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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chatper 315
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Chapter 315

Outside the banquet hall.

Avery was not dressed to the nines like the other young masters of the Chambers family that evening.

He was merely dressed in a simple yet elegant dark grey bespoke suit, his short hair neatly combed,

and the golden–rimmed glasses added an intellectual touch to his deep brown eyes.

“Avery, let’s go home. I’m scared.” Mrs. Chambers looked fearful, gently tugging at the corner of

Avery’s suit.

Dressed in an exquisite purple dress and wearing a million–dollar jade hairpin in her neatly arranged

bun, Mrs. Chambers looked particularly beautiful that evening. She wore a simple set of pearl necklace

and earrings, a bespoke set specially supplied by the royal family of Helgen, more expensive than


In his heart, she was his only family.

Naturally, he wanted to give her the best of everything.

Avery smiled softly at his mother, gripping her hand, “Don’t be afraid, Mom. I’m here.”


“Mom, I brought you here tonight mainly because I wanted you to meet Evadne. Weren’t you just

saying yesterday how much you missed her? Tonight, you’ll get to see her.”

“Oh, Evadne, I’m going to see Evadne.”

Mrs. Chambers suddenly brightened up, exclaiming, “Evadne! It’s Evadne!”

Avery turned around hastily, and seeing Evadne walking towards him, a warm feeling welled up in his

eyes, and his mouth curved upwards uncontrollably.


“Mrs. Chambers!”

Evadne quickly went forward to support Mrs. Chambers, smiling happily, “I didn’t expect you to come.

I’m really happy!”

“I’m also very happy to see you, Evadne!”

Mrs. Chambers genuinely liked this young girl. She gave Evadne a big hug and then hastily fumbled in

her handbag for a handful of chocolate candies to give her, “Have some candy! Last time I saw you,

you particularly liked chocolates, didn’t you? I brought some for you!”

“Mrs. Chambers, thank you for thinking of me.” Evadne held the candies, her heart swelling with


She was such a person, having experienced many grand scenes and seen bloodshed on the battlefield

from a young age.

The ordinary warmth of everyday life moved her the most rather than the thrilling and exciting events.

“You look beautiful today.” Evadne smiled and complimented.

“Do I?”

Mrs. Chambers blushed like a young girl, “It’s the outfit my son chose for me. I usually wear casual

clothes at home, so when I suddenly dress up so formally, I’m not used to it.”

“You truly look beautiful, Mrs. Chambers.”

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With that, Evadne smiled lightly at Avery, “Ave has a good eye for fashion.”

When Avery saw her smile at him, his breathing quickened, his heart pounding like a stormy sea.

“The Chambers family members are all here, Mr. Jeff and my father are at the same table. I’ll take you

over now.”

Evadne was about to lead Mrs. Chambers forward when Avery hurriedly stopped her, “Evadne, wait.”

She looked back in confusion, “Yes?”

“You know about our family’s situation. My mother and I lost our position and shares in the Chambers

Group and were sent to Helgen by my father. We haven’t been able to come back for fifteen whole

years. I was young then, and my mother was not in good health. You can imagine how difficult it was

for us.” Avery’s voice was dry and hoarse, as if he had swallowed bitter medicine.

Evadne listened to him silently, a picture of a young boy taking care of his sick mother forming in her

mind. A bitter taste filled her mouth.

“So, I don’t want to sit with the people from the Chambers family, and I don’t want my mother to be with

them either.”

Seeing that Evadne didn’t respond, Avery thought she didn’t agree and gave a bitter smile, “If you think

it’s uncomfortable for me to sit with you, then forget it. I’ve seen you now and brought the gifts for Myra,

That’s enough. We will go back first then, so as not to disturb you.”

“Ave, you’re overthinking.”

Evadne had no reason to refuse at this point. She simply said gently, “Let’s go, we’ll all dine at the

same table. It’s just a family dinner tonight. Don’t feel too much pressure.”

Avery’s face lit up, his deep brown eyes curled up, “Thank you, Evadne.”

Evadne led Avery and his mother into the banquet hall.

“Matthew! Look, it’s that woman!” Byron exclaimed in shock, pointing towards the entrance.

Matthew swirled his glass of red wine and lifted his eyelids indifferently.

When he saw Avery and Evadne walking together, chatting and laughing, his brows furrowed.

‘Avery seems to have a good relationship with Evadne.”

“Ha, indeed. As the saying goes, persistent men frighten shy women!”

Byron gritted his teeth and took a gulp of his wine, his eyes fixed on Avery, “Our youngest brother is a

born loser! Who could stoop so low as him! The deal wasn’t even close to being sealed yet, and he

was already serving tea and peeling shrimp for Ms. Evadne. If they ended up together, he would

probably be serving her hand and foot!”

Elva glanced at Byron disdainfully, finding his words and actions crude. He hardly resembled a young

master from a high–class family

“Didn’t Dad say before that he intended to match you with Evadne?” Matthew raised an eyebrow and

said coldly, “If things keep going this way, your future wife will become your sister–in–law”

“I am not a loser! If you want me to bow down and pander like our youngest brother, I can’t do it!” Byron

said contemptuously

“If being persistent could make you a billionaire son–in–law, could skyrocket your worth, and give you a

boost, would you still not do it?” Matthew asked, his tone icy

Byron was stunned and closed his mouth.

“Byron, if you don’t put in some effort soon, all the hard work of us three siblings will be in vain.”

Matthew leaned in close to Byron, his voice a low rumble, “If he manages to align himself with the

Ashbourne clan through marriage, especially with Chairman Emeric’s favorite daughter, then this kid

will soon turn the tide. He’ll become a formidable opponent for both of us.”

“You’ve always had a bone to pick with the youngest, haven’t you? Watching him climb the ladder,

rising up in the world, It’s probably more painful than a dagger to the heart, huh?”

Byron’s gaze hardened at the mention of Avery.

Evadne, along with Avery and Mrs. Chambers, made their way to the family.

“Oh, Mrs. Chambers! You’re back from Helgen? It’s been a while!”

Suri and Aviana rose to greet her, their manners impeccable.

“Who are these people?” Mrs. Chambers looked blankly at her son.

“Mom, this is Chairman Emeric’s wife, Suri and Myra. These are Evadne’s siblings, and the young man

over there is from the prestigious Fairhaven family, and the lovely young lady next to him is Ms.

Marilla.” Avery patiently introduced them to his mother.

Jareth, who initially felt annoyed seeing Avery, visibly relaxed when he referred to Marilla as a “lovely

young lady“.

Ah, men were so easily pleased these days!

Cassius led the younger generation in standing up, the Ashbourne kids were all well–mannered.

Even if the Ashbourne brothers had issues with Avery, they wouldn’t show it in such a public setting.

Only Thaddeus sat there, his handsome face a mask of coldness, his eyes glaring at Avery, his whole

body tense as a bowstring about to snap.

He was the only one not introduced!

Huh, such obvious provocation!

“Wow, there are so many people.”

Mrs. Chambers looked worriedly at Avery, “I can’t remember all these people. What should I do?”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Chambers, we’re all old friends here. Just relax. Please, have a seat.”

Evadne was about to offer them seats when she realized there was only one seat left!

“Mom, you and Evadne sit here, I’ll go somewhere else.” Avery, trying to spare Evadne the trouble,

offered first.

“No, no!”

Mrs. Chambers quickly grabbed Avery’s arm, looking anxious, “I want to stay with you. I don’t want to

sit here alone!”

Everyone exchanged glances.

“Hey, Suri, don’t you think Mrs. Chambers seems off?” Aviana nudged Suri and whispered.

“I heard from Emeric that Mrs. Chambers has Alzheimer’s. From the looks of it, it’s quite advanced.

She barely recognizes us anymore.” Suri whispered back.

“Oh my God, she has dementia at such a young age? How unfortunate..” Aviana looked at Mrs.

Chambers with sympathy.

Seeing Mrs. Chambers clinging to her son, Avery looked helplessly at Evadne.

“Mr. Thaddeus.”

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Evadne hesitated, then lightly tapped Thaddeus’s shoulder, “You wouldn’t mind giving up your seat,

would you?”

Thaddeus slowly looked up, surprise and resentment flaring in his eyes, “Why should I move for him? I

was here first.”

Jareth stifled a laugh.

What a grudge!

“This isn’t about who came first. You see, Mrs. Chambers doesn’t want to be separated from her son,

and I want them to sit here. So I’m afraid I have to ask you to move, Mr. Thaddeus.”

Evadne had wanted to avoid sitting next to him and now she found a perfect excuse, “After considering

everyone, it seems only you are suitable to move. I appreciate your understanding.”

Avery adjusted his glasses, a smug smile playing on his lips.

“I won’t.” Thaddeus stubbornly refused.

“Fine, if you won’t move, I’ll go to the other table!” Evadne was so frustrated, she was ready to throw a

punch at him!

Thaddeus panicked, afraid she would actually leave. He was just about to get up.


At that moment, Cassius stood up and said, “Mr. Thaddeus is our guest as well, let’s not inconvenience

him. I’ll go sit at the other table. Let’s not spoil the mood over such a small matter.”

After saying that, Cassius gracefully left, freeing up a seat.

Avery frowned.

He knew what Cassius was implying and that made him even more displeased.

Seeing the problem solved, Thaddeus breathed a sigh of relief.”

He should really thank his brother–in–law for this.

The much–anticipated birthday banquet finally began!

Since Evadne hadn’t seen Debby for a while, she offered her the seat next to her.

Avery had to sit next to Debby, his disappointment evident on his face as he couldn’t sit next to his


“Debby, Mr. Avery has also just returned from Helgen. You must have a lot to talk about.” Evadne tried

to lighten the mood with a conversation starter. “Really? Mr. Avery, have you lived in Helgen for many

years?” Debby asked, surprised.

“Fifteen years,” Avery replied with a smile.

“Then you’re practically a local. You’ve been there longer than I have, I’ve only been married there for

three years.”

Debby tried to keep the conversation going, “What kind of work did you do in Helgen, Mr. Avery?”

“I owned a company, dealing in import and export.”

“I see.”

“Could you specify what kind of goods your company traded?”

Thaddeus cut in, his voice cold.

Avery’s eyes narrowed, his hand under the table clenching into a fist.

“It’s not a trade secret. There’s no need to be so secretive.”

Thaddeus‘ blue eyes narrowed slightly, his razor–sharp gaze sweeping over him, “Or, is it that the

deals your company makes are different from your average business, and you’re not willing to lay your

cards on the table?”