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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49


I didn’t think it was possible to come apart so completely from one little sentence.

Feeling Zane’s hands around my neck, and Xander’s in the same place earlier, I wondered what it

would be like for them to let their wolves free, to feel their canines pierce through the soft skin of my


Hearing Zane say those words was like a fantasy come true.

But it was clear from the look on his face, and the way Xander had torn his head away from his place

between my legs, that

it had been a slip.

I’d wondered last time we’d been together what kinds of things they said and thought about me, and

now I knew.

Before I could think too hard about it, Xander dipped his head back down between my legs, pushing his

tongue deeper inside my core while Zane’s hands traveled once more to my breasts, squeezing in time

with my throbbing center.

A rush of heat rippled through me as my whole body trembled and I came all over Xander’s face while

grinding backward against Zane’s hard c ock. He lapped up my juices gratefully before pushing himself

up and facing me.

He reached out and pushed my hair back from my face.

“As much as we want to, Lanie, we can’t claim you. S hit is so complicated with Alice already and I

don’t want you to-

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“I know.” I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to hear it, I just wanted to feel them on me, in me. “You don’t

have to say it.”

I pulled Xander closer so he was kneeling between my still-spread legs and Zane sat up taller so his

chest was pressed against my back, his hands moving down to my hips.

1 wrapped my legs around Xander, and he hitched me up onto his lap..

And then his mouth was on mine, our tongues twisting together in a perfect dance.

I reached back for Zane and wound my fingers through his hair, needing to feel as much of both of

them as I could. He leaned into my neck, his lips brushing my skin in response, making me shiver

Then his hands moved down from my waist to my as s, cupping it firmly while Xander tugged me

closer, his c ock teasing my


“I know how bad you want this,” Xander growled into my mouth,

I pushed myself onto him, so wet his c ock easily slid deep inside me.

“Just as bad as you do,” I whispered, letting my head fall back into Zane’s neck.

I could feel Xander’s pleasure in the way his c ock surged inside me, in the scent that radiated from

every pore of his body. I

wasn’t the only one who wanted this.

was like all three of us were being pulled together, tighter and tighter by some invisible cord, building to

a kind of pleasure

I was sure none of us had ever quite experienced.

Xander’s eyes flashed as his wolf took over and he plunged into me, hard and fast, making my back

slap against Zane’s

muscular chest and abs


Zane pulled my arms back, making my back arch and sending xander even deeper

building to an impossible height.

But I still wanted more. I needed more.

I didn’t know if I could ever get enough of them.

As if he could read my mind-and let’s face it, he basically could-Zane slid his throbbing c ock between

my as s cheeks,

teasing my tight hole.

The ache in my core intensified as I imagined him stretching me while Xander stuffed me from the


Instead, Zane reached around to my cl it, lightly grazing my bud at first.

“Please,” I had to beg before he finally worked me faster and harder.

I felt behind me for Zane’s huge, heavy c ock, pumping it in time with Xander’s thrusts.

Part of me had wondered could sex ever

ver be as good as it was the first time?

How f ucking wrong I was to question it.

“I’m going to come!” I choked out, and the cord snapped, stars exploding in my vision as my o rgasm

shattered me


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“We’re right here with you, Lanie, Zane murmured, low and husky, and I felt them both seize and

shudder, spilling their seed

in and over me.

We collapsed onto the bed in a heap, sweating and gasping for air, a million thoughts swirling through

my head.

I might’ve been a virgin before Xander and Zane first f ucked me, but even I knew this wasn’t average


It didn’t matter if they still hadn’t claimed me like they’d claimed Alice, there was something pulling us

together. Something telling me that this wouldn’t stop here.

Xander rolled over, propping his head against his hand, his gaze blazing as he spoke. “I can’t keep

myself away from you,


Zane nodded in agreement as he traced his finger up my arm in delicate strokes. “I know we had a

deal, but there’s no w

I’m giving this-us-up.”

I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to either.

So where did that leave us?

But before I could ask, the sound of a door creaking open ripped all of us out of our reverie

Xander held his finger to his lips as we trained our ears on the sound of light footsteps walking across

the living room.

Suddenly, Alice’s voice rang out from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Are you boys ready to beg for my forgiveness now?”