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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Sasha did not realize Vicky could enter Hart Corporation and even accompanied Tyler there just within a

month. When she met Vicky and Tyler in the hallway last time, she already felt something was different

between those two. The move she tried on Vicky actually helped to close the gap between Vicky and


Vicky said calmly, but the things she said could easily cause Sasha to go mad.

“I wonder if Miss Sasha heard that Tyler and I are getting better together. A few days ago, someone tried

to accuse me of stealing. In the end, Tyler was the one who helped me out and also taught a lesson to

the girl.

who bullied me.”

She thought for a while and continued, “Oh, I think that girl’s name is Maria Sparks… The girl who

caused your cousin, Sheila, to injure her leg. If I remember correctly, Tyler did not do anything to Maria

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

when Sheila was hurt. Right?”

Showing off in broad daylight!

Sasha felt like a gush of blood was rushing up her throat. She did hear about it, and the way people

talked about it was very mysterious.

They talked about how Tyler went so mad and crazy because of Vicky, offending all of the guests at the

dinner party because of Vicky and having those guests apologize to Vicky.

Vicky curled up her lip higher as Sasha’s face became so ferocious from jealousy. She pretended to be

the winner of the fight and looked at Sasha from a condescending angle with pride because she was

born into an eminent family.

“Sasha, I didn’t hold you accountable for what you did last time, not because you were lucky and not

because Sheila put in the good words for you. It was because I never wanted to bother about it. But if

there’s a next time, you won’t be so lucky anymore.”

Sasha was a simple–minded person. A string in her mind broke when Vicky treated her in that way. She

dashed over at Vicky!

Tyler looked at the time again and again while sitting in his office. He furrowed his brows vehemently.

When he had breakfast with Vicky, she told him she was going to the hospital for a follow–up check.

Perhaps she would not have the time to prepare lunch for him or they could go out for lunch.

She also said she would be there before lunchtime. However, it was already past one o’clock.

Vicky was not here yet, and she did not even give him a call. It just did not make sense.

Habits were really terrible things. It was normal for him to forget to take his lunch when he got busy. It

had always been like this for over a year.

However, it was not even a month, and he was already not getting used to it anymore.

His slender and long fingers tapped on the table and created tapping sounds. He looked at his quiet

phone and picked it up. When he was about to make the call, someone came knocking at his door


Before he could say anything, Harry came in directly with a troubled face. “Mister Hart, something bad

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

happened to Missus Hart!”

When Tyler was on the way to the hospital, Vicky was still in the emergency room. On their way to the

hospital, Harry quickly debriefed Tyler on what had happened.

“I heard Missus Hart had a fight with a woman in the hospital and fell down the staircase…”

The reason Harry would know about it first was that he was the one who did the discharge procedure the

last time Vicky was discharged from the hospital. He also left his phone number with the hospital.

Vicky was a beautiful woman and very easygoing. She gave the doctor in the hospital a great

impression. The doctor remembered her name, and that was why Harry was contacted.

Tyler asked, “Then what about the woman Vicky had a fight with?”

“She ran away after that. But…” Harry looked at Tyler intimidatingly and stuttered. “I already sent

someone to check her information. She’s…”

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