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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 636
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Chapter 636 She Felt Oddly Familiar

After Eustace left, Xavia stood in the courtyard and shivered from the cold. Refusing to let him have his way, she

tightened her collar and followed after him.

Harold was standing inside the room next door when Xavia passed by. She caught a glimpse of him and felt a sense

of familiarity. Curiosity got the better of her and she halted her steps. She gently pushed the door open to take a

closer look, but before she could see clearly, Harold raised his cane and swung it toward her.

Xavia narrowly dodged the hit, but her movements were restricted due to her pregnancy and she got hit on the

arm. She let out a sharp scream of pain and was left stunned when she fixed her gaze on Harold.

‘What?! How was this decrepit thing still alive?!’

“That child in your womb isn’t Joseph’s! How dare you deceive all of us, you vile witch!”

He had sensed that something was amiss long ago but had not managed to find any evidence. However, everything

was now crystal clear. Xavia had actively sowed discord between Joseph and Chloe, inserting herself between them

and wreaking havoc in their lives. But she had not stopped there. She deceitfully claimed to be carrying Joseph’s

child, inflicting even more injustice upon Chloe.

In the end, it was all just a scam.

“That’s not true, Grandpa. I am carrying Joe’s child. You must have heard it all wrong since you’re old,” Xavia said,

attempting to deceive her way out. She glued her eyes on Harold, while also subtly surveying her surroundings for

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any surveillance devices. “Didn’t you pass away a while ago?”

“What does that have to do with you?” Harold’s face turned stern, his voice seething with anger. “And don’t call me

Grandpa. You’re not my granddaughter. You have no ties to the Whitmans. You’ve committed an immoral act, and

you should prepare to face the consequences.”

Refusing to say another word to her, Harold turned to head back to his room to call Joseph and reveal the truth.

Behind him, a malicious intent crossed Xavia’s mind. She looked toward a nearby flower vase before lowering her

head to study her gloved hand, her gaze growing increasingly dark.

A loud noise echoed throughout the room as the vase shattered, its shards now splattered with blood.

Harold trembled and his phone slipped from his hand, dropping to the ground as blood began to trickle down his

forehead. He stiffly turned around, locking eyes with Xavia.

“If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for meddling in my affairs and crossing paths

with me here today.”

Harold felt dizzy, his lips parted in disbelief as he pointed at her, unable to fathom her heartlessness and deranged

behavior. But before he could utter a word, he collapsed to the


Xavia showed no signs of panic. Knowing that the probability of Harold’s survival was minimal, she quickly fled the

scene. Given his age, a fall like that could easily be fatal, and considering his already frail health, being struck on

the back of his head would likely be the end of him.

Having committed the act without any fear, Xavia felt exhilarated and excited. She had

discovered Harold’s big secret of faking his death and was eager to report it to Cyrus so that they could transform

his staged demise into an actual one.

As Chloe arrived at her destination, she stood before Private Room No.2 and raised her hand to knock on the door.

There was no response from inside.

She knocked again, “Is anyone there?”

Still no answer.

Was she here too early?

Chloe hesitated for a few seconds before gently pushing open the door. The strong smell of blood instantly

assaulted her, and she was met with a pool of crimson on the floor. Her gaze followed the trail upward, where she

found Harold lying unconscious on the floor. Her mind went blank, and she reached out with trembling hands to

check his breath. Though weak, she was relieved to find that he was still breathing.

She had fallen asleep on her way here, and being her first time in this area of concealed, winding paths, she was

worried that she would not be able to accurately convey her location to emergency services and potentially hinder

the rescue efforts. Immediately, she got up and decided to seek assistance from the staff to confirm the exact


As Chloe rushed out of the room, she collided with a woman coming her way. She felt like she had caught a lifeline

and quickly took out her phone to dial emergency services. Meanwhile, she asked, “Excuse me, is this the

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commercial district in the northern region?”

Upon seeing Chloe, the woman smiled. Chloe stared at the woman and her brows slowly knitted together. Even

though she had never met this woman before, for some reason, she found the woman’s face oddly familiar as if

she had seen it a thousand times.

“Yes, this is the commercial district in the northern region. What’s the matter?” the woman asked.

Chloe’s mind was preoccupied with worry for Harold, so she momentarily set aside her

puzzlement about the woman and urgently dialed emergency services. “Hello, my grandfather is injured and I need

an ambulance.”

The woman froze for a moment. She took a few steps forward, and upon seeing the scene inside the private room,

she screamed in fright.

“What happened, baby?”

When Nathan heard Amelia’s cry, he rushed out from the adjacent private room to check on her. Amelia pointed

anxiously at Private Room No.2, then shifted her gaze toward Chloe. Nathan was surprised to encounter Chloe here

but first went to check on Room No. 2. The scene that greeted him left him horrified.

“What’s going on, Chloe? How is Mr. Harold…”

After calling emergency services, Chloe replied, “He was already like this when I came in.”

Nathan’s brows furrowed deeply, and he did not say anything more. Instead, he immediately contacted Joseph.

When the ambulance arrived, he went with them as they rushed Harold to the emergency room, where Joseph

arrived at the same time.