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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 63
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“You will know after you return to Bei City.”

He had planned to show her Sweetheart's DNA report on the night of Sweetheart's birthday. But seeing

how she had barely recovered from that scary experience; he was afraid that she would not be able to

take it if he told her the truth now.

“So secretive?”

Mu Tongrui pouted her lips and with her head still resting on his chest, she raised her head to look at

him with a faint smile on her face.

Fu Lingye glanced at the dark sky outside the windows and let go of her, “You rest well.”

He was about to leave when her small hand tugged at his sleeve, “Can you don't leave? I, I am a bit


She had first-hand experience of the security in this place, and having just escaped from that horrible

place, she was still apprehensive and did not want to stay in this ward alone.

Fu Lingye noticed how tightly she was holding onto his sleeves, and met her clear gaze, “Are you sure

you want me to stay here overnight?”

Not sure if she was overthinking but his voiced sounded particularly captivating to her. It was as if a jolt

of electricity passed through her, even her ears had unknowingly reddened.

But her fear overcame her shyness. She replied determinedly, “Yes.” He turned around immediately.

In this small ward, the tiny bed could only accommodate Mu Tongrui alone. But if Fu Lingye had to

sleep on the bed, he could only lie on top of her.

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For some reason, the image of a man lying on top of a woman sprang to her mind. She quickly looked

around the entire room, and realized that there was really no place for him to sleep except for the bed

that she was on.

Suddenly noticing the meaning intent in Fu Lingye's eyes, she trembled.

He looked at her blushing face and asked politely with patience, “Where should I sleep”

There is no place here for him to sleep...

But if she chased him out now, she would be scared being alone. Yet she could not push her luck and

ask him to sleep on the ground. The night was so cold and he might fell sick after a night's sleep on the

cold, wet ground. Thus, with pouting lips and extremely red face, she shifted to the side and emptied

out a space.

He stared at her intently and asked on purpose, “Do you want me to share a bed with you?”


She was about to reply, “Forget it”, but he had already positioned himself on the small, narrow bed.


His hard chest brushed against her soft breasts. Mu Tongrui instinctively moved backwards and almost

fell down the bed. Fu lingye caught her by wrapping his arm around her waist quickly, and pulled her

into his embrace. Mu Tongrui was now lying on top of him. She could feel his heartbeat and breathed in

his scent. He smelled nice with the mixture of faint tobacco and cold masculine smells.

Actually, Mu Tongrui did not like tobacco smell on men. In the past, Mu Guangqing was a heavy

smoker and she used to snatch over the cigarette in his hand angrily. Smoking was bad for health

already, and to let others breathe in second-hand smoke was even worse.

But the faint tobacco smell on Fu Lingye now is actually attractive.

Mu Tongrui had to admit to herself. I am not only fond of him now, but have grown to like him.

While she lay on top of him, she closed her eyes and asked meekly, “Fu Lingye, am I heavy? Are you


“Yes.” The man replied.

Mu Tongrui opened her eyes immediately, full of embarrassment.

One should never mention a woman's weight, no matter if the woman is slim or fat. What's more I am

only a 24 year old woman in my prime. Hearing Fu Lingye's blunt answer, she could not help but glare

at him, turning around to get off the bed.

Fu Lingye was never a patient man to begin with and he was aroused already. On top of it, the woman

in his arms kept squirming obediently. He raised his large hand to smack her perky butt. The smack

was neither heavy nor light. He frowned and warned her, “Why do you keep fidgeting?”

Mu Tongrui's face was red with embarrassment, “Didn't you say I am very heavy? Then I better get off

you. If I crush you to death, the Fu Family will kill me.”

She turned around and slept on her side, back facing him.

Fu Lingye knitted his brows, perplexed. She is angry just because he has said that she is a bit heavy?

He pulled the blanket towards him and seeing that she did not move in the slightest, Fu Lingye

chuckled. Mu Tongrui turned around angrily and glared at him, “What are you laughing at?”

“Am I too much to say that you are heavier than Sweetheart?”

Mu Tongrui turned red and her heart was racing with happiness.

Fu Lingye pulled over the blanket, “Sleep over there. The blanket is not big enough.”

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Mu Tongrui frowned and shifted to the side obediently. Fu Lingye put his arms around her to hug her,

resting his chin on the crown of the head. In a low voice with a tinge of fatigue, he said, “Let's sleep, so


She had fainted for such a long time that she was totally awake now. Raising her head, she noticed the

dark circles under Fu Lingye's eyes. She was shocked by a sudden realization. Has he been protecting

me for a long time?

There was not much buzz going on lingue these mountains and was even quieter at night. Lying in his

arms, she could practically hear his breathing.

She was silent for a long time before she mustered up her courage and said softly, “Fu Lingye, I... I

think I like you.”

After she finished her confession, she lowered her eyes and dared not look at him for a long time.

However, he did not respond after over a minute had passed.

She raised her head and saw him with his eyes closed and heavy breathing.

Mu Tongrui pouted. She had finally confessed to him this one time and he chose to sleep through it!

Even when she was dating Jian Zhe, Jian Zhe had been the one wooing her. Come to think of it, I have

never confessed to that scumbag and told him things such as I love you”, “I like you”. Thank god for it,

otherwise how disgusted I would be now.

It was weird but after she finally decided to follow her heart, Mu Tongrui was emboldened. Taking

advantage of the sleeping Fu Lingye, she leaned over and secretly kissed him.

But just when she was moving away after the kiss, he moved forward to kiss her again.

Mu Tongrui's eyes widened. He, he is not sleeping?


That scoundrel.

How can he be so scheming?