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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 [ALEX] "I have made about a hundred-cupcakes, and a huge chocolate cake," Mia tellswhile we eat dinner that night, just her and me. After we ate each other out, of course. I wanted to f**k her too, because I was insatiable like that when it cto her, but the woman in front ofwas hungry.

"Are you planning your escape by putting my guards into a sugar coma?" I joked, being in an unusually good mood.

"No," she sounded sheepish, forcingto look up from my dinner. "I was thinking maybe I can take it to an orphanage or a hospital and donate it?" "No." The word flies out of my mouth before I even fully process what she was asking.

She frowns. "Your punishment included you uprootingfrom my life and bringingto this fancy cage. It didn't involve anything about never getting to see the outside world again." "No," I repeat.

She huffs, "You're being unfair. It's been three weeks since I am here and I have been a good prisoner. I haven't tried escaping, I have made you dessert and I have not caused any problems for you. Don't you think that deserves a reward?" "Sure, askfor a diamond set or something." "What am I going to do if a diamond set if I have no where to wear it, Alex?" Even though I knew she made perfect sense, my answer still remained the same. When I first abducted here, the plan was to just get to know what she was up to when she recorded me- the real reason why- and then decide a plan of course for what to do with her Now, however, things were different. The fact that she had recordedhad taken a complete backseat in my head, and her presence had consumedin the past few weeks.

Stepping out meant facing reality. It also meant facing the possibility that this was a ploy for her to be able to plan her escape, or worse, to contact her boyfriend- which a paranoid part ofstill believed existed.

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Join Chatroom Chapter 106 "I have known you for three weeks, and that to because you hid outside a room trying to recordand Bakshi. Trust is a generous word, don't you think?" 45) Something flashes in her eyes. Hurt, presumably. "Yes, trust," she repeats, her voice shaky but firm. "Just the way I trust that while I am stuck here in a room and you are out all day, you aren't f**g someone else. Just like I trusted your word when you toldthat I am the only girl allowed to touch you." I'd be lying if I say I didn't love the way she just gave it right back to me. Unlike almost everyone in my life, she doesn't just listen. She never hesitates to tellwhat she's thinking, even though she knows I can break her in a heartbeat if I want.

She was so soft. So malleable. So... breakable.

"Mia..." I call her.

"No," she gets up, sniffing. "Thanks for dinner. 'Night, Alex." I blink, watching her walk away, leaving her half eaten plate behind.

She was one stubborn girl.

But right now, I was distracted by another very stubborn girl, who unfortunately.was a part of me. I groan when I see my twin sister's non my phone before I pick it up and press it to my ear. "Yes, Aurora?" Just as I had expected, I found her tip toeing in the darkness at night, probably searching for food, "Hungry?" I ask, and watch her jump, startled, before she turns towith glaring eyes.

"It's 2 A.M, what are you doing awake?" She asks, tically keeping her hand on her heart like it was beating too loud.

"The Devil never sleeps, works hard and all that." I quipped.

She crossed her hand in front of her chest. "I cto grab scupcakes I made. You know, since you decided you were going to let them go to waste any way." "I never said I decided that," I got up from the couch I had been sitting on while finishing swork on my laptop, walking towards the kitchen, where she stood.

"But-But you said I couldn't go." "I said you can't go, not that we were not going to donate the mini bakery you made in my kitchen." Her lips part. "What?" "I sent them out with Dominic to a hospital." "A hospital?" Her eyes twinkled so evidently even in the darkness.

"To Bakshi's hospital," I tell her, "I had to send him something to remind him ofand the work he was yet tode forany way. I was thinking more like a skull, but cupcakes work just fine." Chapter 106 Her eyes widen, and it looked like Mia was about to cry. "You- you sent it to that hospital?" I nod.

"Wow. Thank you." I nod again. "Cto think about it, you never quite toldwhat you were doing in the hospital that day?" "Wh-What?" She looked taken aback.

I step forward. "What were you doing in the hospital that day, Mia?" "I- I told you I really like kids, right?” She asked.

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"I spend my free days at the kids I wing there. I take them cupcakes sometimes too. Since it was a m Sunday, I was there and I needed to I use the bathroom before I left. They were cleaning in that bathroom so-so I used the one in the administration wing and accidentally overhead you talking to Bakshi." I had the feeling she was telling the truth, because her eyes didn't twitch like they usually did when she was lying. Or maybe they had and it was too dark forto notice.

Yet, I knew she was concealing something.

Always spoke her mind, but always full of secrets this girl.

"You wanted to go out of the house right?" I ask, and her head perked up, her eyes full of a hope that my intrusive thoughts wantedto crush "Pack your bags tomorrow then." "Pack?" She all but yelled. "We're going out, seriously? Where? When? For how many days? What am I supposed to pack?"

"Don't be tic, cupcake." I rolled my eyes. "Two nights. Pack anything, I don't care. I have to go somewhere and since I can't leave you to stir trouble by yourself, I am taking you with me." She grinned.

"Goodnight, Mia." I wish, before leaving her alone in the kitchen, smiling like an overjoyed child.