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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 301
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291-Let's Go Home!

Beatrice Dismay:

For a moment, I felt like a princess. The moment in question was the one when I turned into a dragon. I

wondered what it must feel like to be in weredragon form. The full dragon form was more like Ace’s

thing. But our joint form was weredragon. That I can only transform into when I get my pendant.

However, the happiness didn't last for too long. Our golden scale fell out, and I lost it.

’He pulled our transition scale out?’ Once Ace was done flexing about how beautiful it felt to be this

powerful, she noticed why I was crying.

’What do we do now?’ I asked her, holding the scale and mourning over it. I didn't have any clothes on

me, and neither did I care. The only thing I wanted on my body at the moment was my scale. Which,

unfortunately, never happened.

'What are you so sad about? You never wanted to transition anyway,’ Ace sounded weirdly calm but

also cocky. Maybe she was still under the memorization of transition.

"When are you going to stop giving me shit for something I did out of sheer fear?11 had enough of her

attitude toward me.

If, anything, she betrayed me just like the others did.

'I didn't have the right direction to go in. Everybody pointed in the opposite direction, and I followed

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

them. Including You! You lied to me about everything, and now you are the angry one?' I yelled in tears,

’Look around! Look what we did after transitioning without any guidance! We burned those trees to the

ground. Would you want that to happen to other creatures? We would have killed them. We had gotten

ourselves into trouble too, which is why I had to keep you secured inside me,’ I sobbed after getting

tired of the accusations against me.

’Then what are you crying about? Aren't you happy that we will never be able to hurt anyone?' She

wasn't taunting but was curious to know what was going on with me.

’Because I still wanted to transito—n,' I broke down into tears loudly this time, 'I wanted to return to our

land and help our people—,' I sobbed, burying my face in my hands.

’Don't worry, we will transition but we won’t be powerful enough to fly around or fight anyone,’ Ace

scoffed instead of mourning.

Beatrice!1A loud voice made me shiver and look around to see if I could find anything to cover the

scale with.

’That's Akin!' Ace mumbled.

’I can't let him know about my truth, at least not right now,’ I uttered as I stared at a gigantic tree and

dug the surface under it to hide my scale there.

I was shaking when I hid it, and by the time I was done, Akin came looking for me.

Beatrice!’’ He looked petrified when he watched me on the ground. He rushed, taking off his coat and

wrapping it around my body. His coat was long on me.

’What happened here?" he asked, filling me in on his cozy embrace and tightly holding me close. The

instant I was in his arms, I felt at ease, but that didn't mean I forgot about my golden scale.

’Let me take you home first," he said as he carried me in his arms. I know he must be wondering what

happened and how I ended up here, but I didn't have to worry about it. Ace would be able to come up

with an excuse. She was cunning enough to do so.

I kept my body connected to Akin's body when he sat me down in the passenger seat and got into the

driver’s seat to take me somewhere.

’I don't want to go to that house,” I uttered, pulling my legs up on the seat and curling into a ball.

’I am taking you home," he whispered, starting the car. Being tired of everything, I couldn't get myself to

have a conversation with him or even ask him what he meant by ’home’. I closed my eyes and fell

asleep in the passenger seat, only to be woken up by him when he had parked the car and wanted my

permission before carrying me inside.

The fact that he needed my permission was itself a sign he had brought me somewhere I wouldn't want

to be.

'Hm?' I rubbed my eyes, watching the mansion through the opened door.

'Before you ask me why I thought bringing you here was a good idea, let me tell you something," Akin

started talking right after he noticed my furrowing eyebrows, 'I am not letting you out of my sight again,”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he grunted as he made himself clear.

'Now please, let me carry you inside,” he insisted and waited for my answer. I kept staring at him, but I

wasn't actually thinking about anything at the moment. I was so tired and exhausted that I only focused

on getting some rest.

Also, some clothes!

After I gave him a nod, he carried me into the Spade Mansion. The place was filled with weredragon-

haters. Since it was already night and too late, the mansion was empty.

He carried me to the guestroom, which used to be Gwen's room once upon a time, and comfortably sat

me down in the bed.

”1 will fill the hot bath for you," he said, rushing into the bathroom to turn on the water.

’I transitioned-," I said, sitting in bed and recalling those wholesome moments. It felt amazing to be

powerful at least once in my life.

’What?" Akin answered through the bathroom door, "I figured!" He then nodded after giving it some

thought and asked, ”Are you okay?’

"I guess so," I uttered with my head down.

’You should be happy—," his words were interrupted when I sighed and shook my head.

’I will need my pills,’ I said, and a little gasp from his side was because my wolf was probably a danger.

’Oh!" He sounded sad for me. I can tell he was having thoughts about my wolf, but I had to shut all the

thoughts down because I had a mission and I wasn’t getting caught before I found my way back home.

Even if my dragon will be weak, it will still be enough to expose my truth.