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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1778
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Chapter 1778 Do Not Touch Me

“But | don’t want that!”

Arielle didn’t expect the general before her to be that straightforward. That was the first tthey met, and he already asked her

to be his woman. What the heck? He might be okay with this, but | am not!

“What did you just say?” asked Micah as he stared at Arielle in shock. It was as though he couldn't believe what he just heard. “I

said | don’t want to be your woman,” repeated Arielle. The warm smile on Micah’s face turned upside down instantly.

He didn’t expect the woman in front of him to be that difficult. As far as he was concerned, she was lucky that he was into her. How

dare she turndown?

“Do you know who | am? How dare you turndown like this?” said Micah, shooting daggers at Arielle while wearing a stoic

expression on his face. He was exuding a natural intimidating aura without having to put up a front.

“I don’t care who you are. My answer remains the same,” Arielle replied calmly while looking right into his eyes.

Micah stared at her for quite stbefore he suddenly grinned. “You sure are bold.”

It had been a while since he met a woman as defiant as Arielle. However, the more she behaved like that, the more he became

intrigued by her.

Arielle scoffed. Bold? This has nothing to do with courage. I'm just confident, that’s all.

“Have you been feeling dizzy recently? Do your ears ring? Does your skin feel numb, and sometimes your thinking is slow?”

As soon as Arielle said that, the expression on Micah's face changed drastically. He strode over and clasped her neck.

“How did you know all that? Who sent you here?” demanded Micah in a frosty tone.

Actually, Arielle saw that coming and could've dodged Micah’s grasp, but she could only bear with it in order to not expose her own

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Micah’s powerful grip made her cough a little, but she managed to answer his question. “I-l am a doctor.”

A doctor?

Micah loosened his grip and looked at her suspiciously. “You figured all that out just by looking at me?”

Arielle nodded, knowing that Micah was beginning to believe her.

“l knew it the instant | saw you. My guess is that you have consulted many doctors over the years to treat your condition. They

couldn’t cure you, right?”

Micah remained silent.

It was true. He had secretly consulted many doctors and had practically visited every hospital and clinic out there. However, they

couldn’t cure him, even though they were able to diagnose him.

He wanted an heir, so over the past few years, he had been taking medications to condition his bodily functions.

“Letguess. You haven't had a kid since you had Lena. Isn't that right?” asked Arielle, her tone placid but firm. “I'll help you get

your body ready for another child and boost your fertility. You'll have kids again. But, my only condition is that you don’t touch


Arielle didn’t know if what she said would end up persuading Micah, but it didn’t matter even if she failed. After all, she still had her

silver-plated needles with her, so if he dared to touch her, she would not hesitate to strike.

She would make it so that he would never be a real man again.

Micah wavered upon hearing her offer.

Women were a da dozen to him. However, doctors who could cure him were extremely rare. Most importantly, he was

impressed that she was able to diagnose him just by looking at him.

“Are you sure you can cure me?” asked Micah, staring intently at her. “If you lie to me...”

“| never make any promises | can’t fulfill.”

That indifferent statement from Arielle was all it took to elicit strust from Micah.

“Fine. I will agree to your terms. | won't touch you, but you must cure me,” replied Micah. His gaze was filled with hostility as he

threatened, “But if you fail...”










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