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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 234
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Chapter 0234 Mark's POV I looked up from the man speaking when the door opened and my assistant quickly walked in, his quick strides quickly diminishing the space between us.

There was an apologetic look on his face and might I say, also a happy one.

What exactly was making him happy? I thought, irritated. Another business deal? Another alliance or merger? He apologized tothen to the members of the meeting then he lowered himself till we were the sheight since I remained seated. He tapped on the screen of the phone he held up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After Sydney left for Italy in search of her lover boy, my life had been nothing but work and taking care of Aiden. I threw myself more into work not just because she wasn't around but because she once again left for another man.

Aiden was the only cute, adorable and concise remainder of her and so I made as much tas I could for him especially since Grace was always busy these days.

But since she went missing, even little Aiden could tell that something had changed. I no longer smiled. I always tried for Aiden but I just couldn't and whenever I forced myself, I always ended up scaring Aiden with the smile which always brought tears to his eyes so I just stopped.

J becso cold that apart from Aiden and Grace who had no choice, no one wanted to approachor be aroundfor more than a couple of minutes. It was so unfortunate that the people I worked with had to suffer through a business meeting, talk or Instructions withall the tThe suspicion rose when we couldn't reach Sydney after a month in Baby Grace and I decided to wait a month more before we filed a masing person report that month was the longest month I've ever ved through A month cthen another and it was official, Sydney was either deceased or missing but I strongly held onto the latter and believed. that she would be found.

Now back to my assistant. For him to have the guts to interrupt my meeting for a phone call then his reasoning facility was either faulty. or the call was invaluable.

I signaled for him to go on.

"Mr Mark," he started, "I just received a call from the embassy in Italy.

My ears perked up and I quickly sat up not minding who was watching "They said miss Sydney has been found and will shortly be on a flight back." His voice trembled with excitement. He knew what this meant for me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

My heart jumped in excitement and happiness and my long-lost smile reappeared. My assistant also smiled. I snatched the phone. from his grasp and placed it on my ear.

"You're speaking with Mark Torres, CEO of GT Group.

They explained what my assistant had just toldin fuller details O+25 BONUS

and I couldn't step my widening smile. A wave of relief washed overknowing Sydney was alive and date. All the anguish and torment 1 had endured these past months thinking the worst had happened. dated away I felt reborn, like a new man. Thank your Thank you so much for this news!" I said with vigor and enthusiasm, my grip on the phone tightening as the emotions. surged within me. I could scarcely believe this was reality and not e curd dream that would dissipate upon waking. "I'll be there. shortly to pick her up. I can't thank you enough."

hung up the phone, handed it back to my assistant with a brilliant emile and tears of joy in my eyesal rose to my feet and the other participants, looking confused but realizing something tremendous must have occurred, stood as well. "The meeting is suspended," I said with a laugh, already moving towards the door. "My apologies everyone, but an urgent personal matter has arisen that requires my immediate attention. We'll have toreschedule."

I could scarcely care about decorum or professionalism in that moment. Sydney was alive! That's all that mattered. I rushed out with my assistant in tow, barking orders for my car to be brought around immediately. Though my engagement with Mia and any ties whatsoever I had with her was canceled, since Mia was the one who initiated the cancellation, my cooperation with the councilman, her father still existed. We decided to think like businessmen and not let a personal issue hinder the seamless benefits we would reap from working together. X