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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 676 (Devil's Marriage Trap) - Ace & Nina - Chapter 10 - Reality...!!!
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David stared at the report on his hand and clenched his other hand tight so he wouldn't lose control over his emotions; Adam kicked away the chair and broke everything he found near his hand in frustration.

The doctors looked frightened; their actions and expression frightened them so much they didn't dare to make a sound.

Because the report was like a tbomb, if anything irritated David, the bomb would blast on them, and the doctors knew it very clearly; they were conscientious about Miss Nina these past two months.

But who knew she would not have the chance to escape from her fate? They had never thought about the possibility this would happen to her, which would indeed challenge everyone's life.

"Now explain tohow this happened?" David suddenly spoke, and the hair of the doctor's body stood like a thorn, a cold shiver sent to their spines.

"Master Xiver, we gave her medicine, but we didn't expect this to happen; it's infrequent for any patient." the doctor stepped forward and spoke up.

David threw the report in front of the doctor. "You call this infrequent, then should | make you infrequent to fix this disaster?” David had never thought he would cto this phase where he would not know what to do with the situation before him; he couldn't make the decision; either way, he would break two hearts.

"Master Xiver, | didn't mean to hide from you, but the semen sample we found from Miss Xiver is scarce; | don't know how to explain, but whoever it was might have unique genes, | thought it would be okay if we gave her the morning-after pill so she wouldn't get pregnant, but we didn't know she would get pregnant even after taking medicine.” The doctor never found anything so serious.

But he thought it would be better not to talk about this matter since this was not a good situation, and he would let it pass, but now what they feared happened, he didn't need to hide it anymore.

"You better explain with words, not throw puzzles,” Adam yelled at the doctor.

The doctor fearfully nodded; he was more afraid of Adam than David because David would take things seriously and sincerely, yet Adam would break people's necks if something went against his will.

The doctor found the report and showed it to David; David fell into deep thought, he didn't want to think about it now, but after knowing the situation, he fell deep into view, "Will this harm my sister?" David asked.

"No, as long as it didn't harm Miss Xiver, but Master, now what do you want to do?" The doctor wanted to know whether David intended to keep the child.

"What do you mean what we want to do? Do you think we can't raise a child, no matter what the child has done? Do you want to kill an angel? Damn you, doctor, what kind of doctor are you?" Adam barked at the doctor after the child did nothing wrong.

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It was innocent, so it would be a sin to kill it.

The doctor felt ashamed by Adam's words; it's not he wanted to do this; he just wanted to know the answer; after all, they all knew what kind of situation they were facing and also what Miss Xiver wanted to do mattered most.

After all, this child would remind her of the pain, which might cause her trauma even more deeply; she was already broken. Now if they want to keep it from her, it would harm her even more.

"What do you suggest? David asked the doctor.

"Given the condition of her body and mind, | can't say anything; if we decide not to keep it, it will harm her physically; if we keep it, she might not accept the child ever." They also struck the doctor between two choices; as a doctor, he would never suggest an abortion, but given a thought about her situation, it would be better not to keep it.

But they can't do anything now since her health was too great to bear another operation.

"If so, let's keep this matter from Nina for now." David suddenly spoke up, and David's words shocked everyone; they never thought David would suggest this.

"Bro, it's not a small matter; it's about her own body; we can't hide it forever; she is in pain, not a fool; she will find out either way, so if we hide it from her, who knows how she will feel about it." Adam knows what David wants to do, but it's not something they can hide from Nina.

"Let's wait until we can explain everything to her; for now, her health is more important, and you heard if she decides not to keep it, it would harm her body, so until | can be sure what to do, we'll keep it from her." David knows it might backfire on him, but if they suddenly throw this truth at her, it would harm her, so he wants to take this slowly and make her accept it in its phase.

"But what if she doesn't want to keep it?" Adam asked.

"We will let her decide." David knew in the end; everything would depend on Nina's decision.

The doctor did an ultrasonogram and made sure the child, David, and Adam's eyes didn't move away from the screen; they stared at the bean size picture and never thought an unknown emotion would wake in their hearts.

They couldn't think about doing anything in life, which was still the size of a bit of bean.

Everyone fell silent; It drowned them in their thoughts; that night, Nina slept until morning, and David and Adam spent the entire night sitting beside her bed; they couldn't say anything; they were in deep thought.

The following day, Nina woke up feeling a lot better. After one night's sleep, she felt refreshed; she didn't know why she felt different; she looked a little relaxed.

Seeing her doing better, Adam and David sighed in relief; they couldn't bring themselves to say anything about the pregnancy yet; they didn't want to ruin her mood.

"Brother, | want to go to college today," Nina said. She rarely attended her class even though David completed her college admission because the boys' attention scared her, and she hated when any man stared at her.

Seeing her willfulness, David felt a lot better. "Okay, but Adam will go with you." David didn't want to take another risk, his carelessness caused her to be miserable, and now he would not take a chance at any cost.

Nina nodded; she was still insecure about going out, so it would be okay if Adam accompanied her.

Adam was also happy to see her excited; now it seems David was right; they needed to take her out of the trauma before revealing it to her.

"By the way, brother, what happened to me? After vomiting last night, | fell asleep; | remember nothing anymore; did | fall asleep in the bathroom?" Nina's words made them nervous.

David coughed while Adam put food in his mouth.

David looked away and answered casually, "No, nothing happened; you were not feeling okay, and when we saw you fall asleep in the bathroom, Adam carried you out of the bathroom and put you to bed; the doctor said you had food poisoned, that's why you didn't feel well.” David was quite good at lying since he knew it was good for Nina.

They somehow made Nina forget about it, but Nina felt something was wrong; these days, Nina forgot about this matter; she attended college and slowly recovered from everything.

David and Adam also felt a little relaxed about her recovery; since the tension lightened, David recovered a little faster and went back to his legs soon; the moment he got back on his legs, he called Alex about the girl who saved him.

Alex said he found a little about the girl, brightening David's world. What shockedwas that the girl was still underage. Still, David wanted to meet the girl sooner, as if every moment was like a decade for him.

So David decided to fly over to S country to meet her; Alex tried to stop his master because the girl's age frightened him; she was just a little girl compared to his master.

"Do as | say, don't poke your nose in what you don't need to." David shut his mouth once and for all.

At night, Nina returned with Adam; David called them, "I'm going to S country for two days; I'll be back the day after tomorrow; until then, Adam will be with you 24 hours, don't go anywhere without him, do you understand?" David looked at Nina; the moment David said he would leave, Nina's face fell.

She only feels secure when he is around; without her brother, she feels like she has no world and the world would crush her under the weight of pain.

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Seeing her expression fall, "I'm going to find your future sister-in-law." David knew what could make her happy.

When Nina heard what David said, her eyes sparkled like a star. "Brother, when did you find a sister-in-law for us?" She jumped in excitement; this was the first tthey saw her so excited after the incident.

This made Adam and David happy; David smiled "when fate connected.” However, David didn't want to mention anything about that night which would make Nina remember anything.

"Then what does she look like? Can | see her?" Nina sat in front of David and asked.

"I'll bring her photos when I return. But | also have something important to discuss with you," he said.

"Important matter? What brother?" Nina asked out of curiosity.

"I'll tell you once | return.” David wants to clarify the matter once he returns.

"Do you have shame, bro," Adam asked David to change the subject and also to reprimand David a little; he heard from Alex that the girl had just turned 17 a few days ago, and now just because their lustful brother liked her, he wanted to make her his wife.

"I don't have any, but if you have too much, why not lendsome?" David knew why Adam said these words; his assistant sure has a big mouth, and he now dared to badmouth him behind his back; also, so, what if she were 17, he would raise her as his child bride until she was ready to be his bride? "Brother, god is watching; you can't do that to a little girl," Adam murmured if his brother wanted, there would be a line for his bro, but his bro, in the end, wanted a girl who was still underage.

"That's why you should close your mouth." David didn't want to hear his nonsense, so he left; Adam glared at his back; it confused Nina about what they talked about.

So she asked Adam; Adam spitefully spilled everything out, and after Nina heard everything, she laughed out loud, "So what, it's just my brother likes fresh flowers like my sister-in-law." Nina's words left him speechless.

Both brother and sister were the same; they didn't care about the world's rules anymore.

David flew over the next day; Nina had class in the morning, so she woke up without her brother around her. She felt a little empty, but it was okay.

She went to college with Adam, and Adam waited for her outside the college; since he wasn't allowed in class, he always waited for Nina outside.

That day was nothing unusual; Nina finished her class since she didn't dare to believe anyone, made no friends, walked out of the course alone, and slowly trailed and walked toward the college gate.

"Nina." When a voice called her from behind, the voice reached her ear, and it made Nina flinch; when she thought she heard things, "Long tno see, Nina." The voice called her again; this time, Nina was sure she didn't hear things anymore.

She didn't dare to stop and walked faster; if possible, she wanted to run to escape, but the reality was something else.