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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1187
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Josie's patience was thinning rapidly, her voice laced with urgency, “Offload everything immediately! Believe me, Arnold, reversing course is still an option. I'm not trying to deceive you.” Arnold, with an air of defiance, spread his arms, a smug smile curling the edges of his lips. “The ship has already embarked on its journey, Josie. There's no turning back from this point forward.” As the ship distanced itself from the shores of Rivodia, it seemed to Josie that Arnold was setting course for international waters.

“Don't you think I'll call the authorities on you?” she challenged.

“And what exactly would you report?” Arnold queried with a hint of amusement.

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“Smuggling illicit goods,” Josie shot back.

“Have you actually laid eyes on them?” Arnold's question was pointed, underscoring the lack of concrete evidence on Josie's part.

She exhaled deeply, frustration evident in her tone, “I didn't involve Dexter in this matter. | made the decision to chere by myself.” Arnold, his curiosity piqued, gave her a measured look. “Ah, that explains the absence of Dexter's crew outside. But have you considered the risks of venturing here solo? The potential loss you might face, especially concerning your daughter?” His skepticism was palpable as he boldly moved to disarm her, brushing aside the gun she aimed at him. “Where's your accomplice hidden?” Speaking with earnestness, Josie disclosed, “Before stepping onto this dock, | took a couple of guards into custody. If you doubt my words, feel free to search the premises. You won't find anyone accompanying me.” Their gazes locked, Arnold weighed her sincerity, pondering her motivation for coming alone.

“] implore you, reconsider your course.” His laughter filled the air, a response devoid of any intention to heed her plea.

“| was desperate for the medication you controlled. However, if securing it meant bringing harm to countless families, | couldn't live with myself. That's the reason | chere, to persuade you to reconsider.” Her words were steeped in sincerity.

“And what makes you think your words could sway me?” Arnold appeared unbothered, regarding her as one might a jester.

Josie motioned for him to ccloser, a silent invitation. Arnold, momentarily hesitant, decided to approach her despite Scar's frantic interruption from the control room, alerting him to the gun in Josie's hand.

Arnold's gaze briefly met Scar's before he chose to close the distance between himself and Josie.

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She lifted the gun, asserting, “If you persist in this madness, I'll have no choice but to bring you down with me.” “We'll face the end together then,” Arnold retorted, his laughter deepening. “Did Dexter teach you to shoot? Are you quick enough on the draw?” “I'm not entirely certain,” Josie confessed, “but bullets aren't known for their discrimination, Arnold. Regardless of the outcome, | consider this a win. Having lived as long as | have, dragging an adversary like you down withwould be a worthy act.” Arnold skillfully evaded her, his amusement evident. “So, you knew | was doomed tonight and cspecifically to accompanyin my final moments. Josie, you're truly kind-hearted.” Josie was perplexed by his words, her expression one of confusion. “What do you mean by that?” His eyes, gleaming in the darkness, revealed a chilling truth. “This transaction is colossal. Should this ship fail to reach its destination, it's rigged to explode on the spot.” “It's Mr. Dalton's handiwork, then?” Josie realized, taken aback.

“Did you really think managing such an affair would be straightforward?” Arnold's composure was unshaken. “Turning back isn't within my power.” Yet, he harbored no regrets.

Clearly, if Wayne couldn't possess these assets, he wouldn't permit them to fall into public hands. He was no philanthropist.

“Didn't he promise to take you abroad? After all your years of loyalty, wouldn't he ensure your safety?” Josie couldn't help but inquire.

Arnold could only smile at her naivety. The closer one was, the more secrets they harbored. His existence was bound to Wayne's whims; without that allegiance, he was merely a man facing a dead end.

As Josie was lost in thought, Arnold seized the moment, forcefully twisting her wrist. The gun tumbled to the deck, and he promptly kicked it out of reach, signaling for Scar.

In pain, Josie accused, “Arnold, you're playing me!” Scar quickly secured the firearm, ensuring it was out of Josie's reach.

Arnold leaned in, whispering, “I'm not playing games, Josie. Everything I've said is the truth. But let's keep those hands of yours from causing any further mischief.”