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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 279
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Chapter 0279 I wrapped my arms tightly around her body as I, add a conspiratorial whisper of my own. "I will. These nurses have no idea how I plan to whisk you away." Her laughter filled my ears once more and she pulled back with a wink. Then I pressed one last kiss on her crown as if to seal the deal. "Go on and draw more pictures of us." She nodded quickly, then picked up her sketchbook to resher artistry, I stood up to meet the nurses. I need you to keep an eye on Amie. I don't want her roaming around or taking stuffs from strangers, please. I already have so much on my plate and would hate to have it ladened with more than I can deal with." "We sincerely apologize for that ma'am. Amie is an energetic kid with her own sweet way of doing things We had no idea how she outsmarted the nurse but we'll take all you have said into consideration. She will be safe and sound." "That will be just great, thank you." My gaze shifted to Amie. "Bye, baby." I stood at the airport gate with my luggage, sipping my coffee and scanning the crowd for familiar faces, My colleagues were already gathered, chatting and laughing as they waited for our bus to arrive.

I stood off to one side, watching the scene beforewith zero interest. My mind had already started to stroll back to the welfare of Amie at the hospital with every little chance I got. Perhaps agreeing to go on this trip was a terrible idea.

In the fog of my thoughts, I saw someone wavingover. I grew hesitant to socialize but when I realized it was Rachel, I walked to her.

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"Hey, Anastasia! Don't think so much about it, okay?" She encouraged when I approached her. She had sensed my entire mood from a mile away. "Stop beating yourself up about taking a getaway from work." I hesitated, unsure how much to say. "Just worried about Amie. She's still in the hospital. I'm worried she might get into trouble with her hyperactive self. You don't know her like I do." "She will be fine, Ana. As long as there are nurses keeping watch over her, you will meet her in excellent state. Get rid of those negativities." She consoled. "Now... ready for a week of team-building and presentations?" She beamed, holding my arms and shakingup gently.

I forced a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be." I uttered with faux enthusiasm dripping from my tone.

She failed to catch my sarcasm. She clappedon the back instead. "That's the spirit!" Then shuffled between others to go someplace else, leavingto my thoughts once again.

The bus we were all waiting for finally arrived, and we climbed aboard, finding seats among the rows of plush chairs. As we wound our way through the countryside, I gazed out the window, watching the scenery roll by. Although it was picturesque, it didn't lift the gloom I felt with Amie's face flashing everywhere I turned.

1 was guilt stricken.

da At long last, we arrived at the rural resort, a sprawling complex surrounded by trees and a serene lake. My +25 BONUS Chapter 0279 colleagues were already out and milling about, chatting and laughing as they stretched their legs to ease out the kinks.

As I stepped off the bus, the crisp rural air enveloped me, a welcchange from the stifling city atmosphere. I stretched my arms, a sense of relief at being free from the confines of the bus. "Welceveryone, to our hfor the next week!" Rachel called out in a cheery voice, as we gathered our bags. "Let's get settled everyone. We have a welcdinner by 7. See you by then." A few enthusiastic cheers rang out after her announcement. Then everyone began to disperse, carrying their bags towards the resort and I started to follow them. I watched wth envy as they chatted away without a worry in the world. It was hard forto maintain their energy.

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Perhaps this break was what I needed? Perhaps I was overthinking the safety of Arnie? Yes, that was it. I was overthinking everything.

I felt a sense of gratitude to the management for their kindness and to Rachel for her thoughtfulness to includeon the list. Maybe this retreat wouldn't be so bad after all.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the week ahead. Tto put on a professional face and push aside my personal worries.

Just then, a sleek black car pulled up, and Alden emerged, his eyes om scanning the crowd until they landed oh me. He flashed a warm smile, and my heart skipped a beat Was it perhaps, too late for a raincheck? Like RICH WOMEN? X These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming these rich women will persue you.