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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 247
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Chapter 0247 "Mommy!" Amie rushed into my embrace and for the first tsince I heard the terrible news at work, a genuine smile marred my lips..

"My baby!" I attacked her face with kisses and she giggled cutely." How was school?" "Fine! I answered a question today." "Oh that's my baby," I gave her a high five and asked her to tell me. about the question she answered and she proceeded to ramble away.

Just as we stepped out of the school's building, her homeroom. teacher walked up to me.

"I forgot to give you this," she said after she greetedand handeda form. "We'll be taking the kids on a trip before the semester runs out. If she'd be going, ensure you fill this form and return it before next week." "Okay. Thank you, I'll get back to you." I told her and Amie and I got on the way.

In the taxi, I found myself staring at the plush f*e for the excursion as Amie blabbered on about how she'd love to go.

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"Mommy, the video they showed us of the last set that went was so fun. We even talked to sof the students and they said they couldn't wait until they could go again. I really have to go on this excursion, mommy..." I tuned her out as I worried if tomorrow would be the day I'd get laid off. If I do, what do I do? I sighed. I had better start updating my resand start drafting application letters. "Mommy?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Amie's worried expression, the excitement on her face gone "he searched my eyes, "Are you okay?" I forced a smile. "Of course, I am." "How was work today?" I smiled, "It was just fine." She smiled back atand then she was back to yapping about the trip and the mementos she'd bring back.

My phone rang in my bag and I brought it up to see an unknown. number flash on the screen.

"Hello?" "Good day, it's Joe from Smith's Auto Repair. We've finished assessing the damage to your car, and I'm afraid it's going to be a bit pricey to fix." He toldthe amount I'd need to pay to get my car fixed and I almost winced.

"Okay. Thank you. I...uh...I'll have to get back to you on that," I managed out even though I knew I couldn't cto a decision until it's decided if I would get laid off or not.

After the phone call, Amie once again proceeded with her rambling.

Throughout the night, I couldn't sleep. I stayed up, updating my resin case the new owner would like to look over our certificates again. I also looked out svacant positions that fit my skills in various companies.

The glow of my laptop screen was the only light in the room as i scrolled through job listings, each one feeling less promising than the last. I could hear Amie's soft breathing from the next room, remindingof what was at stake. It wasn't just aboutanymore; I had a child to provide for I found myself thinking about the excursion form tucked away in my bag. The cost seemed insurmountable now, with the uncertainty looming over my job. But the thought of disappointing Amie made. my heart ache. I made a mental note to start looking for ways to cut our expenses, just in case.

As the first rays of sunlight began to peek through the curtains, I realized I had been up all night. I dragged myself to the shower, hoping the cold water would wash away sof the exhaustion and anxiety.

NEXT DAY I walked into work today looking my best. I hadn't put in so much effort in looking as professional as I could in a long tuntil today. Every crease was pressed, every hair in place. If this was to be my last day, I was determined to go out with dignity.

Most of the employees are gathered around the abandoned notice board. There's a list of the names of the employees that would get laid off next on it.

I rushed to it and checked for my name. I didn't find my nbut I looked through it a second tto be sure. I sagged in utter relief. I gave words of encouragement to the ones whose nappeared on the list, then I went back to my seat.

+25 BONUS The office felt emptier today. Desks that were occupied yesterday now stood bare, personal items cleared out. The silence was punctuated only by the occasional ring of a phone or the muffled. sound of someone trying to hold back tears.

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Few hours later, Rachel whispered to me, "I heard the new ownership team is here." I shot up from my reclined position in my seat. "They're here?" I asked, my heart rate instantly picking up.

She nodded and gestured upwards with her chin, "They're having a meeting upstairs." I hope this means they're done with the lay off." too," she muttered, "Let's just hope for the best."

We both turned back to our work, but I found it hard to concentrate.

e. My mind kept wandering to what might be happening in that meeting upstairs. Were they deciding our fates right now? Suddenly, a voice con the inteand my heart practically skipped a beat.

"All heads of departments, along with their assistants are to cto the boardroom right away. A meeting With th with the new owner will be held immediately." Rachel passedan uneasy look. "We'd better get moving." WA

I nodded, swallowing hard. This was ve it. The moment of truth. As stood up, I caught my reflection in the O M computer screen. I took a deep breath, straightened my blouse, and tried to project an air of confidence I didn't feel. Like RICH WOMEN? X These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming these rich. women will persue you.