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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76: Tiring time Chris was too shocked to speak for a while. After several minutes, he decided

to act along. Since Avery already saw it as the original ring and because he had no money to buy the

original, he would just play along He placed a call right to Avery. It took a while before Avery would pick

it up. “Hello, Chris.”

Chris smiled. “I’m sorry but I had to do something real quick. What were you asking the other time?” he

feigned ignorance.

Avery cleared her throat meaningfully.” I’m talking about the blue diamond that you got as my gift.” “Oh,

that?” Chris laughed shortly. “You were really notified of the price. It’s fifty million dollars but I got it for

more at the auction.” Avery couldn’t believe her ears and she gasped softly. “You got the ring from an

auction?” “Yes, anything for you. And well, I will do more if you can accept to be with me,” he urged

softly. Avery was moved. She didn’t know that Chris would spend such a huge amount on her birthday.

Though she didn’t really know his worth she knew that he was rich

“Alright. Thanks once again. Let’s talk later, I’m at the office.”

Grey was walking through the warehouse when a message popped up on his phone. It was from

Charles, telling him that Seth had the money already and was ready to get back his share.

Grey was disappointed as he didn’t expect Seth to get the money so fast. He didn’t know that Seth had

Chris as a backup plan.

Grey looked over at Maria. “Carry on, I will retrieve some files in the office, then we can move on.”

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Maria’s gaze searched around quickly.” Why don’t you tell Tina to get it for you?

“Just wait for me,” he ordered in that deep voice that sounded strange to Maria.

Grey had never used the tone for her. But since he was the manager, she wasn’t at all bothered.

Grey walked inside the office and placed a call to Charles. He picked it up immediately. “Hello, Grey.”

“I just saw the message. When will you go to meet Seth?”

“Well, I’m only awaiting your order. I will go whenever you tell me to,” he said politely

Grey nodded briefly.” Great. Now tell Seth that I wasn’t planning on selling my shares for the same

amount I got it. I’m getting double the price. Tell him to pay in five days.”

Charles went silent for a minute or two.” Why, if I may ask.” Charles didn’t know that there was an

enmity between Grey and Seth. Grey smiled, “This is business, I need to make my profit.” “Alright,

master. I will get back to you concerning this,” Charles said with respect Grey barely hung up when a

knock sounded on the door. He turned around and pulled it open. It was Tina. “Mr. Alfred is here to see

you,” she revealed. Grey’s eyes went wide, he hadn’t expected to see him and he didn’t even tell him

that he was coming over. “You can leave,” Grey told her.

Tina moved out of the way for Alfred to enter the office.

“It’s even more difficult to see you these days,” Alfred remarked and closed the door.

” It will be more suspicious if you keep showing up in my office like this,” Grey muttered.

Alfred smiled. “I told Maria that I’m here to get some of your Surveillance cameras. So, you are safe,”

he assured and moved to sit. Grey nodded briefly.” But why are you here? We could have met after

work.” “Master, it couldn’t wait. I met with Don yesterday night and he told me what had happened

between you two.” Grey sighed and pulled out the chair in front of him.” I told him to wait, and I

was going to call him when I needed to.” Alfred regarded him for a while. “Why did you reveal your

identity in such a way? You could have called me and I would have helped out. It’s risky for you,” he

acknowledged. Grey looked away and nodded once.” I know,” he admitted. “But it was just too close.”

He looked up at him again.” When I got to the basement, my friend was already half naked! Sincerely, I

would have killed Don if he had done something with her.” Alfred observed him for a moment.” Please,

don’t be angry. Please,” he beseeched softly

Grey let out another sigh. “I’m not but he would still be punished.”

Alfred ” We are still at a trying time, master. We can’t afford to lose you. Gregory and I think the spy

might even be among the guys. What if we are right?”

“And so what? Grey felt a stab of annoyance. “That I’m going to live my life, pretending? Or that I’m

going to live my life scared of getting killed like my father?” Grey stood and took some strides away

from Alfred.

No matter how much he thought about it, everything was getting tiring for him. He didn’t even know

how long it was going to take him. And the days would continue to stretch into weeks, into months, and

years. Alfred stood up and moved closer to him. “Hercules_” he called softly.

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Grey didn’t turn around. “I lived ten of my life in misery and poverty. I went to the highest school but I

wasn’t recognized. I’ve always been addressed as the delivery man,” He turned to look at Alfred again.”

And now that I have my life back, I’m still supposed to pretend?” He questioned with so much


Alfred shook his head slightly.” No, Grey. You don’t need to fully pretend to be Grey? That was why

Charles gave you everything that your father owns. You have the manager’s contact and you could

even give orders with a call. Why don’t you use that for now?” He suggested. Grey regarded him for

another moment. ” What difference does it make? I’m still going to have two lives.”

“For now, no one must know who you are. Though,” he sighed with defeat.” Don knows who you are

but I’ve kept his mouth sealed. Hopefully, we will find the spy soon.”

Hercules couldn’t wait. He wondered how Avery would feel after she discovered the truth. He wondered

what Emma would do.

Also, he remembered that finding the spy was really very important. Without it, he might just be falling

into danger.

Grey nodded at this. “You are right, Alfred. I will be sure to give you a call whenever I’m in danger,” he

hinted. “Jane met with Giovanni but I had to play Hercules’ man when she wanted to fire me because

of Seth.”

“The elders will discuss that.”