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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 437
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Chapter 437: A pull

Grey took the letter from him and tore it. He hesitated before he read through what was written on it. He

hesitated, confused. The message in the letter was very confusing. Aphrodite wanted him to come to a

particular place. And that was why Grey found it confusing.

Though, he was relieved. At least, it means he knew where Aphrodite was currently.

But there was something else he needed to think about. Aphrodite could have called him to come over.

She didn't need to be sending letters to him as if they were strangers. Or could it be that she wanted to

surprise him with something? Aphrodite could act naughty sometimes. Or maybe her phone was off or

perhaps, stolen. Grey didn't want to have dirty thoughts. Well, he knew that Aphrodite could handle


That aside, she could even be with Thomas. But there was no point in her calling him if she was really

with Thomas. Those two, as Charles had said earlier, have gotten so close that they do things secretly

too. They go places too, together.

Or maybe Thomas was planning on proposing to her and he wanted him to be present. That was

actually possible. In that case, Thomas could have even been the sender of the letter. He knew that

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Grey wouldn't show up if he made it visible that he was the one that sent the letter. And it must really

be D-Day.

"Who gave you the letter?" Grey directed at the man still standing in front of him.

"A young boy. It actually looked like the person that gave him the letter was standing just away from the

house. In fact, it looked like the boy that gave us the letter was merely passing by," he explained.

Grey unconsciously crushed the letter in anger. His guess has been right afterward. Thomas definitely

sent the letter. He had discussed the proposal with him anyway.

"I'm leaving," he announced and started upstairs for a change of clothes. He made it simple. Clad in

blue jeans and a black hoodie, he hurried out of the house. He remembered to pick up the letter with


One of his men moved closer to him. "Boss, do you want some men to come with you?"

Grey shook his head briefly, as he took heavy strides toward his car. "I can manage this on my own,”

he informed and got inside the car before the man would say more or even think of what to say. He

dropped the letter on the passenger’s seat before he started the ignition.

He pulled out of the garage so fast that someone would immediately know what was happening to him.

To Grey, he was really going to stop Thomas. He would not allow the Thomas plan to go accordingly.

He asked for the direction to the address on the map of the car and let the car direct him to his

destination. He couldn't stop cursing as he drove at high speed. He didn't even want to know what

anyone would think of him but Novia was his and no one else. He wouldn't let anyone have her.

The map made a sudden indication for him to take a turn and when he did, he found himself in a weird

place. With a raised brow and anger that was suddenly subsiding at the turn of things, Grey got down

and his gaze searched around. There were no clubs or bars around except the one he passed before

he made a turn.

He took the letter and perused it again, perhaps, he was the one that made the mistake. Well, it was

the same thing.

Well, it didn't look like anything was going on at the place where he was. Perhaps, the sender made a

mistake. That was the only excuse he made.

Maybe not! He realized suddenly that he was pulled out of his house.

Could something be wrong? Could something have happened to Aphrodite or was someone just using

her as bait? But who would do that? And the shit was that he left home with not even one of his men.

What if he was entering a trap?

Grey placed a call to Charles and silently prayed for him to pick up. It rang suddenly but he didn't pick

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

up. Grey did the next thing that came to his mind. He started the ignition and tried to pull out of the

place. However, he noticed that the four tires were actually dancing.

He pulled to a stop immediately and got down to see what was happening. His eyes went wide as he

saw that his tires were flats. There were several sharp subjects on the road as well. It meant that

someone really lured him over. And they didn't want him to leave.

He picked up his phone and made another phone call to Charles. This time around, he picked it.

"Hello Grey, is everything alright? Where are you? I'm currently at home but you aren't."

"I called you a few minutes ago, you idiot. Where did you put your phone?"

Charles laughed. "Sorry, I was driving. I just got inside."

"Alright, I’m at a weird place now. I received a letter from Novia to be here but she's not here. So, I

believe something is wrong. I will send a message to you now, as my tires have been damaged. So, I

can't drive home," he opened the door and took the letter. He sent the address to Charles. "Seen it?’

"Yes, I have. But if it wasn't Novia, who could it be? Who could have lured you to that place?"

Could there be any mafia lords who know about him? Or maybe it was one of the mafia lords that he

met at the billionaire club. One of them could have wanted to be the boss of the billionaire club.

"Call Maximo and let him know of this situation. If no one knows, he would and-," He was forced to a

sudden stop when someone aimed at his head from behind. He didn't see the person initially but he felt


He dodged and turned around quickly.

Several men stepped out from the darkness beyond.