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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 468 * Are you sure *
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For the first time, she understood why people say a mother never could bear her children’s pain because it's worse than any pain; physical pain only troubles people’s body, but a child’s pain tears a mother’s heart.

“Okay, wait here for me, | will go check on Devin and Daniel” David knew she was not going to move until her daughter was okay, but they had two other little guys to take care of; Kate was not well enough to take care of them.

“Okay,” she just nodded; she knew only David could take care of them. She wanted to keep them with her, but she was not in the right mind right now, so she decided to stay with her daughter.

David left the room, Aiden and the other three people were waiting outside patiently. Seeing David cout alone, Robert stood up and looked at David with a worried expression “what happened? Where is our sister-in-law?” David looked at Robert with an expressionless stare. “She wants to stay with our daughter, but | need to feed Devin and Daniel.” David's gaze stopped on Aiden “go inside; | called your master, he will csoon” David turned to leave.

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“Can | go back to A country with brother Derek? He is waiting for me” Aiden knows his master could handle Destiny’s problem easily.

“Not until my daughter can walk,” David spouted those words with a severe expression and left the hall; Aiden looked at Alex and Robert with a disbelief expression “have | heard him correctly? He felt he heard David wrong.

“No, you didn’t, you heard him correctly, you have to stay in S country until our princess walks in her own feet” Robert looked at Aiden with a smirk, so because of Destiny, David trapped Aiden in S country.

Aiden fell backward and sat on the chair “my dream,” he cried out. His lifelong dream finally was coming true, but now he has to wait 1 or 2 more years.

Robert felt his anguish; Aiden wanted to open his lab in the black dragon, he had one when David was in Black Dragon, but after David left, they also left A country.

Even though Aiden didn't want to go, he didn’t let his dream trap there without David as his master and brother.

Alex looked at them with a frown. “I thought | don’t have to look at your four faces anymore, but it seems luck is too cruel for reality,” he thought this in his mind; since those two appeared, he had never had a peaceful day.

David walked into the living room, Where Rose and Nina were still crying like heartbroken dolls. He sighed “what are you two doing? He asked in a gentle tone, Rose and Nina looked at him with guilty eyes “brother, I'm sorry, | really didn’t know,” Rose murmured under her breath.

David walked closer to Rose and stroked her head “don’t overthink, she is okay, it's just her cold is too serious, she will be okay as long as she doesn't catch a cold in the future, Kate is already in bad shape, you two should take of her, why are you crying like a child” he scolded them in a severe tone, Rose and Nina nodded their heads. David let them be and looked at his sons, who were pretty gloomy today. He carried each of them in his arms “go, prepare bottles of milk for them,” David said.

He kissed his sons's foreheads “why are you two so gloomy today? Is it because you two know your sister is not okay, don’t worry, daddy will let nothing happen to her; she will be okay” he murmured, but he knew he was not coaxing them. He was using them to calm his heart.

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“A---aw- aw " Daniel made a cute sound. David's heart was at ease. At least his son was okay. If not, he doesn't know how to hold himself from breaking down. Still, his heart was in pain because of his precious daughter.

Nina and Rose cout of the kitchen with the baby bottles of milk; they made three bottles out of habit; when David looked at the third pink milk bottle, he sighed, “Destiny may not drink formula now; she would drink breast milk for now,” David said.

Nina and Rose nodded. David put the bottle nipple in Devin’s mouth than another to Daniel's mouth, but unlike another day, they barely finished half bottle, David frowned; his heart had been gripped by unknown yet familiar fear “call Aiden here” he didn’t want to take any risk; what if they were sick inside like their sister? Rose looked at her brother, but soon understood and went to call Aiden. Soon Aiden appeared there. He looked at David's worried face. “What happened? He asked when he saw the edgy look on his face.

“Check them for me. They looked unwell as well” David looked too worried.

Aiden nodded “take them inside the room,” he requested. David stood up. He wanted to take them where Destiny was, but remembered Kate's sad face. He took them to their bedroom.

After the check-up, Aiden looked at David “they're fine,” he said with a deep sigh; David frowned “are you sure you're a doctor? My sons hadn't finished their milk; they looked so gloomy,” David pointed out every reason.

Aiden was speechless. First, his wife asked him if he was a doctor or not when she woke up from the coma; now, this man had asked him if he was a doctor or not, if he is not a doctor, then what he was doing there, cooking? But he knows if he comments on his matter, David will prove him wrong; that's why he decided to stay silent. However, after being a brother with David, he learned to keep his mouth when the situation seeks to.

Aunt Lin cinside. “David, Mr, and Allen are here,” she announced.