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Master of his heart (Brielle and Max)

Chapter 376
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Chapter 376

Brielle wasn’t in the mood for deep thoughts; it was the first time she had witnessed two

lives snuffed out because of her.

She needed a moment to breathe, to think about her next move.

Right now, Max’s embrace was her sanctuary, and she longed to surrender to a brief


What should she do next?

Would Sue also end up dead if this continued?

Her mind was a whirlwind of chaos. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to rest first.

Max’s hand gently stroked her back, his eyes reflecting a chill as he noticed the weariness

on her face.

He rose, carefully cradling Brielle in his arms, and laid her down in the bedroom.

The moment Brielle touched the bed, she stirred awake, sensing his presence in the room,


mumbled, “I want to try again.”

Max froze for a second, gazing at her sleeping face, then tucked a strand of her hair

behind her ear, murmuring. “Okay.”

What Brielle didn’t know was that since she left the hospital, the place had been swarming



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No one expected Simon to die, and Sue, clutching Simon’s mutilated body, wept with a

heart–wrenching sorrow.

Those who had condemned Simon online were caught off guard.

One moment, they were decrying Simon as a man unworthy of fatherhood; the next,

Simon was dead.

And Sue’s grief–stricken wailing tugged at heartstrings.

Public opinion had completely shifted against Simon, but with his death, everyone was at

a loss. about what to do next, so they began discussing the accident.

Was it a mishap or something more sinister?

Bereft of her anchor, Sue finally let go of Simon’s body after much persuasion from the

doctors. Her husband was dead, and she saw no reason to live on.

They shouldn’t have come to claim that money.

Sue sat numbly in the morgue, watching as Simon was zipped into a body bag.

Her phone buzzed with a message.


Chapter 376

(Are you content to let your husband die in vain? Brielle killed him. She killed your

husband and your daughter. Will you let her get away with it?)

When hope was lost, grasping at straws became second nature.

For Sue, that message was her lifeline, the only thing keeping her hope alive.

It was Brielle. Brielle had killed her husband!

Sue’s eyes blazed with hatred. Wiping away her tears, she clutched her phone and left the


She would seek justice for her husband! Even if it cost her life, she wouldn’t hesitate.

She planned to take her own life, then make it seem as if Brielle had driven her to it.

Using her death to sway public opinion seemed like the best strategy.

If her entire family was dead, why should Brielle live in peace?

A cold smile crossed Sue’s face as another message popped up on her phone.

[Tell the public that Brielle started the live stream from the hospital, and that Brielle

indirectly killed Simon. And with your husband dead, what’s the point of you living? Aren’t

you afraid Simon is lonely down there?]

Sue’s limbs become. It wasn’t until she stepped out of the hospital that she realized a

crowd of reporters was waiting to interview her.

With swollen eyes, she faced the cameras, her mind echoing the text message, and she


to recount.

“It’s Brielle’s fault, all of it. She wants us all dead.”

“Poor Sarah, you died so tragically.”

“Even if Simon was at fault, Brielle had no right to play God. Brielle, you bitch, I will never

forgive you,” she sobbed.

At the end of the day, everything stemmed from the conflict between Brielle and Sarah. It

was understandable that Sue blamed Brielle, especially since she had lost her husband

and daughter.

After delivering her speech, Sue stumbled into a nearby taxi.

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The reporters didn’t follow, but the interview was already live–streaming online.

The internet was ablaze with outrage, calling for Brielle’s head.

It was her actions that led to the ruin of Sue’s family.

And the unsavory truths about Simon that had been revealed were now conveniently


In a nutshell, the man was dead. What more could be done? Surely, it was all Brielle’s




Chapter 376

Brielle was a light sleeper, and she woke up rubbing her temples.

Once she had gathered her wits, she threw off the covers and got out of bed.

The voices of Max and Patrick conversing drifted from the living room. Max looked up to

see her, hair disheveled, her face delicate but her expression resolute as she turned to


“Patrick, can we have Sue taken to the police station? It needs to be done quickly. I fear

she might be coaxed into suicide, then have everything pinned on me.”

She had overheard enough at the hospital to know how much Sue idolized her husband.

Sue’s sense of self was not intact; she had invested everything in Simon. With Simon

gone, she, too, would crumble.

If someone exploited this vulnerability, she would gladly surrender her life.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!