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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32

After Jason left, Charles stood for a complete minute in deep thought of what his brother had just said

before he went to tap Clara, “Hey wake up. It’s time for training.”

Clara responded without opening her eyes, “I’m exempted from training because of my punishment and

I have chosen to clean the packhouse to be close to you,” She yawned. She was very tired after all the

work she did yesterday. It was something she never did in her life before and those warriors were so

mean, she thought of different ways to make them suffer when she became the Luna or the bela’s


“Then you better start work because Omegas begin cleaning before everyone wakes up. Right now,

everyone is awake and you are still sleeping Charles spoke in a caring tone, happy for Clara’s

punishment. It would make it easy for him to spend time with Gracie since he had no intention of

breaking up with Clara yet

Before Clara could react, a knock was heard on the door and Charles went to get it. “Good morning

beta Charles, please is Clars here?” one of the warriors asked Charles respectfully. Charles asked


“Is there a problem?”

~~ the p

it’s time for her to begin cleaning t “There she is

packhouse,” the warrior revealed, Charles smiled and stepped away from the door whiles telling the


The warrior was surprised as he ambled to the bed, we did not believe that Charles would make it so

easy for them to effect Clara’s punishment but since it had happened, he was ready to do his job, “Miss

Clara, if you don’t start working within the next five minutes, I would have te whip you or double your

working hours.”

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Clara’s eyes snapped open instantly as she jolted and lifted herself from the bed. Seeing Charles

changing into his training outfit, she run to him and pleaded, “Charles I’m so tired after all the work I did

yesterday. Please tell him to allow me to rest

Charles caressed her cheek and said lovingly, “Clara, how many times I’m I supposed to tell you that

the Alpha’s command is law? I’m sorry but there is nothing I can do. You saw how I was beaten by him

yesterday right? I can never win against him in a fight so you just have to do as told”

Clara lowered her head sadly Charles was not as he used to be. He never stood up for her like he used

to do before and now, even her father was cleaning the pack like a lowly omega. A ga mma was doing

the work of an omega and Charles salc or did nothing about it. Clara was not stu pid to not notice that

her man hac changed or had he seen through her that the man she really wanted was his brother?

“Where are you going so carly? it’s still an hour to training, she caressed his bare chest, not caring that

the warrior was there. It was time to make it believable that she wanted Charles, so he’d cont nue to

defend her like old times. And I would love for you to stay with me for a while.”

Charles removed her hand slowly, smiled and said, “Jaxon sent me on an errand He is the Alpha and I

can’t refuse.”

He pulled his shirt on as Clara asked him, “What kind of errand?”

“He asked me to drive Gracie to the training arena and pass a message to Rowena’s mom,” Charles

tied his lace whites he spoke. Clara was s0 saddened that Charles was going to be with that woman


“And you are going?” She asked with tear-filled eyes.

Charles’s countenance was saddened, feigning to be moved by her tears, “A beta is supposed to do as

his Alpha says, even when he does not agree to it,” he said, kissed her on the check and left her at the

mercy of the warrior. The warrior checked the time of his wrist watch and said,

“Miss Clara, you spent fifteen minutes instead of five so I’m afraid you’ll have to work for twenty

minutes extra.”

Clara paled instantly but could not refuse, knowing that Charles would not be able to save her

Suddenly, her eyes lit as she began to walk towards Alpha Clinton’s room to begin cleaning, surprised

to see the man in his training outfit.

“Good morning, Alpha!”

“Clara, why are you here with a sweeping brush? The old Alpha asked.

Clara let out a flawless smile, She needed access to Alpha Clinton’s room to check and see if she

could get any information on Rowena to send her packing again. This time around, she would be so

discreet about it that no one would know that she caused it.

“I was assigned to clean the packhouse so I will start from your room,” Clara smiled and responded.

Alpha Clinton stared at her emotionlessly and said,

“Forget my room, Clara, do the others, and leave.”

Clara was dismayed about not having access to the old Alpna’s room but retreat was not an option at

the moment when she needed to turn things around so fast. “Alpha, do you have someone to clear

your room already?” She was hoping that no one had cleaned it so she’d have a reason to insist

without her ambition looking suspicious.

“Zoe already cleaned my room an hour ago. She is more efficient than you, Alpha Clinton sakl

indiferently, Clara lowered her head, gnashing her teeth. Zoe was a frend of hers and also assigned to

the packhouse, Clara pursed her lips belare her eyes lit again when she knocked on Jaxon’s door, only

to be met by another shocker. She was amazed to hear a familiar female voice, “come in.”

Claça could not believe it, feeling like her ears were playing tricks on her, Her heartbeat was rapped

and she hoped it was not what she thought it to be She opened the door and indeed, Rowena was

sitting on the bed when Jason came out of the washroom in his training outfit with a towel around his

neck. It looked like he went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

11:43 D

Chapter 32

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“What do you want here?” Jaxon asked coldly upon seeing Clara staring at him from the doorway.

Rowena pretended to not know of her existence, staring blankly. It was funny how the tables tumed and

Clara no longer had any power or authority over her, Clara lowered her head and said,

“I came to clean.

Hearing that she was there to do the job Rowena used to do belare, she could not allow Clara to be

anywhere near Jaron, Rowena did not know how she became possessive over Javon and said,

“Don’t worry Clara, I almady cleaned Jason’s room.” She could not stand the bit ch anywhere near her


Clara looked around and though everywhere was neat, she saw a little dirt at the tall of the bed and

knew that Rowena had not cleaned. She just did not want her close to Jason, which meant she was

equally afraid of her.

“It’s my duty” Clara insisted with a smile but laxon was not having it. If Clark was the one to clean his

room, then he’d rather do so himself.

“Why don’t you clean other areas of the packhouse?” Jaxon sald indifferently but Clara’s gare settled

on Rowena as she asked,

“You slept here?”

Rowena saw the burning jealousy and Clara’s eyes which healed the ancient wound in her heart. She

shrugged, “The Alpha did not mind so why should you?” Rowena asked rhetorically with a smile. Clara

felt her heart shred into two. It felt that she lost everything because of Rowena and she just trone at the


“Gracie is on the way. Let’s go,” Jason said to Rowena, stretching his hand towards her whiles he

dropped the towel on the bed. He would get Someone to clean the room later but not Clara.

Rowena stood up and began to walk to the door hand with Jaxon, Clara stepped out of the way. She

watched as Jaxon locked his door and took his key away. What an insult! When Rowena was in charge

of cleaning the packhouse, she had access everywhere except Charles’s room but Clara, a woman of

high birth, was being treated lower than an omega.

Just wait Rowena, let my punishment be complete and then you’ll see Clara vowed in her mind whiles

she went to clean Charles’s room.