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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316 Arrest Them!

Quinnie was at a loss for what to do. While she wanted to reason with everyone, she could not understand why

there were always a few individuals who would angrily interrupt and escalate the situation.

The scene remained chaotic, and in the midst of the confusion, some people even attempted to forcefully remove


However, they did not know who Blake was, and they were quickly driven away before they could even get


Finally, the police officers responsible for maintaining law and order arrived at the scene. Immediately, everyone

pointed their fingers at Blake and Lilly, accusing them of destroying valuable items and engaging in physical


“They are the ones who deliberately sabotaged the event! They must be undercover agents sent by the organizers

of this doll exhibition!”

The police officer was about to address the situation when the team leader noticed Blake’s presence.

The police were speechless.

How could you tell me the God of Battle was sent by someone as a spy?

If Blake was there, the officer could not help but find it amusing that in his eyes, everyone in the entire square

seemed to be undercover agents except for Blake.

How childish…

“What’s going on here?” The police officer scanned the chaotic scene, hesitating to approach Blake directly.

Instead, they decided to apprehend Anthony, who appeared more approachable.

Wearing a stern expression, Anthony responded. “This is Olivine Temple. I believe I don’t need to explain its

significance. However, it appears that someone organized an event here intentionally,”

Blake’s voice turned cold as he addressed the police officer, “Our ancestors shed blood to protect this land, yet you

come here wearing kimonos.”

He turned to Josh and asked, “What offense does this constitute?”

Josh nodded assertively, as if delivering an official statement, “Disrespecting the martyrs is considered an act of

insult! In severe cases, it can lead to a prison sentence of up to three years or less!”

Blake retorted, “Seems like you don’t understand what a child understands.”

The previously clamouring crowd fell momentarily silent, taken aback by his response.

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A voice broke the silence with a mocking tone, “What’s the problem? We’re just wearing our preferred attire to

socialise with friends, and you’re trying to label us with such a significant accusation?”

Josh raised his voice to reiterate Anthony’s earlier statement, “There’s nothing wrong with having preferences!

However, it also depends on the occasion! It’s inappropriate for you to wear such clothes in front of the Heroes‘


One of the girls sarcastically rolled her eyes and remarked, “Oh, absolutely! You’ve convinced us with your


The crowd began to chatter among themselves, each person defending their own preferences. They saw it as a

spirited fight for their rights, believing there was no reason to back down.

The police shouted coldly. “Everyone quiet!”

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent again.

The team leader furrowed his brow and asked, “Who organized this event? Who granted permission for it? Is it

even permissible to hold such an event here?”

Upon hearing this, the crowd erupted into noise once again. Why wouldn’t it be allowed? It had been happening for

many years, and the square was a public space. If it was approved by authorities, then it must be permitted.

People started rambling, providing examples and quoting laws that they barely comprehended, which only

frustrated the police officer further, causing him to be laughed at.

If one lacked understanding of the law, whatever they said would be the law. People have the right to do as they

please and enjoy their freedom.

The police officer felt like they were dealing with an unreasonable group of children, but they were compelled to

explain things clearly to them.

Then, they adopted an attitude of not listening and questioning why.

As the situation escalated, the police officers decided to arrest several people. The ones who had been shouting

vehemently now attempted to flee, but their attempts were futile as they were apprehended by the authorities.

The atmosphere in the square became increasingly tense. Amidst the chaos, someone recorded the moment on

their phone and shouted, trying to sway public opinion, “Look, everyone! The police are using force! This child

shattered 10 million dollars worth of figurines into pieces! Instead of catching the ones who caused the destruction,

they’re arresting innocent people!”

Blake’s frustration grew, finding the situation highly inefficient.

With a frustrated expression, he kicked up the broken porcelain fragments scattered on the ground and delivered a

series of swift slaps in the air, silencing those who thought they were justified in holding up their mobile phones and

spewing nonsense before attempting to flee.

Meanwhile, to emphasize the seriousness of the situation, a warning shot was fired, echoing through the air, and

grabbing everyone’s attention.

As several screams pierced the air, a wave of terror washed over the crowd, causing them to instinctively crouch

down and cover their heads. Finally, there was silence.

With a cold and determined expression, Blake sent a message, “Find the person behind this and arrest


Amidst the silence, Lilly’s voice cut through the tension, “It’s not that you can’t wear the clothes but you can’t wear

them in front of Olivine the Great,”

“Everyone, do you explained

you like,

understand now? This isn’t an exhibition as you believed, it’s a sacred ritual,” Lilly

She pointed towards the altar, emphasizing her point. “These three shrines here are real, and these broken


dolls were made with human ashes. They are sacrificial offerings for this ritual,”

She continued, “There are bad people among us who seek to destroy our joy. They have committed these acts in

the presence of Olivine the Great, disrespecting and dishonoring him! Why didn’t any of you realize this?”

Everyone looked at each other in dismay.

It doesn’t make sense….

A girl weakly tried to explain. “This isn’t a sacrificial ritual, you’ve misunderstood. It’s just a scene from a theatrical


Lilly shook her head, her expression firm. “No, look around,”

As everyone followed her gaze, they saw that the sky had turned dark, with ominous clouds looming overhead. The

wind began to pick up, carrying an eerie chill through the air.

Inside the shattered shrine, the candles flickered in an eerie manner.

Suddenly, a toppled doll began to slowly rise, as if responding to the collective gaze fixed upon it. But just as quickly,

it collapsed back to the ground.

Despite the crowded square, a chilling sensation ran down everyone’s spines.

“No… Am I mistaken?” someone whispered.

“How dis the doll stand up by itself?”

“Someone must be pulling a thread…”

No one answered.

As the wind intensified, its howling drowned out all other sounds. It seemed as though there was a chilling laughter

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echoing through the square, though when people strained their ears, they heard nothing but the eerie silence.

People started to get scared.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a few individuals stood hidden behind the altar, observing the events that happened with

furrowed brows.

One of them spoke, his voice barely audible, “Today marks the first sacrifice, and it must proceed without


The other two nodded and walked quickly to both sides of Olivine Temple.

Unbeknownst to the crowd, the square had been tampered with a year ago. During the reconstruction process,

certain individuals took advantage of the situation to infiltrate the construction team. They purposely damaged the

square tiles and discreetly buried spirit nails at strategic locations.

These spirit nails were thick and robust, capable of withstanding any interruption to the ceremony. As long as the

spirit nail was in place, the ritual could continue unabated. Their plan had been carefully orchestrated to ensure

that nothing could stop them.

Lilly’s senses heightened as she heard Pablo’s urgent voice calling her over. She quickly broke free from

her father’s grasp and rushed over to where Pablo was.

Pablo’s face was filled with concern as he pointed to a specific spot, his voice filled with urgency. “Lilly, come here!

There are spirit nails planted here. These people are incredibly cunning! We need to pull them out immediately.”

Lilly was about to act, ready to remove the spirit nails, but then Pablo’s warning halted her. “Wait! There are more

on the other side. We need to remove them at the same time or they’ll have the upper hand!”

As Blake gazed at the sky, he noticed that Olivine Temple was enveloped by a dark, glass–like semicircle. Within this

boundary, one of the spirit nails was positioned on one side, while the other was directly opposite it.

“You have to pull them out at the same time!”

Blake followed Lilly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lilly quickly repeated what Pablo said.

She looked around, grabbed a stone, and smashed a tile vigorously, revealing a section of the red spirit. nail.

Blake immediately went to the other side and found the empty tile.

He crushed the tile with one foot, revealing a bright red nail.

Lilly grabbed the nail, “Daddy, we need to pull them out at the same time!”

Blake nodded.

He tightly gripped the spirit nail, pouring all his strength into the attempt to dislodge it, but to his dismay, the nail

remained firmly in place, resistant to his efforts.

Floating beside him, Pablo whispered, “The body of a mortal cannot shake it loose.”

Just as Blake persisted, a deep voice resonated in his ear, causing his heart to constrict with unease.

Turning around, he saw a pale man in a white robe next to him.

Blake was stunned.