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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 471
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Chapter 471

"Why isn't Adam letting him in?" Tilly asked. How dare he refuse to let Dylan in? She was angry and also sad for her


Ronnie stayed silent for a moment before responding, "Because of Young Mistress Kendall."

Tilly didn't say another word upon hearing that. She went too far that day. Any parent who cared about their

daughter would never forgive them that easily. Adam was Kendall's father, and Dylan loved Kendall. He wouldn't

blame Adam for refusing him entry, which was why Adam had the guts to do this.

"Dylan went there to apologize and take their daughter back, but they won't even let him in? What's the meaning of

this? Do they not wish for her to come back with Dylan?" She growled. She only relented for Dylan. After all her

friends' persuasion, she decided to let the young ones do what they wanted. Besides, she saw how heartbroken

Dylan was. Even her daughters-in-law came to talk to her.

Tilly wasn't someone with a heart of stone. She raised Dylan herself, so she never wanted to see him so

heartbroken. However, now that she finally relented and permitted him to take Kendall back, the Parkers gave them

attitude. She wanted to tell them to piss off.

Ronnie didn't dare to tell her that Adam wanted her to apologize, so he remained silent.

Though, she could already guess Adam's true intention even without being told so. "Adam wants me to apologize,

isn't he? He wants me to take her back myself? That's how anyone would react if their children had been treated

that way, after all."

Ronnie said nothing, but his silence was as good as an answer.

Tilly harrumphed, "Ronnie, take Dylan back. By force if necessary. If they're giving us attitude, then they can keep

Kendall. It's not like I want her anyway."

"But Young Master Dylan wants her, Madam," he answered quickly.

Tilly's face was black as thunder. "Just take him home. The sun's scorching hot. I can't believe they're letting him

stand under the sun. Do they want to kill him?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She then hung up and hurled the phone.

Jane got up to pick up the phone that was thrown onto the floor. She then handed it to Tia before sitting back

beside Tilly. And then, she wrapped an arm around the old lady's shoulder. "Deep breaths, Old Madam Coleman.

Don't be mad. Master Dylan loves her, and we can see that. Ronnie can't take him back, no matter how much they

try. This is mission impossible."

Tilly hissed, "I only permitted him to take her back because I love him. He loves her, and I love him, but those

credits do not transfer. Adam thinks he can get me to apologize? Dream on. His daughter isn't worth my time. She

can rot out there for all I care."

Jane let her rant. Eventually, she said, "Old Madam Coleman, if we're viewing things from the Parkers' perspective, I

honestly don't think they're out of line."

Tilly shot her a glare.

"Well, you've said so yourself; this is how most people would react. Just saying, but if Alice were to be treated like

how you did Kendall, what would you do?"

Tilly's response to that question came almost immediately. "I will tear their family apart if anyone ever does that to


"That's right. You care about Alice. And the same goes for Mr. Parker. He cares about Kendall as well."

Tilly did not argue about that. The old bat was a selfish prick who only cared about herself. She would demand her

daughter's husband never to let her daughter do any chore, but if her son's wife slacked off on even one chore, she

would call the wife indolent.

"It's a hot day. Standing outside for too long might cause heatstroke," Jane added.

And that did it for Tilly. She shot up and said, "Jane, come with me. We're going to the Parker Residence."

Jane stood up as well. "Of course."

"Where's Fergus and Emily? Tia, get them here. Also, tell Amos to prepare the best gift he can get and make it

quick. I need to bring it to the Parkers."

Since she was relenting anyway, she would do it until the bitter end. Only when Dylan was happy could the family

be happy. The old bat might be discriminatory toward people of lower status, which included Kendall, but her love

for Dylan was genuine. She would do anything for his sake.

Tia quickly sought Fergus and Emily out. They were at Julie's house and came back a moment later with Julie and

her husband tagging along.

Amos prepared a big gift as soon as possible, and Tilly's motorcade made its way to the Parker Residence. She

rarely left the house since she got older. Nobody expected her to leave in this weather, not to mention without

having her lunch, too. They never thought she was going to apologize to Kendall and bring her home personally.

The whole household found out about her departure soon enough. Kendall was already as respected as Dylan in the

first place. Now that Tilly was relenting, they knew Kendall's position as young mistress was firm now.

At the Parker Residence, Charlotte was fidgeting while Adam looked calm. She couldn't help but comment, "Adam,

he's still outside. His legs haven't fully recovered yet, and he's been standing out there for the whole morning. And

under the scorching sun, too. What if something happens to him? Kendall might not blame us, but she's gonna feel


Adam looked at her. "You have told him he could leave, but he refused. It ain't my fault if anything happens to him.

If he doesn't care about himself, why should I?"

She chided, "Yeah, keep doing that. If something does happen to him, things are gonna get ugly." She then got up

and opened the door. However, the moment she came out of the house, she saw Dylan collapse. Shocked, she

screamed, "Master Dylan!" Then, she quickly trotted to him.

Hearing his wife's sudden cry, Adam's composure was lost. He, too, emerged from the house, and the Coleman

bodyguards quickly came to Dylan's aid.

Ronnie held Dylan up, and Randy tried to take him back into the car, but Dylan grabbed his hand. "I'll just sit in the

wheelchair." His legs couldn't support him any longer. "I need to wait until Father lets me in." Even in this state, he

insisted on waiting for Adam's approval.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Master Dylan!" Charlotte came to him, with Adam following behind.

"Father. Mother." Even when he was in the wheelchair, his legs were trembling, and his face was drenched in sweat.

Charlotte's heart went out to him.

"I'm sorry. I failed to protect her. I let her down," Dylan apologized.

Amos praparad a big gift as soon as possibla, and Tilly's motorcada mada its way to tha Parkar Rasidanca. Sha

raraly laft tha housa sinca sha got oldar. Nobody axpactad har to laava in this waathar, not to mantion without

having har lunch, too. Thay navar thought sha was going to apologiza to Kandall and bring har homa parsonally.

Tha whola housahold found out about har dapartura soon anough. Kandall was alraady as raspactad as Dylan in tha

first placa. Now that Tilly was ralanting, thay knaw Kandall's position as young mistrass was firm now.

At tha Parkar Rasidanca, Charlotta was fidgating whila Adam lookad calm. Sha couldn't halp but commant, "Adam,

ha's still outsida. His lags havan't fully racovarad yat, and ha's baan standing out thara for tha whola morning. And

undar tha scorching sun, too. What if somathing happans to him? Kandall might not blama us, but sha's gonna faal


Adam lookad at har. "You hava told him ha could laava, but ha rafusad. It ain't my fault if anything happans to him.

If ha doasn't cara about himsalf, why should I?"

Sha chidad, "Yaah, kaap doing that. If somathing doas happan to him, things ara gonna gat ugly." Sha than got up

and opanad tha door. Howavar, tha momant sha cama out of tha housa, sha saw Dylan collapsa. Shockad, sha

scraamad, "Mastar Dylan!" Than, sha quickly trottad to him.

Haaring his wifa's suddan cry, Adam's composura was lost. Ha, too, amargad from tha housa, and tha Colaman

bodyguards quickly cama to Dylan's aid.

Ronnia hald Dylan up, and Randy triad to taka him back into tha car, but Dylan grabbad his hand. "I'll just sit in tha

whaalchair." His lags couldn't support him any longar. "I naad to wait until Fathar lats ma in." Evan in this stata, ha

insistad on waiting for Adam's approval.

"Mastar Dylan!" Charlotta cama to him, with Adam following bahind.

"Fathar. Mothar." Evan whan ha was in tha whaalchair, his lags wara trambling, and his faca was dranchad in swaat.

Charlotta's haart want out to him.

"I'm sorry. I failad to protact har. I lat har down," Dylan apologizad.