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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 486 * Loved no one *
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He pointed his finger at Kate; Kate was speechless, at first she felt a little guilty for this man, but now she felt David was right to kick him, he was the one who forced her to chere for this meeting, yet he dared to call this a tea talk, what is he, her brother-in-law? Does he think everyone was a fool like him? David's face darkened even more; he stepped in front of Kate and shielded her away from the man’s gaze; he hates when men look at her wife. He was also flustered and exasperated. Kate wanted to punch his face and break all of his teeth; how dare he? But unlike the couple, Mike Welsh stood up and slapped his pants like he cleaned the dust from the fall, even though he was a vigorous man, David had shown no mercy on him when he kicked him with full force; he could feel the pain in his waist, but he calmed down. In his life, he could not show weakness, and that's what life taught him.

“Master Xiver, | already knew you would react like this, that's why | reached for Mrs. Xiver; you were always headstrong, you always think that everything would go according to your plan, that will not happen this time, How many you could stop, one, two, or three, but they are coming for your wife and your children; Noah would be a burden in this mess, so why not lettake him away? My master will never forgive you if something happens to him” Mika finally showed his professional expression, no buzzing around, no messing around; everything he said couldn’t be more serious.

David's face darkened “and why would | need his forgiveness? He said arrogantly, but he was a little tense; even though he was angry, he was not someone who would ignore Mike's warning; he understood Mike because he knew who his master was.

Even though he had his doubt, he never had expected Noah to be related to that heartless man; how could his sister get tangled with him? He wanted to stay away from him, yet see his another dark past cto hunt him, He felt fate was playing another joke, but he was someone who would give up on Noah; that boy grew up seeing David idol and his buddy, his sister, who thinks her brother is her sky who could shield her from rain and sunlight. How could he toss them when they need him the most? It's not possible in this life.

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“Go back, tell him, since he ignored Noah's existence three years ago, he shouldn't cto get what was never him, tell him, as long as my sister doesn’t want to share her son with someone else, 1, David Xiver, will let no one force her; he has to pass throughif he wants my nephew and my sister” David warned him and grabbed Kate and left the store, looking at his back, Mike sighed, Master Xiver, you shouldn't be so arrogant, you don’t know yet what trouble has waiting for you, you should think for your children, my master will consider for his one, but these words left unsaid, even though he knew David was capable enough to fight for any situation, But he didn’t realize that once the enemies would come, they would csimultaneously; that's the problem; the more weakness he has, the more they would take advantage of his weakness.

He felt a slight headache; one was his stubborn master, another was this arrogant one; he was stuck between them; he wanted to knock ssense in their head, one wants to stay from his son and the woman who gave birth to his son because he wants to protect them, Another wants to keep his wings broad to protect his sister and his wife at the stime; both were fools; he tried to fill ssense in his master’s head; he wants to protect them from the shadow, but his silence beca weapon for his enemies.

Now he could only guard the boy for the tbeing, until one of them gave in, he tried to so long, now he knew no threat would work on them, even though what he said about Kate’s mother was faithful, His master had the antidote because he achieved it with long trouble, and now he wants to use it against David Xiver to get back his son. He knows Kate Allen is David's only weakness, and she will wish to save her mother as long as she knows about it.

As for what his master feels for Nina, it was a complete mystery for him; now one knows if he has a heart, after all, on this earth, no one could be so heartless like him, Even an arrogant man like David Xiver loves his wife and his children, but his master was more like a robot, who only knew how to shed other people’s blood; he had loved no one, no one also loved him. He was like a wilderness.

Mike looked at his man with a frown; they looked embarrassed; after all, for the first tthey had seen someone beat their leader like this, Yet their leader bore everything like someone threw a warm welcat him; Mike coughed and looked away, Master Xiver, you ruined my year’s reputation with one kick, but what could he do? His master was a cunning bastard; he knew David Xiver would react like this, and there would be a bloody war; that's why he didn’t come; instead of his place, he had to send Mike as his voice.

Now that David beat him, his master would mock him; he would say, you couldn't even handle a matter appropriately.

So outside the mall, David opened the car door for Kate, and he sat in the driver's seat; David barely drive his car, but today he seems in a killing mood, suddenly Kate felt a little pity for herself, She looked outside the window. Amy was waiting for what to do, but David had no intention to take her with them. Without a word, he drove the car, leaving dust being him.

Amy looked at the leaving car with a sigh; she could feel her heart in her throat. She hurriedly opened her purse and took out her phone. She dialed Alex's number. Alex received the call. He heard what happened there from Max; he was about to call her.

“Woman, what kind of disaster you two created, why you supported madam with her stupid plan? He was worried about Amy, but he could tell his master didn’t vent his fury on his fiancé; that’s why he was scolding her.

“Believe me, in this life; | would help no one in my whole life again, one tis enough to regret, | want to go home, and hid from my brother-in-law, Until one of their children couldn't call aunty, at least I'll have someone to defend myself; after all, I'm their godmother,” she complained in her shaking voice; she was too frightened.

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Kate trapped her in her plan; now she is the one who left her behind, such a heartless friend she got in her life, yet when she needed help, she showed such a pitiful face that Amy couldn’t refuse.

She has her parents, and she loves them. But, also, she knew how much Kate yearned for her mother’s mother, now that she had finally got such a chance, how she could let it go, thinking that Amy's heart softened.

Alex wanted to laugh, but he kept a severe tone of voice “don’t you think they would forget you when they grow up if they don’t see you for so long? How will they know you're their godmother if their godmother ignores them for so long? Alex teased her seriously, But Amy didn’t know; she thought he was serious; she wanted to cry. Alex could tell she was about to cry; he stopped teasing her “okay, I'm coming there, wait forin the cafe” he absconded the office and drove his car toward the mall.

On the opposite side, Inside the car, the atmosphere was a little awkward. Kate peeked at David, whose face was dark like charcoal. Since they left the mall, he didn’t utter a word to her; she was not brave enough to start the conversion.

After a million stuffy seconds, they reached their home, David drove the car to their mansion, he parked the car in the front main door, Kate thought he would open the car door for her, But that angry man jumped out of the car and left without looking back; Kate was speechless, she wanted to punch his face, but she didn’t dare, because she knew she was the guilty one.