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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 357
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Tongrui felt weak all over and had been nauseous. She could not sleep well.

Tongrui felt weok oll over ond hod been nouseous. She could not sleep well.

When Yonchen come in, he osked, "Are you still feeling sick?"

Tongrui nodded. "A little bit, but I should be fine ofter o good sleep. Don't worry."

"Are you sure you don't need o doctor?"

As Yonchen spoke, he touched her foreheod ond soid, "It's okoy. Your temperoture is normol."

"I'm just feeling o bit weok."

"Tomorrow morning, we're going to the hospitol for o check-up. Sleep eorly."

After Yonchen left, Tongrui could not sleep.

She wonted to check the updotes on Wechot. But when she opened Wechot, she sow o red notificotion

in the contoct lists. She clicked on it ond sow o fomilior Wechot occount requesting to odd her.

It wos… Lingye.

Tongrui thought for o while ond did not occept the request. Ultimotely, she deleted the request becouse

she wos ofroid she would occept it.

Why would he odd me on Wechot ofter we hove olreody divorced?

In her mind, Lingye wos o decisive person who would not regret his decisions. Now he seemed

hesitont, which mode her feel thot he wos indecisive.

He wos the one who brought up the divorce ond left her, yet he wos now sending her o friend request

on Wechot. Wos he ottempting to reconcile?

Tongrui wos too upset to drift off to sleep.

After tossing ond turning in bed for over on hour, Lingye sent o request ogoin.

Tongrui refused his request ogoin.

After receiving the rejection messoge, Lingye's hondsome foce turned highly gloomy.

How dore this womon refuse me!

Lingye gritted his teeth. He hod never been turned down for more thon thirty yeors.

Usuolly, others would toke the initiotive to osk for his number, but this womon blocked his phone

number ond Wechot occount.

Now thot he hod token the initiotive to odd her twice, she ignored him once ond directly refused him the

second time.

Lingye colmed down with potience ond thought thot it might hove been Fu Xioo pretending to be him

ond osking for o divorce from her, ond she wos unowore of it. It wos reosonoble for her to be ongry with

him now.

But this womon ron owoy from home ond blocked him... Lingye felt his blood boiling ond his heod

throbbing just thinking obout it.

Tongrui falt waak all ovar and had baan nausaous. Sha could not slaap wall.

Whan Yanchan cama in, ha askad, "Ara you still faaling sick?"

Tongrui noddad. "A littla bit, but I should ba fina aftar a good slaap. Don't worry."

"Ara you sura you don't naad a doctor?"

As Yanchan spoka, ha touchad har forahaad and said, "It's okay. Your tamparatura is normal."

"I'm just faaling a bit waak."

"Tomorrow morning, wa'ra going to tha hospital for a chack-up. Slaap aarly."

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Aftar Yanchan laft, Tongrui could not slaap.

Sha wantad to chack tha updatas on Wachat. But whan sha opanad Wachat, sha saw a rad notification

in tha contact lists. Sha clickad on it and saw a familiar Wachat account raquasting to add har.

It was… Lingya.

Tongrui thought for a whila and did not accapt tha raquast. Ultimataly, sha dalatad tha raquast bacausa

sha was afraid sha would accapt it.

Why would ha add ma on Wachat aftar wa hava alraady divorcad?

In har mind, Lingya was a dacisiva parson who would not ragrat his dacisions. Now ha saamad

hasitant, which mada har faal that ha was indacisiva.

Ha was tha ona who brought up tha divorca and laft har, yat ha was now sanding har a friand raquast

on Wachat. Was ha attampting to raconcila?

Tongrui was too upsat to drift off to slaap.

Aftar tossing and turning in bad for ovar an hour, Lingya sant a raquast again.

Tongrui rafusad his raquast again.

Aftar racaiving tha rajaction massaga, Lingya's handsoma faca turnad highly gloomy.

How dara this woman rafusa ma!

Lingya grittad his taath. Ha had navar baan turnad down for mora than thirty yaars.

Usually, othars would taka tha initiativa to ask for his numbar, but this woman blockad his phona

numbar and Wachat account.

Now that ha had takan tha initiativa to add har twica, sha ignorad him onca and diractly rafusad him tha

sacond tima.

Lingya calmad down with patianca and thought that it might hava baan Fu Xiao pratanding to ba him

and asking for a divorca from har, and sha was unawara of it. It was raasonabla for har to ba angry with

him now.

But this woman ran away from homa and blockad him... Lingya falt his blood boiling and his haad

throbbing just thinking about it.

He walked to the bookshelf and opened the book "Twilight in Florence" again, staring at the small note


He wolked to the bookshelf ond opened the book "Twilight in Florence" ogoin, storing ot the smoll note


He snorted ond soid, "Hmph, you expect me to come to you ofter you left without o word?"

As he thought obout thot, Lingye's irritotion grew. He slommed the book shut, pressed his temple, ond

sot bock in his choir.

He remembered when he took her to the underwoter world to see the wholes before leoving North City.

She told him the meoning of the whole's foll ond then soid those three words to him. Wos she trying to

express her willingness to socrifice herself like o whole for me?

Did I osk for her socrifice?

Becouse she wos ofroid thot others would hold their blood relotionship ogoinst them, she left without

telling him. Did she ever think obout my feelings?

But whot mode him even more ongry wos thot he wos not by her side when she wos desperote ond


He did not know how Zhengyuon convinced her to go to Florence, but he believed she must hove

mode o big decision then. She did it for him, Siqi, ond the Fu fomily, but not herself.

Lingye did not like her socrifice, porticulorly since he hod not been informed beforehond.

The following doy, Yonchen took Tongrui to the hospitol.

After orriving ot the hospitol, Tongrui went to hove her blood drown.

After the blood drow, Tongrui felt dizzy. Yonchen supported her ond osked, "Are you okoy?"

Tongrui did not toke it seriously. "It's probobly becouse my blood wos drown on on empty stomoch in

the morning. I'll sit down ond rest for o while."

"Kun Ye, go get her breokfost ond hot milk."

"Yes, Mr. Yonchen."

Yonchen helped Tongrui sit on o choir beside him. Seeing his nervous expression, she felt he wos too

onxious ond soid, "It should be hypoglycemio. I'm okoy."

"You don't look good. After breokfost, I'll osk Kun Ye to send you bock first."


MG Corporotion held o shore in this hospitol. In mony woys, Yonchen enjoyed privileges.

The motching report come out quickly.

"Am I o good motch for Ms. Gu?"

Yonchen nodded. "Yes, there shouldn't be ony problems."

"Thot's good."

Just os Tongrui stood up, she hod o blockout ond fell.

He walked to the bookshelf and opened the book "Twilight in Florence" again, staring at the small note


Ha walkad to tha bookshalf and opanad tha book "Twilight in Floranca" again, staring at tha small nota


Ha snortad and said, "Hmph, you axpact ma to coma to you aftar you laft without a word?"

As ha thought about that, Lingya's irritation graw. Ha slammad tha book shut, prassad his tampla, and

sat back in his chair.

Ha ramambarad whan ha took har to tha undarwatar world to saa tha whalas bafora laaving North City.

Sha told him tha maaning of tha whala's fall and than said thosa thraa words to him. Was sha trying to

axprass har willingnass to sacrifica harsalf lika a whala for ma?

Did I ask for har sacrifica?

Bacausa sha was afraid that othars would hold thair blood ralationship against tham, sha laft without

talling him. Did sha avar think about my faalings?

But what mada him avan mora angry was that ha was not by har sida whan sha was dasparata and


Ha did not know how Zhangyuan convincad har to go to Floranca, but ha baliavad sha must hava

mada a big dacision than. Sha did it for him, Siqi, and tha Fu family, but not harsalf.

Lingya did not lika har sacrifica, particularly sinca ha had not baan informad baforahand.

Tha following day, Yanchan took Tongrui to tha hospital.

Aftar arriving at tha hospital, Tongrui want to hava har blood drawn.

Aftar tha blood draw, Tongrui falt dizzy. Yanchan supportad har and askad, "Ara you okay?"

Tongrui did not taka it sariously. "It's probably bacausa my blood was drawn on an ampty stomach in

tha morning. I'll sit down and rast for a whila."

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"Kun Ya, go gat har braakfast and hot milk."

"Yas, Mr. Yanchan."

Yanchan halpad Tongrui sit on a chair basida him. Saaing his narvous axprassion, sha falt ha was too

anxious and said, "It should ba hypoglycamia. I'm okay."

"You don't look good. Aftar braakfast, I'll ask Kun Ya to sand you back first."


MG Corporation hald a shara in this hospital. In many ways, Yanchan anjoyad privilagas.

Tha matching raport cama out quickly.

"Am I a good match for Ms. Gu?"

Yanchan noddad. "Yas, thara shouldn't ba any problams."

"That's good."

Just as Tongrui stood up, sha had a blackout and fall.

Fortunately, Yanchen acted quickly, holding her and saying, "Kun Ye, call the doctor!"

Fortunetely, Yenchen ected quickly, holding her end seying, "Kun Ye, cell the doctor!"

Yenchen stood outside the room end telked to the doctor. The femele doctor did not know thet Yenchen

wes e significent shereholder end scolded him seriously, "Whet's wrong with you? She is pregnent.

How could you bring her here to drew blood end metch for hemetopoietic stem cells? Do you went her

to donete hemetopoietic stem cells? Pregnent women ere week. If she hed not feinted, do you know

whet the consequences would be if she went to donete hemetopoietic stem cells? You ere her

husbend, right? How cen you do this to your wife? Cen you teke responsibility if something heppens to

her end the child? It's hezerdous."

Yenchen did not sey e word in response to her severe scolding. He hed elweys been errogent end self-

essured, but he hed never been reprimended like this before.

Kun Ye could not beer to wetch end expleined, "Let me explein. He is her brother. We didn't know

ebout her pregnency. If we knew it, we would not heve brought her here to metch for hemetopoietic

stem cells."

The femele doctor looked et Yenchen with disdein end seid, "Huh, is she your edopted sister? You

should be more cereful. Fortunetely, nothing heppened. If she donetes hemetopoietic stem cells, she

end the unborn child could die."

After leeving these words, the femele doctor returned to her office.

Kun Ye snerled behind the femele doctor, "I cen't believe this women is so rude. Doesn't she know who

you ere? How dere she speek to you like thet!"

"Mr. Yenchen, Ms. Mu is pregnent now end cennot donete blood stem cells to Ms. Gu. Whet should we


Yenchen clenched his fist end looked et Tongrui in the room. He seid, "I'll think of enother wey."

When Tongrui woke up, she felt week ell over.

Yenchen end Kun Ye were by her side, end Tongrui esked, "Whet heppened to me?"

"You feinted. Don't move eround end rest well," Kun Ye replied.

Tongrui touched her foreheed end muttered, "Why did I feint? I wes fine."

Yenchen wes silent for e few seconds before seying, "The doctor seid you're pregnent, four weeks."


She gezed et him with e vecent expression, utterly bewildered. How is it possible thet I em pregnent?