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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 533
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11:43: Chapter 533 Harold's gaze flickered with a hint of melancholy as he said. "I've cback this twith a special mission." Sophie was puzzled and asked, "What special mission?" Stepping forward, Harold tapped Sophie's head and laughed, I told you, it wouldn't be special, would it?" "It's such a wonderful day. Il call Jenno, Adler, and Colby over. We'll all give you a warm welcback." "Colby?" "Yeah, Colby." Harold fell silent. He had been away for six months and was unaware that Sophie and Colby had grown so close.

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Harold heard Sophie mention Colby in such a familiar tone and sensed their subtle affection. It seemed a lot had happened during his half-year absence Gordon spoke up. "There's no need for you to send out invitations. I've already sent out Invites. Everyone should be arriving later today." "Mr. Gordon, you're always so thoughtful, I.....” Before Sophie could finish her polite response, Harold grabbed her wrist, saying, “Con, I want to show you my treasures!" "But I wasn't finished talking!" Sophie's protest was cut short as Harold pulled her away. Harold's impulsive nature hadn't changed, acting first without thinking of the consequences.

He led Sophie to his room and opened his suitcase, revealing all the honors he had achieved in the past six months. "See? Impressive, right?" "Indeed, I underestimated you before," Sophie admired the certificates and medals in the suitcase that Harold carefully preserved.

Harold couldn't help asking. “So, you and Colby... are you two together now? He had been able to check his phone weekly while on duty, but news could only cin dribs and drabs, especially during the period Sophie was reported missing at sea. Harold was desperate to return but was bound by military rules. He couldn't intervene or be by Sophie's side and was relying on his brother for updates instead. Now that he was back, Harold had also heard about Sophie and James reconciling. Yet Sophie's tone when mentioning Colby earlier had unsettled him.

"Yes, we're together." Sophie didn't intend to hide it. Patting Harold's shoulder she said, "You're not getting any younger. It's tyou found a girl you truly like Suddenly, Harold grasped the hand Sophie had on his shoulder and asked, "Why Colby?" "Sthings in life simply happen without reason. When you meet a girl you like, you'll understand there's no explaining it, Sophie replied.

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Harold withdrew his hand from hers, conceding, "Had it been anyone else, I might have fought for you. But with Colby, I admit defeat willingly." Colby had always been Harold's idol. If Sophie was happy with Colby, he had nothing to worry about.

In the evening, everyone gathered at the grandiose Aldridge Mansion. Jenna, who had watched Harold grow up, was impressed by his transformation, "You're truly Gordon's brother. Training with Colby's team has paid off." Jenna's comment caught Sophie's attention. "In Colby's team?" "Yes, didn't Colby tell you?" Jenna frowned, remarking, "He is such a forgetful one!" As Jenna spoke, Colby and Adler entered, one after the other.

Adler was puzzled and asked, "Why the long faces? Who upset our beautiful ladies? I'll sort them out for your Jenna accused on behalf of Sophie, "Colby, Harold is back. You never mentioned he was on your team." Colby's brow furrowed slightly. "is that so?" 1 2 3 3 2 29 Adler, surprised, added, "My goodness, you didn't know? Weren't you the one who told me? Your memory seems to be getting worse!" After a moment of silence, as if trying to remember, Colby said, "It seems familiar... maybe." Jenna was shocked and exclaimed, “You can't be serious. You have early onset dementia at your age?"

Just then, Gordon emerged from the elevator, adding, "Harold joining m Colby's team was a quick mention from me. He probably forgot." 11:44

have Jenna's expression softened, That's more I ke it Otherwise, I'd d have ton şeriguş talk with my forgetful cousin. You can't be so secretive with your girlfriend."

Harold heard the word "girlfriend,” and his smile faded slightly. Hem stepped forward, extending his hand. "Colby, nice to meet you." X