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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 466
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Chapter 466 Finding Emma

The cook brought out dish after tantalizing dish, setting them on the table for Waylon and his guests to enjoy. Out of

courtesy, Waylon took the liberty of serving Janie and Luca some salad. However, Abel stopped Waylon just as he

was about to serve him. “It’s alright, none for me. It will likely aggravate my condition,” Abel explained himself.

“You just need to take some of that medicine my father offered,” Waylon said. “It helps to reduce the ulcer


Abel just smiled without saying a word.

“You don’t trust my father?” Waylon raised an eyebrow.

“Of course not! On the contrary, I’m very impressed with his medical knowledge,” Abel clarified.

“Then what are you smiling about?” Waylon wondered.

“I just don’t see the point of getting treated if I don’t even know how Emma is doing,” Abel looked visibly saddened.

“If she died, would you lose the will to live as well?” Waylon frowned.

Abel did not answer Waylon immediately. The thought did cross his mind before, but he could not just leave the four

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beautiful children Emma had given him, so he would continue to live even if Emma was no longer around. However,

he was not sure if he could live a good, happy life without Emma around. It was his cross to bear because no one

else would understand the pain of losing the woman he loved. It was as if Waylon silently understood what Abel was

thinking just from Abel’s expression, so he merely sighed and did not press any further.

After dinner, Abel and his entourage returned to their respective guest rooms as everybody patiently waited for

nightfall. At 9pm sharp, Abel, Luca and Janie made their way to the little room in the east wing, where Benjamin

sentenced himself to isolation to make up for his mistakes.

The group made their way down the narrow stairs only to find Waylon Adelmar himself at the bottom of the stairs,

dressed in a white suit and leaning casually against the wall, as if he had been waiting for them.

“Waylon?” Benjamin exclaimed in shock.

“Don’t worry, I sent Abel to you this afternoon precisely because I knew you’d be persuaded to take them to Emma.

I’m coming with you,” Waylon revealed.

“Waylon, I cannot begin to thank you enough,” Abel said as he grabbed Waylon’s hand into a firm handshake.

“No worries, I’d feel better if I tagged along too since you guys may not know how to handle Emma in her immobile

state,” Waylon added.

Abel felt a piercing sensation through his heart as soon as he heard Waylon. What in the world happened to his

dear Emma? He was both anxious and terrified to find out.

The five of them left the manor in two cars and headed in the direction of the pier. They boarded a luxury

superyacht that took them toward another nearby island that was rather similar to Dawn Island. Despite it being

midnight, the island city was still lit up by bright lights and colorful LED billboards. It was no surprise to Abel since

Sam had explained to them that this was just another of the Adelmar family’s many islands. Half an hour later, the

group arrived in front of a large, imposing hospital.

“Is Emma is this hospital?” Abel asked.

Abel nodded slowly. “The hospitals on Dawn Island are older and less well equipped. This hospital has world-class

facilities to ensure the best care for Emma.”

“Mm,” Abel made a sound. Ryker Hospital should consider implementing these facilities as well, he thought to

himself. Perhaps the Ryker family could work with the Adelmars one day…

The vehicle ferrying the group entered the hospital compound but did not stop at the main building. Instead, they

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were driven to a standalone block that looked more like a hotel resort. Abel knew that Emma was likely inside that

building. He felt his blood rush at the thought of being able to be close to Emma once again.

A few ladies in the same maid’s uniform as those at the Adelmar manor greeted Waylon and his contingent as the

car parked in front of the building. Once again, they whispered something to Waylon in a language that Abel did not


“They’re surprised that I’m here at this time,” Waylon explained. “I was just here this morning.”

“Where’s Emma?” Abel asked directly. He could not wait any longer.

“Follow me,” Waylon said as he led the group into the building.

Abel felt his heart racing like a horse. He was about to find out what exactly happened to Emma. My dear Emma…

I’m almost there… Wait for me…

The ground floor of the building was a beautifully decorated lounge, but Waylon brought them up a flight of stairs to

the second floor. A few doctors and nurses walked past them, and Waylon always made it a point to acknowledge

them politely. Finally, Waylon stopped in his tracks as they arrived in front of a European-style door painted in


Emma… Abel’s heart called out for his wife.