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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 555 - Falls in love...!!!
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He was just obsessed with her because she was his only toy.

When they said she would bechis brother's bride, he hated it because he felt like someone had snatched his favorite toy.

That's how his obsession grew day by day; it was an obsession until he saw Kate again on that day. She had all grown up and beca beautiful woman.

The moment he laid his eyes on her, he felt his heart, which he thought died long ago, thumped again with aching pain and pleasure.

He was not a saint. He had seen many women in his life, but she becdifferent at first glance; she was a little chubby.

Unlike other women, as if her chubbiness put a different color on her, making her beautiful like rainbows.

People who have never been obsessed with someone would never know the effect when someone falls in love with their obsession.

He immediately knew she becthe only ray of his life when she entered his life.

He fell in love with her at that very moment. It was love at first sight for him, but even the Waston family sold her information to him; he was too late; it was already months after Kate got married to David Xiver.

When he first saw Kate with David, their happily married life, he felt his world collapse; the pain was eating him alive.

His anger turned into hatred, and then he swore to make her his, even though she was already David Xiver, even though he went to S country to take her back.

Then he found out the truth about David Xiver and his roots; he couldn't help but realize the person she married was no ordinary person, so he waited until he finally got her from David.

He wanted to wait a little longer, but he never believed the woman Mia smith. To vent her hatred, she even targeted Kate; if he wanted, he could inform David Xiver.

But when Ace's father strikes him, He takes advantage and pulls David into the mess, and he finally gets the chance to snatch Kate away from him.

But he always knew as long as David Xiver kept breathing, he would cto find Kate and his son, and that's why he had to plan David's death.

Rebel left after his master told him to wait for his order.

Downstairs, after Oscar left, Old master Astor's daughter, Nyla, looked at her father angrily. “Father, are you going to keep doing this to us? Even if you don’t want to make my son your heir, you have Onyx.

You can let him lead the company. Why does it have to him? Father? If you continue doing this to our children, we have no other way than telling the truth.” Nyla snarled.

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Old master Astor, who was silent all along, suddenly threw the teacup at his daughter. Nyla was shocked.

She didn’t even have the tto dodge it, and it hit her hand. The tea was warm, not hot; otherwise, she would be scalded by her sudden action.

Nyla stepped away and put her hand on her chest in fear.

“Do you dare to mention this again? Tell the truth? Nyla Astor, even though you're my daughter. Don't think I'll hesitate if you dare to touch my bottom line.

If I have to sacrifice you to save our family reputation, I'll do it with no second thought.” His cruel warning got everything frightened to the core.

Nyla’s husband grabbed her and dragged her away in anger. Because of this useless woman, he couldn't lose everything.

He married this useless woman because he needed solid ground to stand up.

Onyx looked at his father. "Dad, you can’t be serious about letting Oscar let you have company.

Father, I'm your son. Are you going to do this? How are you going to face mom when you meet her in the afterlife? His father’s sudden decision angered onyx.

When the man heard his words, he laughed bitterly, “son, if | let you have company, are you sure you could hold on to it? The moment the old master Astor said it, Onyx stopped talking.

Madam Astor was no fool; she understood the intention of her father-in-law, so she decided not to mess with Oscar.

Sometimes letting go was the best; his father-in-law had already made a will; even if they said something, he wouldn't change his mind.

So why bother? Instead, she wanted her son to enjoy the fruit of someone’s hard work.

To the Allen family, Since the day Nate returned to the company and changed the leadership, everything was in uproar.

Jack wanted to force his way into the company, but when he heard Nick removed him from his position, He even wants to snatch back his share. Jack went to old master Allen in tears.

He knew his father would never ignore when Nate wanted him to push him out. He already threw them out of the company, and now this.

Old madam wanted to stop old master Allen, but the older man was quite stubborn. So he said if she forced him not to interfere.

He would use all the force to force Nick against the board member, but he would make him not throw Jack out of the company if she didn't.

Mrs. Allen knew she couldn't stop her old man, but she knew Nate cback with full force this time, even though the old master forced him.

Nate wouldn't listen to him; also, now that Kevin was involved in this mess, little did she want Nate to finish all the problems as soon as possible.

It's not like she didn’t love her younger son, but what he did was enough sin to burn in hell, even though she was a mother.

She had already wronged her eldest son, so she didn’t have the desire to protect her younger son anymore.

“What? Mother wants to stop Father. What the hell does she want from us? First, she says she loves Kevin, but now all she wants is to side with her eldest son because of Nate. This is not fair.” Mia yelled at Jack. She didn’t care how or what happened to Jack. All that mattered to her was Kevin and her revenge.

She would never let Nate have the joy of victory. She had ruined her youth because of him, yet he just threw her away like trash.

Since he didn’t want her, she wanted him to live in pain like a loser all of his life.

Jack smirked. “Mia smith, you said that man will help you, so what now, the man you loved with your life about to throw out son’s future with me, so what are you going to do?” Jack always mocked Mia because he knew this was his sore spot.

Mia looked at the man angrily. When he found Kylie and took her away from Nate, he continued to sprinkle salt on her wounds.

Mia fisted her hand and glared at him. If not for Kevin and her revenge, she would have strangled this man long ago when she had the chance.

“Jack, just because you got what you want doesn’t mean you are the winner; now that Nate cback, Do you think he doesn’t know about you kidnaping Kylie? You better keep her hidden. Then, if he finds her, he won't take a second to finish you?” Mia stood up and was about to leave.

Hearing her words, Jack's face darkened. Something fished in his eyes, but he didn’t voice it because he didn’t want this woman to find out about the failure of his life.

“So what, Mia Smith? Remember, you have to protectbecause once that fool finds out about your involvement in his daughter’s death and now helping Oscar Astor take her away from her family.

Even the plan about David Xiver's sudden accident, do you think you can keep your Dear life, even David is dead now, do you think Black Dragon will let you live a day if they find out you helped Blood king to kill their leader, Even after he left the Black Dragon. He was in control, so don’t mess with me.” Jack had a tightrope on Mia’s neck. Once he wanted to pull on it, she would die from suffocation. When Mia heard it, she couldn't bring herself to argue with him.

She knew as long as she protected Jack, he would protect her from crime. So she gritted her teeth and left the place.

After she left, she dialed Kevin's phone. But, of course, that boy didn’t even call her once the moment he left with old madam Allen.

She was worried, but he was always like this. He never took the invitation to call her or inform her about his whereabouts until she called him or searched for him.

After a few rings, he finally received the call.

“Son.” She called Kevin gently. Even though she was evil, she never once ignored her motherly love.

She wanted the world for her son, even though she had to bury the world for her son.

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The Smiths also love him dearly because the boy is too intelligent, unlike the other grandchildren of the Smith family.

“Yeah,” Kevin answered.

“Son, | missed you. Where are you? | called you many times; even your grandmother said you're out.

Why don’t you tellwhere you are? I'll cto you.” Mia said in a soothing voice.

But her sweet talk did not affect Kevin. He stayed silent and let her finish.

“I have something going on in my college, so | have to stay in college these days. I'll go to you once | complete my mission.” He said, hiding a deep meaning behind his words, but Mia, who thought her son was busy with her study, didn't overthink it.

“Okay, okay, I'm at our northside villa. Chwhen you finish, okay? I'll cook your favorite dishes.” She said excitedly.

Kevin didn’t answer and hung up; Mia looked at her blank screen and sighed. This son of hers was too cold and indifferent toward his family.

But she loves him not because she was her son. Somehow, his character was similar to Nate's; that's what made him love her even more, and he never bothered to be hurt by his character.

On the other end, A teen was sitting in a chair behind a desk, spinning the pencil in his hand, and thinking about something.

Even though he looked too young, the surrounding aura was too scary. Moreover, the man standing in front of him was no ordinary man, yet compared to the boy, he was too pale.

In age and power, no one could compare to this teen; it was none other than Kevin Allen, the boy who, at just 15 years old, frightened the best surgeon in the country even without looking at him.

Kevin looked at the people in front of him. "How is she doing? He asked. The indifferent tone now had swarmth on it.

“Master, she regained her senses, but she is too weak, so we kept her in observation. After all, she had suffered for too long, and her heart is too weak.” The man called Victor Welsh, the best surgeon in the country, had to wait a year to set an appointment for him, yet in front of this teen, he even had to bow.

Kevin looked at the file before him; he carefully read every detail. Then, finally, he felt something painful leave his heart, and now he could breathe freely.

“Okay, you can go. When she wakes up, call me.” Victor left with the file. After he left, he met three people in front of the door.

Seeing him, they smiled. “Doctor Welsh, did you meet him? What does he look like? A man asked him curiously.

Victor shook his head, “Go inside and see with your own eyes.” he left them in wonder with a hidden smile. He wanted them to get shocked like him.

Three people entered hurriedly. They looked in front of them in excitement.