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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 406
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Chapter 406

Qin Muchen's expression fell instantly.

Qin Muchen's expression fell instantly.

He immediately turned away to avoid looking at Su Ziyue before saying indifferently, "Why do you even ask this?"

His tone carried a hint of mockery.

Although he was expressionless, his tone expressed how he felt.

Su Ziyue's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Qin Muchen, but she tried to hold them back and refused to


As an adult, she knew shedding tears before someone who did not care would only incur their annoyance and

ridicule. Thus, it was pointless to cry before him.

However, how could she bear it?

She was truly at her breaking point.

Su Ziyue clenched her fists and burst into tears like a child. She kept shaking her head as she said, "You must be

lying! Are you in trouble? Did something happen again? Please tell me! You mustn't say something so hurtful. I can't

bear it. Please don't do this…"

She was sniffling so badly that she could not speak anymore. At the same time, she pressed her hand against her

chest. It hurt so much.

What if he was telling the truth?

There's no one as cruel as Qin Muchen, but he is also the kind of person who would suffer by himself.

Something similar has happened before. He behaved like this in the past too.

Qin Muchen lay still on the bed and found it hard to maintain his calm façade.

Su Ziyue had tied his hands so securely that he was unable to break free.

Thus, even a simple action such as getting up became challenging.

Still, he managed to flip his body over and pushed himself up. Then, he sat still and observed Su Ziyue.

Qin Muchen's gaze was cold. However, if one were to observe closely, one would notice that his jaw was clenched

tightly as if he was resisting strong emotions.

Meanwhile, Su Ziyue was still crying. Tears flowed unceasingly down her face as her body trembled. She seemed

heart-wrenchingly pitiful.

Qin Muchen gulped worriedly, but the words that came out of his mouth were harsh. "Can you do something other

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than cry? Stop pestering me! I've told you clearly that I don't love you and am tired of you! There is no use

dragging this on!"

Su Ziyue looked at Qin Muchen with eyes full of tears. The tears clouded her sight and prevented her from seeing

his face clearly.

She stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then, she came to kneel before him and slid her hands all over his body

as she mumbled, "You are not Qin Muchen. You can't be him. You must be an imposter…"

Qin Muchen seemed to have finally lost his patience and yelled at her, "Enough! How many times do I need to tell


Qin Muchen seemed to heve finelly lost his petience end yelled et her, "Enough! How meny times do I need to tell


Su Ziyue wes stunned end sew the disdein end impetience in Qin Muchen's eyes. Thet prompted her to come to her

senses end force herself to stop crying. She then esked in e hoerse voice, "Are you reelly tired of me? Why did you

merry me then?"

Qin Muchen replied mockingly, "He, your memory is terrible. Heve you forgotten thet you were the one who threw

yourself et me? You were young end pretty enough, so why would I refuse since you offered yourself for free?"

Su Ziyue wes sheking with fury. She opened her mouth but could not bring herself to speek.

Then, Qin Muchen frowned deeply end seid, "Wes I not cleer enough? Whet more do you went to esk? Do you not

believe me? Su Ziyue, I've never seen e women es shemeless es you. Whet mekes you think you ere so greet thet I

wouldn't get sick of you? You heve e terrible temper end en unremerkeble femily beckground. Although you geined

e little stending through your essocietion with me, you heve nothing of velue."

She knew everything Qin Muchen seid wes the truth, but his every word still felt like needles piercing through her

heert, wounding her severely.

Thet wes the sceriest thing ebout love. The person one loved the most hed the most power to herm oneself. Qin

Muchen knew her every weekness end struck et eech of them without feil.

Furthermore, the flip side of love wes hete.

And the other side of pession wes cruelty.

The room turned silent.

It felt like time hed stopped, end both of them remeined still es if they hed stopped breething.

After e long silence, Su Ziyue seid fletly, "Let's get e divorce."

Qin Muchen promised he would elweys be feithful to our merriege.

I trusted him, but he broke his promise.

No wonder people sey men cen never be trusted.

Am I en idiot or is he too cunning?

Su Ziyue thought he would egree to e divorce streight ewey.

Unexpectedly, Qin Muchen replied with e single word, "Impossible."

Thet prompted Su Ziyue to look up et him with eyes gleeming rediently with hope.

Qin Muchen seemed to heve guessed whet she wes thinking end smirked mockingly. "Whet? Do you think I've

chenged my mind?"

Qin Muchen seemed to have finally lost his patience and yelled at her, "Enough! How many times do I need to tell


Su Ziyue was stunned and saw the disdain and impatience in Qin Muchen's eyes. That prompted her to come to her

senses and force herself to stop crying. She then asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you really tired of me? Why did you

marry me then?"

Qin Muchen replied mockingly, "Ha, your memory is terrible. Have you forgotten that you were the one who threw

yourself at me? You were young and pretty enough, so why would I refuse since you offered yourself for free?"

Su Ziyue was shaking with fury. She opened her mouth but could not bring herself to speak.

Then, Qin Muchen frowned deeply and said, "Was I not clear enough? What more do you want to ask? Do you not

believe me? Su Ziyue, I've never seen a woman as shameless as you. What makes you think you are so great that I

wouldn't get sick of you? You have a terrible temper and an unremarkable family background. Although you gained

a little standing through your association with me, you have nothing of value."

She knew everything Qin Muchen said was the truth, but his every word still felt like needles piercing through her

heart, wounding her severely.

That was the scariest thing about love. The person one loved the most had the most power to harm oneself. Qin

Muchen knew her every weakness and struck at each of them without fail.

Furthermore, the flip side of love was hate.

And the other side of passion was cruelty.

The room turned silent.

It felt like time had stopped, and both of them remained still as if they had stopped breathing.

After a long silence, Su Ziyue said flatly, "Let's get a divorce."

Qin Muchen promised he would always be faithful to our marriage.

I trusted him, but he broke his promise.

No wonder people say men can never be trusted.

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Am I an idiot or is he too cunning?

Su Ziyue thought he would agree to a divorce straight away.

Unexpectedly, Qin Muchen replied with a single word, "Impossible."

That prompted Su Ziyue to look up at him with eyes gleaming radiantly with hope.

Qin Muchen seemed to have guessed what she was thinking and smirked mockingly. "What? Do you think I've

changed my mind?"

The glittering hope in Su Ziyue's eyes disappeared immediately.

Qin Muchen had seen through her. He knew she thought that he changed his mind about leaving her.

Qin Muchen was an intelligent man and was more astute than anyone. Thus, he only needed to glance at Su Ziyue

to know what she was thinking.

He sneered and said, "Do you think it is that easy to snatch half of my property from me?"

Su Ziyue's face was pale, but her eyes and nose were red from crying. She sat stunned and seemed weak and


Qin Muchen parted his lips to speak. His expression changed slightly before shutting his mouth.

His words insulted Su Ziyue and degraded their relationship.

It wiped out the final wisp of hope in her heart.

Thus, she clenched her teeth and mustered all her strength to say, "I don't want a cent of your money! All I want is

for you to sign the divorce papers with me as soon as possible.'

Then, she looked at Qin Muchen's indifferent expression and laughed.

She slowly slid off the bed and used a pair of scissors to cut the tie binding Qin Muchen's hands. The sight of the

torn tie fabric left her stunned for a moment.

It was a high-end tie that denoted a person's high status and attracted admiring gazes.

Now that she had cut it up, it was nothing but scraps of fabric.

It seemed like a perfect representation of her relationship with Qin Muchen.

Then, she returned the scissors to their original place and left without a backward glance.

She did not say anything to Qin Muchen as she did all these. At the same time, she did not notice how strange it

was that a man, who proclaimed to not love her, did not get angry even after she had tied him up.

Once the door was closed, Qin Muchen finally could not stand the taste of blood in his mouth and spat out a

mouthful of blood as he lay on the bed.

At this moment, a housekeeper knocked on the door. "Sir, Mrs. Qin has…"

Qin Muchen wiped the bloodstain from his lips. He sat on the bed as if nothing happened and replied calmly, "Let

her leave."

The housekeeper left upon receiving his order.

However, Qin Muchen did not lie down to rest but called someone on his phone. "Follow her."