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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 891
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Chapter 891 I Do Not Deserve This

Ning Ran was still in bed the following day when she heard someone singing in the living room.

It seemed like Dabao and Erbao were practicing unusually early that morning with the intention of waking their

mother up.

When Ning Ran looked beside her, Nan Chen was looking at his phone on the bed.

Now, this is rare. He usually gets up pretty early. He should be back after his morning exercise by now.

She rolled over and sat on top of him. “Why are you still in bed, Mr. Chen?”

“Why are you still in bed?” Nan Chen asked in return.

“I usually wake up later than you do. You're the early bird,” Ning Ran replied.

“What do you think about these prayer beads?” he asked, passing his phone to her.

Since Ning Ran was no expert on prayer beads, she could not tell what materials were used just from pictures of

the item. All she could gather was it looked dated.

“Are you helping me look for a present for Grandma?” she asked.

“Yes. I thought I should go for something simple since Grandma doesn't lack anything, but her family is coming, so it

must be more thoughtful. It has to be a gift that shows Grandma's family how much we appreciate her, so I asked

Jiang Zhe to look for something from an old collector. This string of beads is what he got in the end. Grandma is

religious. I think she will like this.”

Ning Ran nodded at Nan Chen's suggestion. “These beads don't look unique to me, though. Are you sure it's a good


“Do you think there's nothing special about it?” Nan Chen asked back.

“Well, not that my naked eyes can tell,” Ning Ran replied, smiling.

“It was made of agarwood and presented to the empress of the Tang dynasty as a tribute by the nation of Pandera.

The empress loved it and had always kept it with her. However, hundreds of years later, the item was lost overseas,

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but an old collector saw it and his hands on it.”

His explanation left Ning Ran's jaw dropped. “Wow. It's invaluable, then.”

“The collector bought it for thirty million when he was abroad. The market price has increased by a bit over the

years, but he sold it to me at the original price since he knew I was the buyer, so I'm giving him a painting from the

Ming dynasty on top of the price,” Nan Chen informed.

“You're spending a lot for the beads, then. They look too ordinary for that price point, though. Those who are not

into beads might think it's just something cheap you got online,” Ning Ran remarked, still unable to see the

uniqueness of the beads, albeit looking at them repeatedly from the phone.

“You might not know anything about prayer beads, but many people do. This is the perfect gift for someone

religious like Grandma.”

“So, is this my gift to her or our gift?” Ning Ran asked.

“This is our gift, but you'll be the one handing it to her.”

Suddenly, a knock came on the door just as the two were deep in their discussion.

Erbao and Dabao were getting impatient when they saw that their singing had not woken up their parents.

“Mommy! Why are you still not awake? Yunxue's almost here already!”

Ning Ran jumped at their words. It occurred to her that Lu Jingyuan had asked her to send Lu Yunxue and Lu

Yunbing to school together with her children that day.

“Dang it! I totally forgot about this. Get up! We're sending the four of them to school today. The girls are having

breakfast here too!”

Nan Chen was flabbergasted. “Why didn't you tell me earlier?”

Speaking, the two jumped out of bed. Just as they were done washing up, they heard a car pulling up at their house

and children laughing after Erbao dashed out to greet the girls.

The beaming smiles on the children's faces were not something one would always see on adults.

“Mommy, Lu Yunxue's here!” Erbao exclaimed.

“We're here, Ms. Ning!” Lu Yunxue cried out, holding her bag.

Behind the excited girl, Dabao and Lu Yunbing looked rather calm as they walked in while chatting.

“Welcome, Yunxue! Make yourself at home. Breakfast will be ready soon!” Ning Ran greeted as she looked behind

the girl, but instead of seeing Lu Jingyuan, she saw a groggy Nan Xing.

Ning Ran could tell from his messy hair that the man rushed out of the house before he came here.

“You look tired,” Nan Chen noted.

“Yeah. Have you been fooling around yesterday?” Ning Ran asked cheekily.

The man slumped to the couch and sighed. “I was gaming with my friends yesterday night, so I turned in pretty

late, but someone woke me up at five this morning! That's even before sunrise!”

“Where's Ms. Lu, by the way? Why didn't she send the children today?” Nan Chen asked.

“Well, she's sleeping! We've been so busy making arrangements for the children's schooling that we didn't think of

their accommodation, so they've been putting up at a hotel. However, I figured they shouldn't be staying at a hotel

on their own since they had just arrived at Flower City, so I moved in next door to them, but guess what? That

woman didn't even tell me about the children attending school today. The kids woke me early in the morning and

hurried me to send them to school! What did I ever do to bring this on myself? What did I do to deserve this?” Nan

Xing complained.

Ning Ran laughed out loud when she heard that. Well done, Lu Jingyuan!

Meanwhile, Lu Yunbing, who had been listening to the man complaining about her mother, decided to put the man

in place.

“Just so you know, Mr. Nan, you're the one who brought us here from the capital. You're the one who promised

Uncle Tiance that you would take good care of us, so why are you complaining about sending us to school now?”

Nan Xing had totally forgotten that the girls were there too.

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“That's not what I meant. I don't mind sending you girls to school. This is just a misunderstanding,” he quickly

cajoled, for he knew he could not afford to cross that girl—let alone her mother.

“Mommy only wakes up after ten in the morning, so there's no way she's getting up so early to send us. If you have

a problem with that, we can go to school on our own next time,” Lu Yunbing added coldly.

“Oh, no! I don't have a problem with that. I'm more than happy to do it. Please don't tell your mom about this. She's

going to give me an earful again.”

Nan Chen looked at his brother and could not help but wonder how a playboy like him would end up begging for

mercy from a child.

Is he afraid of the girls or their mother? I guess it doesn't matter as long as there's someone who makes him grow


“By the way, Chen, what are you and Ning Ran giving Grandma for her birthday?” Nan Xing suddenly asked.

“I'm not giving anything, but Ning Ran is. She's giving a string of agarwood prayer beads from the Tang dynasty. I

hope Grandma likes it,” Nan Chen replied.

“Wow! That must have cost a fortune! What do you think I should give her, then?” Nan Xing asked, scratching his


“The best present you can bring is a wife,” Nan Chen suggested.

“But I don't have one! Um, wait. I might, actually.”

Here, Nan Xing darted his gaze around, and when he had ensured Lu Yunbing and Lu Yunxue were on the other

side, playing with Erbao, he looked back and inquired softly, “What do you think about Lu Jingyuan, Chen?”

The elder brother frowned at the question. “Does my opinion matter? It's your own decision to make.”

Nan Xing sighed and grumbled, “That woman is too proud. She's lazy too. I wasn't planning on having a serious

relationship with her, but dumping her after dating is too mean.”

When Ning Ran overheard that as she went to the men and interrupted, “Don't get ahead of yourself. You don't

even know if she will agree to date you yet. For all you know, she might end up dumping you!”