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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95 RYAN My lawyer finally drafted the prenuptial agreement along with the terms to be followed during our marriage. I instructed my secretary to call Stephanie and inform her to show up at my office by 1 pm. She arrived promptly at 12:30, thirty minutes before the appointed time, confidently striding into my office as if she owned the place. Taking a seat on the sofa, she crossed her legs and looked atexpectantly.

Weng like that?" "Was it really necessary to treat Weng like that?" she asked casually, catchingoff guard.

I turned my head to face her slowly. "Next time, if you feel like being all over the internet, leave my nout of it," I replied tersely, making my stance clear.

She chuckled, seemingly amused by my irritation. "What's wrong with announcing the fact that we're getting married to the public? she pressed. "When we got back together in the past, it was announced to the public. When we got engaged, it was announced to the public. When we broke up, it was announced to the public. So what's wrong with announcing to the public that we're about to get married?" "Do not associate my nwith yours in public, or every blogger will face the sfate as Weng, I warned sternly, not willing to entertain any arguments.

Rolling her eyes, she retrieved a brown envelope from her bag and walked over to my desk to place it down. "You don't have control over all bloggers, Ryan. You don't sponsor them all she retorted defiantly. "But I definitely know someone who knows someone who does sponsor them. You better not test my patience," I shot back, making it clear that I meant business.

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Glancing down at the envelope, I reluctantly picked it up, my eyebrows furrowing in disbelief as I read the heading of the document. "Your rules for our marriage?" I asked incredulously, thy voice laced with skepticism. I couldn't help but throw my head back in a humorless laugh because, truth be told, there was nothing amusing about this situation. "What makes you think you have the right to do that?" Instead of returning to her position on the sofa, she confidently occupied the single chair facing me, crossing her legs with a hint of defiance. There's a copy of the CCTV footage in that envelope. After watching it, maybe you'll understand why I have you by the balls," she retorted.

Digging my hand into the envelope, I retrieved the flash drive and inserted it into my laptop, expecting to see the contents appear on the screen. However, to my dismay, nothing showed up. "Are you serious right now?" I questioned, my frustration mounting with each passing moment She smiled knowingly, her expression hinting at the satisfaction of holding the upper hand. "That's the point, Ryan. You'll be left to speculate about what might be in that video, she explained, her voice laced with amusement and defiance. Leaning forward, she added, "Since you're not going to givethe satisfaction of your love and respect, I'm not going to give your the satisfaction of finding out what's in that video" Her words stoked the flames of my anger, and 1 fixated my deadly glare on her, picturing various ways to make her regret her actions. "You're going to regret this, I growled, my voice dripping with menace, anger.

Her amusement only seemed to intensify at my threat. "Well, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts, she replied, unfazed by my Shifting my attention to the document, I quickly skimmed through it, my eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. Tm not allowed to have an affair? I asked incredulously, a chuckle escapingat the absurdity of the clause. "You expectto be celibate throughout our marriage?" "I don't expect you to be celibate, she retorted. "It's a choice you made yourself. You have a beautiful, functional wife who is more than willing to keep you warm any day Her smile slowly faded, "But you won't be with Lily while we're married" 1/a 14.56 Wed, Jul Chapter 15 +69% 1 shook my head, shing her statement. Cheating had never been part of my nature, and I refused to disrespect Lily by making her a misterss. Don't let this clause stop you from being with other men," I replied casually, moving on to the next clause without missing a best Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You honestly don't minddeeping with other men while we're married?" she asked, incredulous I glanced up from the sheet, meeting her gaze head-on. I could cback hand find you with another man on my sofs and proceed to make dinner for him. That's how much I care. I stated matter-of-factly *** you she spat, her anger flaring.

I chuckled mockingly, unfazed by her outburst "Til pass" I remarked dryly, scanning the next clause with a hint of amusement. "You want more than half of my property if we divorce on the grounds ofhaving an affair?" I chuckled again, incredulous. "I need to keep you in check," she argued defensively I met her gaze with a deadpan expression. "That video is keepingin check." I countered firmly. "No matter how I think. about it, Steph, it feels as though you're after my money?" "Are e you insane?" she shot back, her tone tinged with frustration.

"You know I don't love you or want to be in a marriage with you, and yet you marry me. That means you shouldn't have a basis for divorce. But seeing that you've established one, with the repercussion being the division of my properties, I'm inclined to think that's what you want." I reasoned.

Stephanie rolled her eyes, her dismissive gesture only adding fuel to the simmering tension between us. "You can think whatever you want," she retorted coolly. "If you don't cheat, I won't have any reason to file for divorce or stake a claim on your properties." I raised an eyebrow, knowing all too well the answer to my next question. "And what are my grounds for divorce?" I inquired. It seemed the only way out of this blackmail was through more blackmail. She shrugged nonchalantly. "I guess you're stuck withfor life, she stated matter-of-factly, a hint of satisfaction evident in her tone.

The intebuzzed, signaling the arrival of my lawyer. Instructing my secretary to let him in. I prepared to get over this.

Mr. Greystone entered the room, offering a polite greeting to Stephanie, who blatantly ignored him. Undeterred, he took a seat next to her and placed the drafted agreement in front of her, "Pass it to her, I instructed Stephanie slid the document across the table, her eyes scanning the clauses meticulously 1. Party A and B will sleep in different rooms, and Party B has no business whatsoever being in Party A's room.

2. Not to be seen in public together for any rea any reason.

3. Not to be nosy in the affairs of Party A 4. In the event of divorce, Party B is left with no entitlement to the properties of Party A.

Stephanie paused, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "This needs to be amended to 'on the grounds of cheating," she insisted.

I nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging the validity of her suggestion, and she continued reading.

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5. In a situation where Party A loses his life during the duration of the marriage or is rendered immobile and unable to 2.69 14:30 Wed, Jul 24 Chapter 95 handle business affairs, his business, properties, and money should be transferred to his son and their legal guardian.

Stephanie scoffed indignantly, her frustration evident in her tong. "This is absolutely ridiculous she spat, her Ve voice lace voice laced with anger. "Why should Lily and her children take all your money and property when she madelose mine?"

Unmoved by her outburst, I maintained my composure, crossing my arms as I listened to her Om el objections. You shouldn't be worried about that, not unless you wantdead," I replied coolly, refusing to entertain her argument. Undeterred, she continued reading.

6. Party B should on no account take out a loan using the influence and nof Party A.

"What's the point of marrying you then?" she retorted, her frustration bubbling over.

"If you want money, I countered, cutting straight to the heart of the matter, "tell me, Stephanie, so I can give it to you and we can put an end to this madness."

Her gaze bore into mine for a long moment before she let out a resigned sigh. "You do realize that you made my life miserable, Ryan, you and that witch, she accused, her words dripping with venom. With a deliberate motion, she picked up a pen from my table and signed the document. I might as well make your life miserable too, she added. X