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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611 Because I was absolutely certain that this man, more than myself, couldn't bear to seesuffer.

And that was enough.

Christine paused for a moment, then chuckled, "You really are head over heels." "But, Gregory is worth it." As she spoke, she pouredanother glass of juice, reminding, "But, we really should start thinking about the dress for the wedding. After all, it's such an important occasion, it deserves sthoughtful consideration." "Alright, I'll go with your advice." I gave in.

But to my surprise, her eager nature had us discussing dress designs right after dinner.

More anxious than the bride herself.

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Afraid that I'd regret something on my wedding day.

Later that evening, my mom called, saying she had to attend a film festival these next few days and couldn't visit me.

"It's alright, mom. Christine's here, and you've got your things. Plus, Zoe's handling the cooking, and Gregory has someone assigned for my needs, I'm well taken care of." Bella hung up, reassured.

After Christine and I had our showers, we hadn't even hit the bed before Gregory called.

"Jane, you asleep yet?" "Not yet," My heart inexplicably soared at his late-night call, instinctively asking, "What's up? Something wrong?" "Don't worry." Gregory, ever so soothing, said, "It's just that Ramona woke up and wants to see you. If you're not asleep, maybe you could cby?" "Of course!" I was overjoyed at his words.

Gregory probably guessed my response, "Lucius is already on his way to pick you up, so maybe change and cdownstairs." Before he hung up, he couldn't help but add, "Take your time, no rushing, you hear?" I smiled, "Heard you loud and clear." When we got to the hospital, Lucius didn't take us to Ramona's room but straight to the ICU.

Ramona was outside the room, gazing in through the glass.

"Ramona?" I approached tentatively.

She turned, smiling at me, "Lily's here." Despite Gregory's heads-up, my eyes welled up, "Ramona..." "There, there, dear." Holding my hand, she pointed inside and asked, "Would Lily blRamona?" "I almost hurt you because of him, even though he was the one at fault." I shook my to quickly, "Please don't you that. I understand, were sick. You didn't mean toRamona patted my hand, "My Lily is the best." Seeing everything was under control, Christine didn't ccloser, just sat waiting at a distance.

Lucius also sat down but kept his eyes glued to his phone, probably handling something urgent. Looking around, I didn't see Gregory and couldn't help asking, "Where's Gregory?" Lucius replied honestly, "Gregory's gone to catch Josiah." "Why didn't you go with him?" In my mind, Gregory and Lucius were almost always together, especially for big matters.

Lucius pointed at his phone, "Got things to monitor here, and Gregory's got backup. Don't worry, Jane." Hearing this, I knew Gregory had intentionally left him at the hospital.

Gregory was worried something might happen to me.

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At the coastal docks of the suburban area.

At this hour, it was pitch black.

The only sound was the sea waves crashing against the shore.

Until a convoy of black SUVS arrived, their headlights piercing through the darkness, blinding.

Josiah, seeing the tall man stepping out from the first vehicle, cursed under his breath. Unperturbed, the man smirked slightly, lifting his hand casually.

Behind him, a few guards escorted Pearl and Dorothy forward.

Leaning against the SUV, Gregory casually spoke, "What's the matter? Decided you don't want your wife and kid's anymore?"