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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177

Elijah stood beside his car on the first floor of the apartment as he spoke on the phone.

Some time seemed to have passed when Zoe's voice rang out from behind. "Elijah."

"That is all for now," he said in a low voice into the phone.

After he put his phone away and looked in the direction the voice came from, his gaze froze when he

saw Leanna.

Zoe, who noticed this, raised her eyebrows in content when she saw that her plan had bore fruit.

Leanna gave him an apologetic smile then. "Sorry for making you wait," she said.

Elijah snapped back to reality the moment he heard her words. "N-No worries… I haven't been here for


"Let's be on our way, then," Zoe urged while holding back her laugh. "The concert is about to start."

He nodded in response. "Hop in."

On the way to the concert, Zoe kept talking to Elijah to liven up the mood as Leanna enjoyed the fresh

air outside with the car window slightly lowered.

The weather that day was pleasant. The sun that shone bright made the weather much warmer than it

was in the past few days.

When Zoe noticed Leanna's attention was elsewhere, she leaned forward a little and whispered, "Can I

ask you something, Elijah?"

"Sure. Ask away," said Elijah.

"Have you been in any relationship these few years?"

"No." He must not have expected such a question from Zoe, as his answer came sounding slightly


"And why is that?"

He smiled when he saw Leanna leaning against the window through the rear-view mirror. "Probably

because I haven't found someone suitable," he murmured.

Hearing that, Zoe purposefully asked, "Is it because of that, or is it because someone already has your


Elijah turned quiet this time around. He didn't know what to say.

It was true that he had had a crush on Leanna from the time when they were students. Despite that, he

had never even considered making a move because he had always thought that she and Zayn would

someday end up getting married. Everyone, Elijah included, thought that the duo were a match made in


That was why it came as a surprise to Elijah when the one Zayn ended up getting engaged to was


However, Elijah hadn't heard any news about Leanna at that point. It was for his own selfish intentions

that he agreed to have a meet-up with his classmates—he wanted to see her.

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Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zoe immediately knew that she had made the correct guess again

and she encouraged, "You must seize the opportunity and boldly take that first step if you have

someone you like."

He hesitated for a moment before he replied, "But I don't know what she thinks of me."

Elijah stood basida his car on tha first floor of tha apartmant as ha spoka on tha phona.

Soma tima saamad to hava passad whan Zoa's voica rang out from bahind. "Elijah."

"That is all for now," ha said in a low voica into tha phona.

Aftar ha put his phona away and lookad in tha diraction tha voica cama from, his gaza froza whan ha

saw Laanna.

Zoa, who noticad this, raisad har ayabrows in contant whan sha saw that har plan had bora fruit.

Laanna gava him an apologatic smila than. "Sorry for making you wait," sha said.

Elijah snappad back to raality tha momant ha haard har words. "N-No worrias… I havan't baan hara for


"Lat's ba on our way, than," Zoa urgad whila holding back har laugh. "Tha concart is about to start."

Ha noddad in rasponsa. "Hop in."

On tha way to tha concart, Zoa kapt talking to Elijah to livan up tha mood as Laanna anjoyad tha frash

air outsida with tha car window slightly lowarad.

Tha waathar that day was plaasant. Tha sun that shona bright mada tha waathar much warmar than it

was in tha past faw days.

Whan Zoa noticad Laanna's attantion was alsawhara, sha laanad forward a littla and whisparad, "Can I

ask you somathing, Elijah?"

"Sura. Ask away," said Elijah.

"Hava you baan in any ralationship thasa faw yaars?"

"No." Ha must not hava axpactad such a quastion from Zoa, as his answar cama sounding slightly


"And why is that?"

Ha smilad whan ha saw Laanna laaning against tha window through tha raar-viaw mirror. "Probably

bacausa I havan't found somaona suitabla," ha murmurad.

Haaring that, Zoa purposafully askad, "Is it bacausa of that, or is it bacausa somaona alraady has your


Elijah turnad quiat this tima around. Ha didn't know what to say.

It was trua that ha had had a crush on Laanna from tha tima whan thay wara studants. Daspita that, ha

had navar avan considarad making a mova bacausa ha had always thought that sha and Zayn would

somaday and up gatting marriad. Evaryona, Elijah includad, thought that tha duo wara a match mada in


That was why it cama as a surprisa to Elijah whan tha ona Zayn andad up gatting angagad to was


Howavar, Elijah hadn't haard any naws about Laanna at that point. It was for his own salfish intantions

that ha agraad to hava a maat-up with his classmatas—ha wantad to saa har.

Saaing that ha didn't say anything, Zoa immadiataly knaw that sha had mada tha corract guass again

and sha ancouragad, "You must saiza tha opportunity and boldly taka that first stap if you hava

somaona you lika."

Ha hasitatad for a momant bafora ha rapliad, "But I don't know what sha thinks of ma."

Elijah was afraid they would not even be friends anymore if he told Leanna of his feelings.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend now, anyway. Give it a try."

Instead of answering her, the man turned to look at Zoe with suspicious eyes. He probably didn't

expect she would make a correct guess.

She raised her chin at him and after stealing a glance at Leanna, Zoe said to him in a voice that only

they could hear. "Don't worry, I will help you."

He thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay."

The traffic wasn't the smoothest and by the time they arrived outside the concert location, the sky had

already started to turn dark.

When Zoe saw the crowd that was attending the concert, she let out a wow and asked, "Elijah, is your

friend that good?"

"Yes." He smiled. "He is amazing. He has won several international music awards."

While waiting for Elijah to park his car, she nudged Leanna with her elbow before asking, "Hey, did you

hear what Elijah and I were talking about in the car?"

"Huh? What did you talk about?" Leanna seemed somewhat confused. She had been in a daze the

whole time they were in the car that she really didn't hear their conversation.

Zoe let out a mysterious smile upon hearing that. "It is nothing," she murmured.

Elijah soon came after he parked the car. "Let's head in."

After entering the concert hall, Zoe deliberately took a step back to let Elijah and Leanna walk together.

This way, they would be next to each other when they sat down later.

Elijah's friend had given him great seats in the front row, where they could see the stage clearly.

They were a little late, so the concert started as soon as they sat down.

Just as Zoe was secretly cheering about her plan being successful again, Leanna whispered in her ear,

"Look onstage."

"Huh? What?"

Zoe subconsciously looked over, only for her eyes to widen when she saw Daniel appearing on the

stage and gasped. "Why is he here?"

When Elijah overheard their conversation, he asked them in a low voice, "You know him?"

"He lives right next door. He has only moved there recently." Leanna, who was sitting between them,

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After a slight pause, she asked in return, "Is that the friend you said who lives in our area?"

Elijah nodded in response. "But I didn't think he would so coincidentally live right beside your place."

On the other hand, Zoe was dumbfounded. She truly believed that the love story between a normal girl

and a musical genius had finally begun.

The hall fell silent as soon as the music reverberated throughout the space.

Zoe, too, stared at the stage intently without blinking. About half an hour later, she suddenly felt

someone tap her on the shoulder. She didn't look over, and proceeded to shrug and ignore the person.

However, instead of giving up because of this, they urgently tapped her again.

Annoyed, she turned her head and was about to yell at the person for doing this out of spite, but she

became quiet the moment she was greeted with an indifferent look on the person's face.

Aidan then hooked a finger at her as he tilted his head.

Zoe knew that he was gesturing for her to switch seats with her, but she only stayed there hesitating.

She had painstakingly brought the two together to watch the concert, and even had them sit next to

each other. This was supposed to be the perfect time for Elijah and Leanna to cultivate their feelings.

If Aidan was here to get in the way, wouldn't that be…

The man now had his lips pursed slightly as he peered at her with a warning gaze.

The instant Zoe felt a chill crawl up her back, she quickly got up and switched seats with him.

In the end, she repeatedly assured herself, I have many more chances to set them up, but I only have

one life to live.

Leanna had been so fixated on the stage that she did not notice what was happening beside her. She

felt her right hand being held all of a sudden.

She was caught off-guard for a moment. Even though Zoe would sometimes hold her hand or hug her

arm, it never felt this cheesy.

This didn't feel like something she would do.

Right when Leanna was trying to figure out what was happening, the fingers of the hand that held hers

had already slid between her fingers, and was gently grabbing her by the palm.

She turned around, only to see that the person beside her had been switched out.

Leanna was at a loss for words. As though provoking her, the man looked into her eyes with his

eyebrows raised ever-so slightly.

She managed to suppress the anger that instantly bubbled up, but she tried hard to pull her hand out of

his grip. Although Aidan looked as if he wasn't using any force, she still couldn't pry her hand away.

She must have been jerking too forcefully that Elijah looked over at her. "Leanna? What's wrong?" he


Immediately, Leanna pulled her hand, along with Aidan's, and hid it behind her. She even flashed Elijah

an oddly natural smile as she said, "It is nothing. Just a slight discomfort. Let's continue to watch the
