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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73: Hidden treasure What mystery power does Grey have? Why did he pretend to be nobody?

These questions were on Caramel’s mind as she drifted off into deep slumber this time.

Grey settled her in the back seat and decided to let her sleep. He still had some hours to spend before

Avery would call him.

He relaxed in the chair and decided to take a nap as well. He was feeling exhausted and thirsty but he

didn’t want to leave Caramel alone in the car.

“Grey!” A soft voice jolted him out of his slumber. He looked back at Caramel.” Did you sleep while

waiting for me?” Grey nodded. “I thought we could go somewhere else and have fun,” he darted at his

watch. “I still have less than an hour to spend,” he revealed. Caramel nodded, with a smile. “Let’s do

that. Do you have any place in mind?”

Grey nodded once and looked away. “Let’s just go to a bar. Alfred has one close by,” he responded.

“Let’s go then!” Grey started the ignition but he couldn’t help but notice how much Caramel was staring

at him. He knew that she had questions but maybe she didn’t know how to frame them.

“How did you save me from Don?” She asked suddenly.

Expecting that! Grey wanted to say. Instead, he said, “Well, I made a deal with him.”

Caramel stared confusingly. “What deal?”

Grey shrugged slightly. “My salary. I promised to give him my salary. And well, the month ends today.”

Caramel stared at him for a moment as if he’d grown two heads. Grey was saying things way different

from what she heard but she wondered why.

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“Don is one of the notorious mafia in the city. How did you bargain with him? How did you make him

accept your money?” She wanted him to talk and explain things to her. Grey regarded her for a

moment from the front mirror. “You seem to know every mafia in the city, don’t you?”

Caramel hesitated and looked away. Grey could swear that he saw a flicker of

Chauth 13 Hidden treasure

emotion in her eyes. There was something that Caramel was hiding as well. It turned out that he wasn’t

the only one hiding things. “Do you know Giovanni too? And Hercules?” Grey said quickly. It was a

question that would keep Caramel from questioning him. Caramel eyes widened with shock. “Who

doesn’t know the two most powerful mafia lords in the city.”

Grey smiled. “But you seem to know more than others, don’t you?”

Caramel sighed. “Fine! I do know some things about them because my mother was involved with the

mafia but they killed her.”

Grey raised skeptical brows at her. “They did? Why?” Caramel shrugged. “I had no idea. She died ten

years ago.” Grey head did a flip. Ten years ago was also when his father was killed. It couldn’t be a

coincidence, right? Grey wanted to ask her about the precise date but he decided to keep quiet about it

especially when he saw the sad look on Caramel’s face. “We are here!” He announced instead with a

bright smile on his face.

“All bills on me, Grey. It’s a way of thanking you for saving me,” Caramel announced as she stepped


They ordered some champagne and non-alcoholic wines. And they got engaged with talking that they

didn’t know when time flew past.

The sudden ringing of the phone broke the conversation. It was Avery. Grey eyes darted at the time

and realized it was almost 8pm. “Hi Avery.”

“Where are you?” Avery asked, ignoring his greetings. “At Alfred’s restaurants and bar.” “I know that’s

where you will be. Come outside, I’m here already,” she revealed. Grey looked over at Caramel. He

hadn’t thought of what Avery would say if she found out that he was together with Avery for more than

five hours. “Alright, I will be there.” Caramel watched the worried expression on his face. “Is something

wrong?” Grey shook his head quickly. “Nothing. Avery is outside. We should call it a night already.”

Caramel smiled. “Yes, we should. Let’s go out together.” Grey turned to look at her. “I don’t think that’s

a bad idea. She might flare up if she sees you with me,” he explained.

Caramel pulled back her hair. “And why would she do that? It’s not like you guys are married for real.

Besides, she was out with Chris as well,” she said stubbornly that Grey had to give in.

They both walked out of the bar after Caramel had paid the bills. Grey spotted Avery’s car immediately

and they both walked closer.

Avery had this surprise look on her face as she regarded Caramel for a moment.” And what are you

doing with Grey?”

Caramel smiled. “We came to have fun since you were busy doing that with Chris,” she said flatly.

Avery cleared her throat meaningfully. “We will be leaving then. I will see you at the office tomorrow.

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We have some contracts to go through.”

Caramel nodded briefly. “Yes, good nights.” She turned to look at Grey. “Thanks for today, I had so

much fun. And well, I will be expecting the contract soon.”


Grey smiled. “We will get through to you as early as possible,” he assured and

entered the passenger’s seat. Avery’s eyes widened at Caramel’s statement concerning having fun

with Grey. She wondered what Grey had been doing with her. “What contract?” Avery couldn’t stop

herself from asking. “Caramel wants to get some surveillance cameras from us. And it’s a big amount!

I’m really glad she decided to patronize us. We are going to make huge money from it,” Grey

announced happily. Avery nodded. The explanation went well with her and she concluded that Avery

must have decided to meet with him because of the business.

“Good for you. Mr Alfred really did you well. You should gather some money before he gets tired of

helping you,” she turned to look at him and that was when Grey saw the Diamond ring on her chest.

That wasn’t even a surprising thing. What actually surprised him was because it looked exactly like the

Diamond ring that he got from the auction.

“Where did you get that Diamond ring?” Avery smiled as she stared at the ring. “It’s beautiful and very

costly. You will need to save a lot to buy it,” she said proudly.

Of course! Grey spent a lot to buy it! “Who?” He urged. “Chris,” she whispered and started the ignition.

“You don’t sincerely need to give yourself something to think of. You will never be able to buy this type

of Diamond.” What the fuck? He has the same diamond in his car already.