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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

In the afternoon, Evadne ditched her limousine for a more inconspicuous sedan, accompanied by

Jason to the Forest Park.

Thirteen years ago, she almost lost her life here searching for her late mother’s belongings lost in the


By any means, she should have been traumatized.

But the young lady was a feisty one, especially when it came to not admitting defeat–even to herself.

After that incident, she didn’t develop a fear of nature, but instead, she would make time to come here

every year, together with Professor Leo, patrolling and taking care of the forest, rescuing mountain

climbers in trouble.

At first, the other rangers looked down on this young beautiful lady, even betting that she’d run off

crying and never come back after just one day.

Surprisingly, no matter how challenging or how harsh the condition was, Evadne embraced it all without

a single complaint. Her determination even outran many men!

Jason watched from the rearview mirror at the lady, dressed in professional mountaineering gear and

devoid of any makeup.

Stripped of her luxurious dresses, she seemed like a warrior, a firm and determined aura surrounding


“Miss Evadne, mountain climbing is dangerous, right? I should accompany you,” Jason suggested,

worry evident in his eyes.

“You?” Evadne, who had been resting her eyes, opened one to look at him, “Do you have

mountaineering gear? Do you know any climbing safety measures? Do you know climbing skills?”

“I don’t, but I’ve surfed waves, dived underwater!” Jason said eagerly, eager to show off his abilities.

Evadne clicked her tongue, “Are you trying to change the topic?”

Jason blushed, mumbling, “I would never dare to contradict you.”

“What if there’s a real danger? Will you jump into the sea? Hmm, it’s not a bad idea. You’re handsome.

Maybe some mermaid would take a liking to you and take you as her husband.”

Jason scratched his head, laughing idiotically, taking her words as a compliment.

The car entered Forest Park but could only go halfway.

Looking into the distance, mountains were rolling with high, Imposing peaks. Mist of different hues filled

the mountain range.

Jason looked up at the steep mountain, sighing, “So high, so steep.

“Are you illiterate? Can’t you describe a mountain other than being high and steep?”

Evadne crossed her arms, shaking her head helplessly, “There are countless good peaks. The

mountain is big and tall. For a mountain like Misty Mountain, no description fits better than rugged.”

Jason nodded vigorously. In front of Evadne, he was always on his toes.


As they spoke, a warm call came.

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Evadne’s heart stirred. She quickly turned around to see Professor Leo walking towards her with

Captain Sean.

“Professor Leo.”

Seeing the illness–ravaged Professor Leo who had lost a lot of weight, his hollowed cheeks revealing

his frailty, she felt a pang in her heart, her eyes welling up with tears.

She quickly went up–to hug Professor Leo, who hugged her like a father would hug his daughter.

“Are you doing alright recently?” Evadne asked gently.

“I’m great! Eating well, sleeping well!” Professor Leo’s face was all smiles.

Captain Sean, upon hearing this, lowered his head, trying to hide his sadness

Evadne took a deep breath, calming her emotions.

She was a doctor and she knew about the disease. It was a constant torment, loss of appetite,

vomiting, hair loss. Even the toughest people would lose their dignity in front of the disease, eventually

losing their humanity.

Evadne looked at Jason.

Jason understood, nodding lightly. He had found a good doctor, just as she had asked.

“Ilana, who is this?” Professor Leo asked, looking at Jason.

“Oh! He is my cousin,” Evadne lied casually.

The rangers spent most of their time with the mountains and didn’t pay much attention to the hustle and

bustle of the world. They didn’t know that she was from the Ashbourne family in


“Ms. Ilana, your family genes are truly outstanding! Even your cousin is a handsome man!” Captain

Sean genuinely complimented.

Jason blushed with joy.

Not being able to be her lover, being her cousin was good enough.

lana, the weather has been unpredictable recently, a storm could come at any time.”

Professor Leo looked at her with concern, “I’m already very happy to see you today. You don’t have to

climb the mountain.”

“It’s not hard. Dont you remember? I was awarded an excellent ranger, and people even nicknamed me

the Mountain Goddess!” Evadne proudly thumped her chest.

“We have two gods here. We are really blessed!” Professor Leo chuckled.

Evadne raised an eyebrow, “Hmm? Who else is trying to challenge me?”

“It’s Mr. Thaddeus from the Abernathy Group!” Captain Sean couldn’t help but add.

Evadne, and her “cousin” both exclaimed, “Who?”

“Mr. Thaddeus from the Abernathy Group, Thaddeus! Surprise?”

Captain Sean’s eyes shone, obviously admiring the infamous Thaddeus, “I only found out his real

identity a couple of years ago. But looking at his skills and mountaineering techniques, he doesn’t look

like a pampered CEO! He climbed the mountain with Professor Leo two years ago and rescued two

climbers trapped by a storm. He even used his own helicopter to save them People call him the

Mountain God!”

One mountain can’t accommodate two tigers, let alone two gods.

Evadne pursed her lips, memories flooding back, a mix of emotions swirling in her eyes. She

murmured, “I am the Mountain Goddess, he’s Just a mountain ghost.”

“Ilana, what did you say?” Professor Leo asked.

“Huh? I must say, Mr. Thaddeus is a real gentleman!” Evadne forced a chuckle, her thumb shooting up

in a sarcastic thumbs–up.

“Yes indeed, Mr. Thaddeus is a good man. Not only does he make time every year to patrol the forest,

but he also donates to the Forest Park.”

Professor Leo grinned, “I was actually hoping to introduce you to Mr. Thaddeus someday. After all, you

both have contributed to Misty Mountain, and you both love hiking. I’m sure you’d have plenty to talk


Evadne grimaced, her lips twitching, “That’s not necessary. I have social anxiety!”

In the end, Jason was sent back by Evadne, and Evadne followed Professor Leo and Captain Sean

towards the foot of Misty Mountain.

Throughout the Journey, Evadne was distracted.

Her mind was filled with memories of Thaddeus saving her from the abyss thirteen years ago.

He had also been returning to this place, just like her, all these years.

Strangely enough, they both patrolled the mountain, saved lives, and donated every year, but they

never bumped into each other.

Evadne clenched the straps of her backpack, her steps heavy and head hung low.

She couldn’t help but let out a bitter smile.

It seemed that she and Thaddeus were not meant to be.

Aside from their first encounter here thirteen years ago, all the subsequent “fate” was just her ridiculous

and humble one sided feelings.

They reached the foot of the mountain.

Just then, several forest rangers came running towards them

“Professor Leo! We just received a distress signal. Three hikers got separated after ascending the

mountain. Only two have managed to return to the camp, one is still trapped on the mountain! We’re

about to start the search and rescue!”

“Good! I’ll come with you!” Professor Leo didn’t hesitate.

“Professor Leo! The weather is unpredictable today, and you?” Captain Sean sounded concerned.

“I’m fine, I can handle it!”

“Professor Leo, leave it to Captain Sean and me!“.

Worried about Professor Leo’s health, Evadne quickly volunteered, “I’ve been a field medic before. If

the hiker is in critical condition, I can provide immediate first aid!”

Hearing that she had been a field medic, Captain Sean looked at her with surprise and admiration.)

“Well, okay.”

Afraid that he would become a burden, Professor Leo tightly gripped Evadne’s hand, “Ilana, I’m

counting on you!”

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Thaddeus drove into Forest Park alone.

Since he had also discreetly changed his car, it passed by Evadne’s car at the entrance without

attracting Jason’s attention.

The black SUV drove to the foot of the mountain, right outside the campsite.

“Professor Leo? Professor Leo?”

Dressed in dark green hiking gear, Thaddeus stepped out of the car, his eyes as sharp as stars,

radiating a strong masculine aura.

At first glance, he looked like–a–special forces soldier returning from battle.

“Mr. Thaddeus!”

Professor Leo, with a warm smile, stepped out to greet him, “The weather’s not good today. You’re

usually so busy. Why did you come?”

“Because I’ve been so busy. If I don’t come today, I might not have time for a long while.”

Thaddeus sighed helplessly, ‘Professor Leo, I’ve told you many times, just call me by my first name,

like old times.”

“When you were seventeen or eighteen, it was fine to call you that since you were a kid. But now you’re

a CEO, if I keep calling you that and you get upset and stop donating to the park, what would we do?”

Professor Leo joked.

“That would never happen.” Thaddeus declared firmly, “I’ve already set up a large fund in the name of

my secretary, Gordon. In case anything dangerous happens to me, he will donate the annual

conservation fee on my behalf.”

Professor Leo didn’t expect such sincerity from Thaddeus, “Stop saying such unlucky things! I was just

teasing you. You’re too sensitive. Today must be a special day, my two favorite ‘kids‘ are all here! It

makes me so happy.”

Perhaps knowing his days were numbered made Professor Leo emotional, and he choked up.

“Did anyone else visit you today?” Thaddeus asked casually.

“Yes, indeed. I was actually hoping to introduce a young lady to you. You two have such a connection.

Not only do you both patrol the forest and save lives every year, she also donates to


Thaddeus, who originally had no interest, became curious after hearing this, “Since you approve of her

and we share similar interests, I wouldn’t mind meeting her.”

“It’s a pity llana’s not here, she went up the mountain with the others for the rescue!”


At that moment, Thaddeus‘ heart skipped a beat, then began to pound violently.

His entire body, including his cloudy memories, felt like they had been shocked by a powerful current,

falling into a numbness after the initial shock.

A few seconds later, Thaddeus tightly gripped Professor Leo’s arm, staring at him as he asked, “Is that

lady’s surname Waverley?”

“Huh? Do you know her?”

Professor Leo looked surprised, “Yes, her surname is Waverley. Her name is Ilana. We’ve known each

other for many years!”