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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 481
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Chapter 481

Previously, Aidan had been paying too much attention to Leroy until he started to notice the mysteries that

subsequently surfaced about the explosion 20 years ago.

Having managed to escape, Leanna's mother could have approached Mr. Jackson for help anytime throughout the

three months in which Leroy was unconscious in the hospital. However, she didn't do that. Instead, she took her

daughter with her and married a scoundrel. Maybe Jethro was indeed a decent man back then, but I can't

understand why she'd do that unless she was hiding something or was threatened to do so. Anyway, Leroy was

lying in the hospital at that time, so he wouldn't have been capable of pulling any of those off. Furthermore, he

thought they were killed in the explosion.

"In the same year?" Leanna probed.

Aidan replied with an affirmative hum. "During the accident that Justin was caught in, he was the only survivor while

his driver and the one who caused the tragedy died on the spot. However, he was left with his legs paralyzed for

the rest of his life, and he could never stand on his feet again."

"H-How did the accident happen?"

"It was a case of drunk driving."

When Leanna heard that, she frowned in response. "Both drivers must have been speeding to cause an accident

that took two lives away. Look, I know that driver was at fault for drunk driving, but what about Justin's driver? Justin

was in his car, so why was he speeding?"

"That's a good question. You're pretty smart," Aidan said with a chuckle.

Leanna was speechless for a second before she continued, "You'd better start talking." Come on, man! Considering

what just happened, how can you not be serious?

Aidan replied, "That's the problem. After the accident happened, there were no signs of attempted braking on the

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"Are you saying the two cars rammed each other headlong?" Leanna paused and continued, "But wouldn't that

have been too obvious? Didn't you… Or Old Master Pearson investigate the matter?"

"We did. We just didn't find anything useful. That driver had been working for the Pearson Family for years. We

knew he didn't have a family, and we weren't sure about his motive as well. On the other hand, the other driver just

got promoted to supervisor of his department. Before the tragedy happened, he had just left a celebration, and

there was nothing suspicious about his motive. In the end, the tragic incident could only be classified as an

unfortunate accident."

Even so, Leanna continued to frown. "Well, it sounds like the two of them were innocent, but…" Something still

sounds wrong here.

"Well, I was confused too when I started investigating the matter a few years ago, but thankfully, I'm beginning to

find some useful leads," Aidan replied.

"What do you know?"

"It was too much of a coincidence that the Pearson Family and Crossley Family found themselves in trouble at the

same time." Aidan tapped the steering wheel gently with his fingertips and added calmly, "If someone else was

indeed behind all this, it would explain everything. As for the two deceased drivers, we haven't managed to find

anything unusual with that."

After hearing Aidan's explanation, Leanna thought everything had come to an end the moment Leroy's wickedness

was exposed, only to realize it was just the beginning. At that moment, Aidan's phone rang shortly before he pulled

over and answered the call.

"Talk." Upon learning what he was told from the other side of the call, Aidan furrowed his eyebrows and clenched

his jaw.

"What's wrong?" Leanna noticed the man's reaction, and she asked nervously as soon as he hung up the call.

"Jethro is dead," Aidan answered coldly. Meanwhile, Leanna was in disbelief, and she couldn't snap out of her


Standing in front of Jethro's corpse, they could see his pale face and stiffened limbs. It was then that Leanna

realized that her father was truly dead this time. "He appeared to have died for quite some time when we found

him. As far we're concerned, it looks like he committed suicide, but we're waiting for the forensic department to

confirm that," the warden said.

The next second, Leanna closed her eyes, feeling as though her energy had been drained from her body. After all,

her hopes had been dampened when she thought she could perhaps learn something useful from Jethro.

Soon, Aidan wrapped his arms around the lady from behind her while trying to console her. "A man like him is

better off dead than alive."

"I'll be fine here. Perhaps you should return to your office," Leanna said as soon as she stepped out of the


"You know what? You should probably carry a mirror with you all the time," Aidan replied. While Leanna was left

speechless, Aidan continued to say, "Those bold words wouldn't have come out of your mouth had you seen the

look on your face."

Really? This guy is never serious, eh? Leanna silently thought to herself, having nothing to say in response.

"Come on, let me take you someplace else to take your mind off this matter." Aidan held her hand.

"But it's raining now. Where else can we go?" Leanna didn't know where they could go, and she was instantly taken

aback when Aidan took her to a rock-climbing gym. Standing there, she recalled some unpleasant memories and

shifted her gaze to the man next to her with an emotionless look. "Do you think this is going to help me relax?"

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Aidan curled his lips upward. "I thought you were an adventurous person. If this isn't exciting enough, we could try

bungee jumping next time."

Leanna was speechless, wondering what was wrong with Aidan. Is this guy out of his mind? Having learned from

her lesson, Leanna demanded that Aidan join her when the attendants brought them their climbing gear. "Put them

on. You're coming with me."

"Hm? Starting to miss me already?" Aidan raised his eyebrows.

"Hurry up." Leanna nudged Aidan, thinking she should eliminate all chances of the man peeking at her from below.

Not long after that, the duo put on their gear, whereupon Aidan was the first to climb. A few seconds later, Leanna

jerked the rope and began to follow as well. Unlike Leanna, Aidan's agility allowed him to quickly widen the gap

between him and her. He then looked down, setting his eyes on the lady with a casual smile. "Do you need help?"

"There's no need for that!" Leanna bit her lip and continued climbing. At the same time, she looked down, thinking

she had made better progress than she previously did last time.

Well, the platform doesn't seem as high as the one back in the club, so I think I can make it to the top. At the

thought of that, Leanna took a deep breath and was ready to go all out to make her way up to the top.

Nevertheless, she quickly regretted it; Leanna had overestimated herself when she started struggling to continue

climbing. The next second, she lost her grip and balance, but just when she was about to fall onto the other side,

she suddenly felt someone's arm around her waist before she was pulled into his arms. She then immediately

turned around and asked, "I thought you were up there. Since when did you come down?"

"Does that matter?" With his arm around her waist, Aidan looked down and asked, "Do you want to get down?"

Leanna went silent for almost ten seconds, thinking she should ignore him. I knew he would be waiting for me here,

but thankfully, I saw that coming. As long as I don't let go of him, he is going to tire out sooner or later. By then, he

is going to get us down. Meanwhile, Aidan, who felt Leanna's arms tightening around his body, smiled

mischievously. "Are you scared or something?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just…" Fine, I should probably not waste my breath explaining to him.

"I don't mind indulging myself in your sweet cuddle, but if you ever see yourself on the news tomorrow, don't blame

it on me," Aidan remarked cheekily just as Leanna turned her head around and realized dozens of cameras looking

at them.