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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 344
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Xyla Quest was immensely satisfied as she read through these comments. She felt that the air she

breathed in had a trace of sweet smell flowing along with it.

She put down her phone and turned to face the man sitting beside her. “Stan, thanks for everything.”

“Told you, it’s nothing.” Stanley Batton said, “I’m going to clean up the room for Georgie. You guys can

go to your room and have a rest first.”

“Sure.” She nodded obediently.

He helped her up carefully and the three of them went upstairs together. As they reached the second

floor, Stanley headed to clean up the guest room whereas Xyla led Georgie Clementine to her master


Georgie pulled Xyla to her fluffy lavender bed as soon as both of them entered the room.

Xyla covered their bodies with the blanket and held Georgie’s hand. “Stan totally changed my

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impression of the people in the gang, you know. Based on my observation over the past two days, I

don’t think he looks like a gangster at all,” she spoke her thoughts to Georgie.

“The most important thing is that he’s meticulous and he’s completely different from the other

gangsters. No wonder he can stay around the higher-ups, he’s really extraordinary.” Georgie could not

stop complimenting Stanley.

“Yeah, I agree. He’s special, whether it’s his image, his temperament or his behaviors, he’s totally

different from a gangster. Sometimes I think that someone like him should be a big boss or a big star.”

Talking about Stanley, Xyla could not stop praising him too, her eyes seemed to be gentler and the

corner of her lips curled up unconsciously.

Georgie noticed her facial expression and straightened Xyla’s body immediately. She held Xyla’s face

with her palms and questioned her seriously. “Are you in love with him?”

Xyla was bewildered at her question. She shook her head. “No…”

However, Georgie frowned and seized her up and down thrice, she looked into her eyes and advised

her solemnly. “You and him are from two different worlds. No matter how good he acts in front of us, we

must remember that he’s in the gang.”

“He might be very noble on the surface but he’s just like any ordinary gangster behind our back, with

blood in his hands, and he’s probably doing those dirty deals out there.”

“President Xyla, please guard your heart and never fall in love with him, he’s not meant for you. You

should find a good man who is able to match your standard, live a superior life.”

Georgie continued to advise her with all her heart. The way Xyla smiled and her gaze when she

mentioned Stanley made Georgie extremely worried. She felt insecure about Xyla. She did admit that

Stanley was very nice to Xyla and he looked decent too. However, she definitely did not approve both

of them to be together.

He did not deserve a noble lady like Xyla.

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“I know, stop nagging me. Why are you acting like my mother?” Xyla responded grudgingly.

“I care about you, okay?” Georgie said.

“Alright, I get it, the good ones and the toxic ones will never walk on the same path.” Xyla stretched out

her right arm and placed it around Georgie’s shoulder.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Suddenly, Xyla’s phone kept vibrating. She picked up her phone swiftly and took a look at it.

She was being added into a WeChat group chat. She pressed the group to have a look and she found

out that the members inside were all her classmates from Year 12.

All the names in it were familiar. There were forty people in total including her.

Everyone was talking about the gathering they planned. Few of them mentioned Xyla’s name and

asked for her opinion about the changes to the date of the gathering. They decided to set it on the day

of the Lantern Festival at eight o’clock in the evening.

Xyla instantly sent an ‘okay’ emoji to the group.