clothing.” Lu Chen blurted out.

“Congratulations to this guest, the answer is correct.” The fat white man nodded.


Everyone’s expressions froze and they were speechless.

So damn fast.

They couldn’t react at all.

“Please listen to the sixth question: There is a bamboo forest on the soil, and an inch of gold under the

soil. Guess a word.”

“The word ‘wait’.”

“Please listen to the seventh question: The blind man touches the elephant, candied coptis, what do

they mean?”

“A blind man touches an elephant and does not understand the general situation; candied Coptis

chinensis can share joys and sorrows.”

“Please listen to the eighth question: Zi Chou. Guess the four-character common phrases.”

“The rat, the ugly, and the ox are the first and second animals in the Chinese zodiac, so they should be

born in the first and second zodiac signs.”

“Question 9: The phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot turns light, and fish and dragons dance all night


“Lantern Festival.”


The two asked and answered, and the speed became faster and faster.

No matter what question the fat white man asked, Lu Chen just blurted it out without thinking about it.

And every question was answered correctly.

The surrounding guests had no chance to speak at all.

Even the talented man from the south of the Yangtze River whom Yin Tao hired at a high price was

dumbfounded at this moment, with a look of shock on his face.

Is this really a lantern riddle?

Is this based on the answer?

Too many outrageous!

At this moment, everyone was shocked by Lu Chen’s answer.

Chapter: 2349

Come on, come on, it’s so fast, so fast that people can’t react at all.

Each and every one of them had their brains shut down and completely lost the idea of competing.

The situation that should have been contended by a hundred schools of thought was completely

reduced to a show for Lu Chen alone.

Even the fat white man who asked the question was sweating profusely by the end of the question.

These puzzles are randomly selected and are of various kinds. Even if you study hard, you will not be

able to answer them so quickly and accurately.

If it weren’t for the extremely high confidentiality of the Imperial Building, he would have doubted

whether Lu Chen had seen the correct answers and memorized them all.

“The most…the last question.”

The fat man swallowed his saliva and read out the riddle according to the card: “Red, yellow, blue and

white can transform, like a phoenix or a dragon, they are incarnations. They travel thousands of miles

without stopping, and a breeze blows them away…”

“Cloud.” Lu Chen blurted out again.

“All…the answer is correct!” The fat white man spat out a few words with difficulty.

He is really convinced, he has never seen such a perverted guy.

“Fuck! Got all the answers right? Is this guy cheating?”

“Why are you so aggressive? It will make me look stupid!”

“Damn it! I have reason to suspect that this kid was hired by Diwanglou!”


After a brief silence, the entire scene exploded.

Although it was just guessing lantern riddles, Lu Chen’s performance was really impressive.

Completely overshadowing everyone.

Those who came prepared were completely turned into a joke.

It is said that the most important thing is to participate. The problem is that they don’t even have a

sense of participation.

“Oh my god! Answering seven questions in a row, isn’t this guy Lu Chen too cruel?”

“No! You’re wrong, he got all ten questions!”

The disciples of Jishitang all looked sideways, looking at Lu Chen one by one, as if they were looking

at a monster.

“How, how is it possible? How can he answer them all correctly?!”

Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

If Lu Chen answered two or three questions correctly, it could be regarded as good luck.

Now, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she had to admit that the other party was indeed far better

than her.

“Okay…that’s a good answer!”

Liu Cong couldn’t help laughing.

He didn’t know the bottom line before, but Lu Chen’s performance gave him a big… big surprise.

Chapter: 2350

“This kid is indeed an all-rounder.”

Liu Gongquan stroked his beard and smiled, his eyes sparkling.

Such a talented young man is really rare.

Not only did he have the idea of inheriting the mantle, he even wanted to marry his granddaughter to

the other party.

“I didn’t expect to kill such a dark horse halfway, what a mistake!”

Yin Tao stared at Lu Chen with sharp eyes, as if she wanted to see something.

The clothes are ordinary, but the bearing is extraordinary.

His expression was indifferent, his sharpness restrained, even if he won a complete victory, he did not

have any mood swings.

It’s obvious that this is a man with deep roots.

He is also a master of concealment.

“Shopkeeper Chen, are there any more puzzles?” Lu Chen asked lightly.

“there is none left……”

The fat man smiled reluctantly: “Sir, you are so knowledgeable. I really admire you. I wonder what your

name is?”


“Mr. Lu, congratulations on winning the jackpot.”

The fat white man held the box containing the beauty picture in both hands, then walked respectfully to

Lu Chen and said with a smile: “On behalf of the Imperial Building, I present this priceless beauty

picture to you sir.”

“Let me inspect the goods first.”

Liu Cong was the first to take the box, opened it, and couldn’t help but his eyes shone: “It is indeed a

good treasure!”

After confirming that it was correct, Liu Cong couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

After all, this treasure was won by Lu Chen. If he didn’t say a few words about the scene, and just

pocketed it like this, he would inevitably be criticized.

The best way is to let Lu Chen take the initiative to give up. He will go with the flow and gain both

treasure and reputation.


“Brother Lu, although I have favored and admired this beauty picture for a long time, you won it back

with your ability, and I can’t take it away.”

Liu Cong said, pretending to be reluctant to part with love, handed the box over, stretched it halfway,

and suddenly stopped: “Of course, if you really don’t like it, I can keep it for you. When the time

comes… …”

“Oh, thanks.”

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Chen took it calmly and then said nothing more.


Liu Cong was stunned.

This is so unconventional!

Normally speaking, shouldn’t it be excused and polite?

Chapter: 2351

Why did you just accept it?

Am I not being obvious enough?

“Hey! The surname is Lu! What do you mean? Don’t tell me you want to take this beauty picture all by


Seeing this scene, Liu Xiangsi immediately became dissatisfied.

“Swallow alone?”

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and asked, “Shopkeeper Chen, the rules of

today’s event are that whoever answers the most questions correctly will get this beauty picture, right?”

“That’s right.” The fat white man nodded.

“Since I answered the most questions, should the beauty picture belong to me?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Exactly.” The fat white man nodded again.

“That’s strange.