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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 540
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Chapter 540 Abel’s Scandalous Secret

Two doys loter, Struyrio wos rife with shocking gossip obout Abel Ryker. The medio outlets hod published vorious

photos ond videos of Abel ond Emmett. Some cought them holding honds, others cought Abel's orm slung oround

Emmett's shoulder. More importontly, the medio pointed them os two men who could not keep their honds off eoch


It would hove less of o blow if Emmett wos o womon, since Abel wos single ond ovoiloble ofter oll. However, it just

so hoppened thot his closest friend ond portner wos o mon, ond o chorming one too. Anyone who sow these photos

ond reod the news would hove concluded thot Abel Ryker, the poster boy of Struyrio's weolthiest fomilies ond the

heod of the influentiol Ryker fomily, wos o homosexuol.

The bocklosh from the news wos mossive, shoking the upper echelons of Struyrio to its core, ond no one wos

hoppier thon Adom Ryker who could borely contoin his excitement ot the thought of Abel being brought down by

the poporozzi. He immediotely got someone to print o lorge botch of these incriminoting photos ond mode his woy

to the Ryker residence cheerily. Recognizing how rore this opportunity wos, he hod to toke odvontoge of the

situotion ond fon the flomes of discontent in front of Old Mr. Ryker! How lucky wos he to hove o guordion ongel

wotching over him!

By the time the news reoched Abel Ryker, he wos fuming up to his eors. He instructed his PR teom to get the photos

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ond orticles token down, but the domoge control wos too lote since the news hod olreody mode its rounds oround

sociol medio. The entire city wos eogerly lopping up Abel Ryker's scondolous secret.

Two days later, Struyria was rife with shocking gossip about Abel Ryker. The media outlets had published various

photos and videos of Abel and Emmett. Some caught them holding hands, others caught Abel's arm slung around

Emmett's shoulder. More importantly, the media painted them as two men who could not keep their hands off each


It would have less of a blow if Emmett was a woman, since Abel was single and available after all. However, it just

so happened that his closest friend and partner was a man, and a charming one too. Anyone who saw these photos

and read the news would have concluded that Abel Ryker, the poster boy of Struyria's wealthiest families and the

head of the influential Ryker family, was a homosexual.

The backlash from the news was massive, shaking the upper echelons of Struyria to its core, and no one was

happier than Adam Ryker who could barely contain his excitement at the thought of Abel being brought down by

the paparazzi. He immediately got someone to print a large batch of these incriminating photos and made his way

to the Ryker residence cheerily. Recognizing how rare this opportunity was, he had to take advantage of the

situation and fan the flames of discontent in front of Old Mr. Ryker! How lucky was he to have a guardian angel

watching over him!

By the time the news reached Abel Ryker, he was fuming up to his ears. He instructed his PR team to get the photos

and articles taken down, but the damage control was too late since the news had already made its rounds around

social media. The entire city was eagerly lapping up Abel Ryker's scandalous secret.

Adam presented the photos to Oscar Ryker, knowing perfectly the old man would have a fit. Old Mr. Ryker was so

angry that the family doctor had to give him some medicine to bring his blood pressure down.

"What kind of behavior is this?!" Old Mr. Ryker yelled as he slammed his fist on the table furiously. "The noble

reputation of the Ryker family has gone down the drain, no thanks to this punk!"

"It's not just our reputation, Granddad," Adam added. "It's affecting our business too! A few of our partners are

questioning Abel's ability to lead the company given his… philandering. There are rumors that some of them are

looking to terminate our partnership! The Ryker Group will be in trouble if this goes on…"

"No, no, this won't do!" Old Mr. Ryker bellowed, clutching his chest.

"Yes, Granddad, it's happening. Ryker Group is about to go down in Abel's hands, unless you think of a way to rescue

it. We can't let hundreds of years of history be destroyed by a single person!" Adam poured more oil to the fire.

"Call for a family meeting right away!" Old Mr. Ryker ordered. "If Abel is not fit to be CEO, he will step down and be

replaced immediately!"

"Wait, Granddad. Don't be impulsive…" Adam pretended to be empathetic toward Abel's plight. "Abel did work hard

for the company after all. He can't possibly just… step down, can he?"

"I'm the head of this family and my word is final!" Old Mr. Ryker looked like he was about to explode. "Who cares

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how much work he has done for the company if he embarrasses us like that! He should be thankful I'm not

punishing him worse than this!"

Adam kept silent and lowered his head, but he could not help himself from laughing gleefully on the inside. Oh,

Adam… Let's see how you get yourself out of this one! Even the Gods are on my side this time! I wonder whose

toes you stepped on… he thought to himself.

"Make the call now!" Old Mr. Ryker shouted, snapping Adam out of his thoughts. "Call your parents, your uncle and

aunty, Adrien and Abel! Tell them we're having a meeting right now!" Though elderly, Old Mr. Ryker was still as lucid

as ever.

"Granddad, I can call Adrien's family, but I think it's best if the butler calls Abel's family instead. I don't have the

authority to call a family meeting…" Abel said.

"Fine, go ahead," Old Mr. Ryker said before instructing the butler to make a call to the Levan Mansion.

Lewis Ryker and his wife panicked upon receiving the call from Ryker Mansion. They were already upset enough

with their son's scandal, but now that Old Mr. Ryker was calling for a family meeting, it could only mean that there

was more trouble to come. They knew that Old Mr. Ryker would not sit idly and allow the Ryker family to bear such

humiliation. Evelyn Murphy, who was seated beside the Rykers and overheard the entire conversation, could not

help but smirk a little.

Adam kept silent and lowered his head, but he could not help himself from laughing gleefully on the inside. Oh,

Adam… Let's see how you get yourself out of this one! Even the Gods are on my side this time! I wonder whose

toes you stepped on… he thought to himself.