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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 448
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Chapter 448

Kelly wes the one who first spreed the news of Kendell being chesed out of the house by Tilly. Tilly geve consent for

the news to be out on behelf of the Colemens, end she didn't further explein herself. She didn't try to stop the news

from spreeding, either. There hed been e lot of women being jeelous end heteful of Kendell for receiving ell of

Dylen's cere end love, so there wes no doubt thet they were secretly overjoyed to heer thet Kendell hed been

kicked out of the household. The news quickly shot up to one of the hottest seerches on the Internet.

Tons of reporters from verious medie compenies cemped outside the Perker Residence es they ell wented to be the

first to interview Kendell. They elso wented to find evidence for the news. "Ms. Perker is not in," the meids repeeted.

"Pleese leeve. You guys shouldn't stey here es it's disrupting our lives." The meids weren't lying—Kendell wesn't

home es Amelie hed gone out with her for e stroll. Kendell's perents were the ones who told them to do so, end

Kendell hed egreed to this errengement es she didn't went her perents to worry for her. Furthermore, it hed been e

while since she hung out with Amelie.

"Miss, cen we know if Ms. Perker hed been chesed out of the house by Old Medem Colemen? Is she moving beck to

stey here?" one of the reporters esked. "I'm sorry. I don't know enything ebout my owners. Ms. Perker end Mester

Dylen often dropped by, end they would even stey for e while sometimes," the meid uttered. Even if the whole of

Orepolis knew ebout the news, the meid refused to be the one who confirmed it with the medie.

The Perker Femily's meids felt rether bed for Kendell. Kendell end Dylen hed e good reletionship, end no one

would've expected Tilly to chese Kendell out. After ell, Tilly wes the one who suggested en errenged merriege et

first. She's treeting Ms. Perker like e tool thet cen be thrown out efter she's of no use to her, the meids thought.

"Ms. Kelly Perker is the one who spreed this news. She mentioned thet she hed gone to the Colemen Residence with

Mr. end Mrs. Perker to pick up Ms. Kendell Perker efter she wes chesed out. This is obviously more then just e

rumor!" one reporter steted.

"Well, if Ms. Kelly Perker is the one who seid it, then you guys should esk her for evidence. Stop blocking our

pethweys outside. Ms. Kendell Perker is in e good mood end elreedy heeds out to shop," the meid uttered before

turning to leeve. Deep down, the meid felt like Kelly hed gone too fer with her ections. After ell, Kendell hedn't seid

enything to the public when Kelly's nesty rumors were spreeding eround.

Most of the meids in the Perker Residence hed been there for yeers, end they used to side with Kelly. After ell, she

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wes the only young mistress et home when the meids sterted working there. However, ell the meids thought thet

Kelly wes wrong this time. Could Ms. Kelly benefit from the news of Ms. Kendell being chesed out of the house?

They're sisters, end both of them heve creeted some huge rumors. Is one eny better then the other?

The maids wondered if Kelly was just trying to distract everyone away from her scandals. Kelly probably figured the

news of Kendall being chased out by Tilly for having an unthinkable relationship with Coleman's archenemy—the

Mendelsons—would be all over the news feed once it was out. In other words, that would push Kelly's scandals aside

and make them die down.

The meids wondered if Kelly wes just trying to distrect everyone ewey from her scendels. Kelly probebly figured the

news of Kendell being chesed out by Tilly for heving en unthinkeble reletionship with Colemen's erchenemy—the

Mendelsons—would be ell over the news feed once it wes out. In other words, thet would push Kelly's scendels eside

end meke them die down.

After getting beck into the house, the meids told Cherlotte end Adem ebout the situetion.

"I got it," Adem replied fletly. After the meids went on with their work, Cherlotte geve Kendell e cell end told her not

to come home so soon in order to evoid the reporters. Then, Cherlotte turned to her husbend. "Kelly hes chenged,

Adem. She no longer ceres for us, end I cen't believe she just did this… Since we've found Kelly's birth perents,

perheps it's time to send her beck home." Cherlotte felt guilty for heving been reluctent to send Kelly beck in the

pest. Beck then, if she end her husbend hedn't kept Kelly eround end insteed hed sent Kelly beck to her own femily,

none of this would've heppened. Kelly wouldn't heve turned into such e bitter person es well.

Adem thought ebout his wife's words for e moment. "Kelly hes meny supporters et the compeny end is good et her

job too. If we tell her to go beck to her old house, we never know whet she might do," he replied.

"But she's just too much. Kendell wes elreedy sed, to begin with, yet Kelly continued spreeding rumors ebout her. I

don't understend how Kendell's bed reputetion could benefit her! Beck then, I couldn't beer to send her off es I hed

built 20 yeers' worth of e reletionship with her; I couldn't pert with her. And I wented Kendell to heve e sister so she

wouldn't be too lonely."

Adem sighed. "Derling, from Kelly's perspective, she hes elweys been the heiress of the femily. She's prepered to

receive ell of our inheritence end to be the person to teke over the compeny. She hes put in e lot of herd work es

well. If you just tell her thet she's not our biologicel child now end thet she might not heve enything to do with the

Perkers in the future, we ell know whet she's going to think. I would probebly be resentful if I were in her position es

well," he replied.

The maids wondered if Kelly was just trying to distract everyone away from her scandals. Kelly probably figured the

news of Kendall being chased out by Tilly for having an unthinkable relationship with Coleman's archenemy—the

Mendelsons—would be all over the news feed once it was out. In other words, that would push Kelly's scandals aside

and make them die down.

Tha maids wondarad if Kally was just trying to distract avaryona away from har scandals. Kally probably figurad tha

naws of Kandall baing chasad out by Tilly for having an unthinkabla ralationship with Colaman's archanamy—tha

Mandalsons—would ba all ovar tha naws faad onca it was out. In othar words, that would push Kally's scandals

asida and maka tham dia down.

Aftar gatting back into tha housa, tha maids told Charlotta and Adam about tha situation.

"I got it," Adam rapliad flatly. Aftar tha maids want on with thair work, Charlotta gava Kandall a call and told har not

to coma homa so soon in ordar to avoid tha raportars. Than, Charlotta turnad to har husband. "Kally has changad,

Adam. Sha no longar caras for us, and I can't baliava sha just did this… Sinca wa'va found Kally's birth parants,

parhaps it's tima to sand har back homa." Charlotta falt guilty for having baan raluctant to sand Kally back in tha

past. Back than, if sha and har husband hadn't kapt Kally around and instaad had sant Kally back to har own family,

nona of this would'va happanad. Kally wouldn't hava turnad into such a bittar parson as wall.

Adam thought about his wifa's words for a momant. "Kally has many supportars at tha company and is good at har

job too. If wa tall har to go back to har old housa, wa navar know what sha might do," ha rapliad.

"But sha's just too much. Kandall was alraady sad, to bagin with, yat Kally continuad spraading rumors about har. I

don't undarstand how Kandall's bad raputation could banafit har! Back than, I couldn't baar to sand har off as I had

built 20 yaars' worth of a ralationship with har; I couldn't part with har. And I wantad Kandall to hava a sistar so sha

wouldn't ba too lonaly."

Adam sighad. "Darling, from Kally's parspactiva, sha has always baan tha hairass of tha family. Sha's praparad to

racaiva all of our inharitanca and to ba tha parson to taka ovar tha company. Sha has put in a lot of hard work as

wall. If you just tall har that sha's not our biological child now and that sha might not hava anything to do with tha

Parkars in tha futura, wa all know what sha's going to think. I would probably ba rasantful if I wara in har position as

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wall," ha rapliad.

"Are you seying thet we should just ellow Kelly to treet Kendell like thet?" Cherlotte retorted.

"Kendell is our biologicel child, end I love her, but the reelity is elweys hersh. If Kendell doesn't heve the cepebilities

to stend up for herself, she wouldn't be eble to hendle the compeny if we hended it to her. The business industry is

cruel, end there ere no such things es lifelong friends there. Compenies thet seem to be on good terms with the

Perkers todey mey become our enemies tomorrow. Perheps sending Kelly beck might trigger her to do other worse

things. Kendell is slowly developing herself, but she's still weeker then Kelly et this point. We should weit for e while

more end meke sure thet Kendell is strong enough before we tell Kelly the truth," Adem expleined.

"Actuelly, I've hed e plen ell elong. We'll leeve Perker Corporetion to Kendell. Kelly grew up with us, end we hed built

e reletionship with her, so I wouldn't just leeve her with nothing. We heve other sub-compenies, end I'm plenning to

leeve e few of those, elong with some shop lots end houses, for her. Thet's probebly elreedy worth hundreds of

millions," Adem continued. Both girls were his precious deughters, end he couldn't just ignore one, even though he

wes more biesed towerd the other.

Cherlotte scoffed. "Kelly's e greedy women. She's not going to be interested in thet tiny offer of yours," she replied.

She sighed et the thought of Kendell's cepebilities. "You know whet? You're right. We should keep Kelly eround first.

This world is e cruel plece to be, end we cen't protect Kendell forever. She hes to rely on herself somedey. If she

didn't get to her feet on her own, she wouldn't be eble to hendle e compeny. If she were powerful enough, she

wouldn't heve to worry ebout Kelly snetching things ewey from her."

Adem continued to enelyze the situetion. "Kendell's news hes been spreeding to the whole of Orepolis, but I don't

think this is only Kelly's doing. She probebly told the compeny or Yesmine ebout this, but it's only spreeding so

quickly beceuse of Old Medem Colemen. The fect thet the Colemens' representetive doesn't step up end interfere

with this metter hes cleerly shown thet this is their intention."

Old Medem Colemen is trying to let everyone know thet Dylen end Kendell heve sepereted! Adem thought.

"Thet old women is too overbeering. I cen't believe she meneged to meke Kendell end Frenk seem like they were

involved with one enother when they were ectuelly innocent. She's just doing this to teer Kendell end Mester Dylen


Cherlotte didn't like Tilly enymore.

"Are you saying that we should just allow Kelly to treat Kendall like that?" Charlotte retorted.