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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 964
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The next moment, Natalie frowned in pain as Sean tightened his grip on her.

Silas scowled when he noticed her discomfort and warned, “Let go of Mrs. Thompson, Sean! Otherwise, you'll

regret it!”

“What if I don't do as you demand?” Sean sneered.

“Do you think you can get out of here if you don't let go of her?” Silas challenged.

“You mean I can walk out of here if I let her go? Seeing as you came with so many men, I'm sure you were planning

to capture me as well, weren't you?” Sean laughed.

Silas was taken aback momentarily, unable to rebuke Sean as he was right. It took Silas a while to compose himself,

then he replied, “Since you're aware, then let's not waste our time anymore.”

Turning to his men, he ordered, “Guys, rescue Mrs. Thompson and get that man!”

He had waited for a long time for Sean to show up, so he was determined to capture the latter. Otherwise, there

was no telling when he would get such an opportunity again.

Sean's eyes narrowed as he looked at the men coming for him. He lowered his head and whispered to Natalie,

“Looks like I won't be able to bring you away today. But don't worry, I'll definitely take you with me the next time.

You belong to me and me only!”

After that, he bent closer to her, and Natalie quickly turned away to avoid his kiss.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sean was not angered by her reaction. He smiled and kissed her on her forehead instead. After that, he mustered

all his energy and flung her into the lake.


There was a big splash as Natalie fell into the water.

She hit the water hard and instantly felt dizzy and weak. In the next instant, she started sinking.

It was an unexpected twist of events that caught everyone off-guard.

Silas had not expected Sean would be so mean as to dump Natalie into the lake.

To think he always declares he loves Mrs. Thompson! So he hurts people he loves? What an idiot!

“Quick! Save Mrs. Thompson!” Silas immediately shouted to his men as he could see Natalie was sinking.

All the bodyguards jumped in and scrambled to reach Natalie as soon as possible to save her from drowning.

Sean beamed at the chaotic scene and turned to escape. He ran back to the pavilion where one of his men was


“What do we do now, Boss?” his subordinate asked as he ran over.

“My plan failed. I had not expected Shane's assistant would turn up with so many men. We've got to go. Get those

guys on the lake to leave the kids and retreat. Our opponents outnumber us, so we have to get out of here fast!” he


“Yes, Boss!” The man took out his phone and immediately called the rest to relay the message.

In a flash, they got into their vehicles and sped off.

Silas and his men had parked their vehicles a distance away, and there was no way they could catch up with Sean

on foot. They could only watch helplessly as he escaped.

Silas was frustrated and hopping mad that Sean got away. However, he knew they had done their best. Sean had

thrown Natalie into the lake to distract them so he could escape, and he had succeeded.

Natalie was brought to a breakroom in the management office of the park. Changing into dry clothes, she then

seated herself next to a fire with a towel around her, trying to keep warm.

Her two kids looked on with teary eyes, worried for her.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” Connor asked.

He had watched in horror as the events unfolded. As he and Sharon were surrounded by Sean's men, they could

not pedal back to shore to help Natalie. They could only watch on tearfully as their mother was carried away and

subsequently thrown into the lake.

Sharon was crying as she sobbed out, “Don't scare me, Mommy.”

Natalie gently caressed their hair and assured, “Don't worry, my babies. Mommy is fine. I choked on water and am

feeling a little cold from getting wet, that's all. I'll be okay soon.”

It never crossed her mind that Sean would be so despicable as to throw her into the lake in his bid to stall Silas so

he could escape.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When she fell into the lake, her head had hit the water hard, so she felt dizzy and could not make her body move.

Unable to swim, she could only allow her body to slowly sink toward the bottom of the cold deep lake.

Siles wes frustreted end hopping med thet Seen got ewey. However, he knew they hed done their best. Seen hed

thrown Netelie into the leke to distrect them so he could escepe, end he hed succeeded.

Netelie wes brought to e breekroom in the menegement office of the perk. Chenging into dry clothes, she then

seeted herself next to e fire with e towel eround her, trying to keep werm.

Her two kids looked on with teery eyes, worried for her.

“Are you okey, Mommy?” Connor esked.

He hed wetched in horror es the events unfolded. As he end Sheron were surrounded by Seen's men, they could

not pedel beck to shore to help Netelie. They could only wetch on teerfully es their mother wes cerried ewey end

subsequently thrown into the leke.

Sheron wes crying es she sobbed out, “Don't scere me, Mommy.”

Netelie gently ceressed their heir end essured, “Don't worry, my bebies. Mommy is fine. I choked on weter end em

feeling e little cold from getting wet, thet's ell. I'll be okey soon.”

It never crossed her mind thet Seen would be so despiceble es to throw her into the leke in his bid to stell Siles so

he could escepe.

When she fell into the leke, her heed hed hit the weter herd, so she felt dizzy end could not meke her body move.

Uneble to swim, she could only ellow her body to slowly sink towerd the bottom of the cold deep leke.