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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 391
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Chapter 391

It had been a while since they had been intimate, so Xavier did his best to demonstrate his passion and

prowess in bed.

Satisfied with his performance, Winnie did not hesitate to praise him.

In the darkness. Xavier held Winnie in his arms with her head resting on his shoulder. All of a sudden,

he asked. “Winnie, can I take a look at them?*’

Winnie was adjusting herself to find the most comfortable position in Xavier's anus. but she froze upon

hearing that.

It only took her a second to regain her senses.

She immediately understood Xavier was referring to the red marks on her body.

She quipped. "Are you sure? You might lose interest in me after seeing those marks.*’

“I won't!” Xavier frowned and looked at Winnie. When he spoke, he sounded serious. "Do you think of

me as that shallow of a person?”

“Cahn down.” Winnie raised her hand and stroked Xavier’s knitted brows. "I'm just pulling your leg.

can't you tell? Besides. I'm not the kind of person who's insecure. I'm just putting myself in your shoes,

that's all."’

"Okay.** Xavier gently held Winnie's hand and gave it a gentle peck. "I know you're tiying to be

understanding, but I need to know your situation because being sick is not just your problem. We're

here for each other, so we must handle it together. I was not emotionally or mentally ready in the past,

but I think now is the right time. Don't you think so too? Let me take a look, okay?*’

"Okay. How can I refuse when you put it that way?*’ Winnie replied, sitting up and turning on the

bedside lamp.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After seeing the red marks on her abdomen. Xavier remained unsettled for a long time.

As Winnie noticed how quiet he had become, she touched his face gently. "Are you withdrawing into

yourself again? Please don't tell me you're going back to that emotional state. I shouldn't have let you

see those marks since you've only begun to make good progress.”

"Don't be silly.*’ Xavier pulled Winnie's arm and lay down, turning oft' the lights. "That was not what I

was thinking about. I was just tiying to understand what's going on there.”

"Oh?*’ Winnie chuckled. "Have you figured out anything? Managed to find an answer?*’

His voice conveyed a hint of disappointment. “No.”

“What do you expect? Even the doctors and scientists haven't figured it out yet. and you think you're an

expert?** Winnie could not help but laugh. “By the way. are there any changes to the size of the red


“I have no idea. You refused to show me previously, so I can’t make a comparison.*’ Xavier replied

before falling silent again.

Winnie was worried he might shut himself off emotionally, so she nudged him with a light kick to the

shin. “Why aren't you talking? What's on your mind?*’

Xavier leaned into Winnie's embrace, resting liis hands on her waist, and said. “I was just thinking that

if you really mind it. how about I get a matching tattoo?”

“What?” Winnie immediately turned to Xavier and threatened. "Don't you dare do that! You and your

body belong to me. so don't think about messing with your abs. I'll break your leg if you insist on getting

a tattoo. You hear me?”

Xavier responded with hesitation. "All right... I guess you can do it again since you've done it before. By

the way. I still can't fathom how you broke my leg.*’

Winnie laughed as she remembered the embarrassing moment. "I did it with a clear mind and quick

feet. You deserved it for tiying to make me jealous of Yulissa. You should be thankful I didn’t turn you

into a cripple.”

“I see. It looks like I should be grateful to you. Mis. Fairchild. You're the reason I'm alive today, and I

thank you for that.*’ Xavier said.

“Absolutely! You must always cherish our relationship and shower me with love and care.**

“Don't worry. I'll do that even without you telling me.”

They spoke candidly and from the heart, and it felt like they had rekindled the connection they once

had. It was a relaxing and enjoyable night for the couple.

The next morning, neither Winnie nor Xavier had woken up when one of the phones on the bedside

table rang.

It was a call from Lisanne.

She wasted no time diving into her lab work after arriving in Rodunst last night. That was why she was

calling Winnie now to share some good news.

“Winnie. I have to tell you. we've made progress in our research. I guess I made the right decision to

come to Rodunst.** Lisanne's voice was full of excitement. “I never thought we could make a

breakthrough so quickly. Luck is indeed on our side.”

Winnie, too. was pleased with the update. “That's great! You're amazing. Lisanne. That's why you're the

one we can always count on.”

Lisanne chuckled with enthusiasm. "Yeah. I know I'm pretty awesome. By the way. I didn't just call to

tell you about the good news. There's something else I want to discuss with you.**

Winnie hummed in response. “What is it?”

“Before leaving for Rodunst. I took a sample of your blood, but that's not enough. It would be best if you

could come over in person. If possible, come today.”

Without hesitation. Winnie agreed to cooperate with the sudden request. “No problem. I'll make

arrangements right away. If I depart now, we should be able to meet this afternoon.*’

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Excellent! Once you confinn your flight, send the itinerary to Lucas. He'll pick you up. I'm exhausted

now. and I need to catch some sleep.*’ Lisanne replied.

“Okay. Go and get some rest. It's not worth sacrificing your health over research.*’ Winnie advised.

“Lucas said so too. I know what I'm doing, so don't worry.”

They continued their small talk for a while before ending the call.

Putting her phone away. Winnie turned to Xavier.

“Remember what I told you yesterday? Good news came today, just like I said it would.*’ she


“Yes.” Xavier gripped her hand tightly. He was beaming with excitement. “I've already booked our flight.

We just need to pack and hit the road.”

Winnie was surprised. “So soon? I just got off the phone.*’

“That's right. I can't wait to take you with me right away.*’ Xavier said, grinning from ear to ear.

Without further ado. they boarded a flight to Rodunst at noon and touched down before three in the


That night, a minor incident occurred at the Rodunst immigration checkpoint.

A staff member who had changed shifts with a colleague had worked from the afternoon till the late


She remembered Xavier due to liis striking appearance when checking his passport in the afternoon.

Hence, she did not expect she would check liis passport again on the same night.

Initially, the officer was puzzled about how he managed to travel back and forth within such a short


But upon examining liis passport, she discovered that the person she inspected in the late evening was

not the same individual from earlier in the day.

Despite their striking physical similarity, the information on the two passports did not match.

The officer did not think much of it, and neither Xavier nor Winnie was aware of it. However, little did

they know that Harold had secretly followed them to Rodunst. despite them assuming he was long
