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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 359
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Chapter 359 Hannah’s Vaccine Dilemma

Bettany checked Hannah’s injury. “Skin abrasion. You’ll need a preventive vaccination.”

Gilbert nodded. The rabies vaccine will do. It’ll take roughly four to five doses.”

The smile on Hannah’s face froze.

No. I just got scratched by a cat! Not a dog! Why do I need shots for rabies?

She began to wail at the top of her lungs. “I don’t wannal I don’t want an injection!”

Bettany shook her head. “No can do. There’s a risk of rabies if you don’t get the shots.”

Blake crossed his arms and smiled mirthlessly. “Do you know what rabies is?”

“It’s a virus that enters your body through your wounds and burrows into your brain…”

Big Headed Hannah cut in before he could finish. “That’s okay!”

It’s just the brain. Dad always says I don’t have one so it doesn’t matter!

Blake stared at her in disbelief. “…”

Lilly tried to convince her otherwise. “Maybe you should take the jab, Hannah.”

+15 Bonus

“Daddy said rabies turns you into a dog that drools all the time. You won’t remember us and will bite. anyone you

see. You’ll kick the bucket after that and I won’t have you anymore, Hannah.”

Lilly looked close to tears.

Josh helpfully added, “You might even eat poop.”





I won’t remember everyone?

Kick the bucket?

I won’t get to play with Lilly anymore?

Hannah wanted to cry. “O…Okay then. Can we do…just one?”

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Bettany was surprised to see her willingness to compromise.

“No. You need four to five doses. Five doses mean five jabs. Four doses mean three jabs,” Gilbert said.

Hannah didn’t think about why four doses meant three jabs and immediately answered, “Four doses!”

That was how a decision was made. After everyone had eaten, Bettany whisked Hannah away.

Blake was the designated driver.


“You seem to have a lot of time on your hands today.” Bettany said.

She recalled how Blake wanted to resign. Ilis boss had even come to her to ask for clarification.

She kept her eye on him day in and day out for fear that he would run away regardless of whether he had

a mission or not.

“I got half the day off,” he answered.

He came home to see his precious daughter.

Bettany twitched.

Hannah was afraid of needles. She’d always caused a fuss whenever injections were involved. It took three grown

adults to hold her down for it to be administered

Bettany was terribly afraid that Hannah would go back on her word, which was why she agreed to her request to

have Lilly accompany her.

It seemed only Lilly could hold her down…


Even if she couldn’t, they’d still have God of Battle himself with them. Surely they’d be able to subdue her.

Lilly had brought both Polly and Mr. Tortoise along out of worry.

Polly stared at the cat from within the pet luggage.

“Bye, idiot!” Polly squawked at the cat.

Lilly knelt down and said seriously, “Be good. Don’t damage anything!”

“Look! You hurt Hannah. Now she has to go get injections.”

“You scared Polly too. Look at what you’ve done!”

She nudged the cat’s head.

The tabby cat sat obediently in place with its head hung low.

Even Lilly couldn’t help but feel sorry for it and switched to petting its head. “Alright. A cat who can change is a

good cat. Wait for us to come home and well give you a name!”

It was Grandpa and Grandma who named me when I first arrived here.

I’m a grown-up who can decide on the kitty’s name!

The cat meowed as it rubbed itself against her hand and began to purr.

It then watched as Blake’s SUV left

“Meow.” The tabby cat meowed and went wandering around the lawn on its own.

Josh had to shoulder the important task of cat-sitting. He didn’t want to bother the others and decided to unearth a

drone to the mansion’s latest pet collection.


Chapter 359 Hannah’s Vaccine Dileinma

It was laying underneath the shade of the tree on the lawn and staring out at the fence.

He muttered to himself, “It’s so docile now. Where did all that fire go?”

Blake lined up to get them registered at the clinic.

Hannah was ushered into the vaccination room before he was done mentally preparing herself.

There were two children ahead of her who were crying up a storm.

Big Head Hannah finally felt the fear set in. “Can we come back tomorrow?”

Bettany, having expected this, shook her head. “No. You must be vaccinated within 24 hours after being scratched

by a cat.”

Hannah suddenly became a mathematician. “24 hours? We would still be within the 24-hour time frame if we come

back at the same time tomorrow. Let’s just come back tomorrow!”

Lilly held her down. “No. Grandma says the sooner you get it, the better it works. Show your courage. Hannah. You

can do it!”

The two children ahead of her were done.

Hannah burst into tears. “I can’t do it! Uwah!”

She had nowhere to run. Blake had made sure to block off all the escape routes.

The man had scooped her up into his arms like it was nothing and pressed her down into the seat.

She couldn’t move with his hand keeping her in place.

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The nurse looked amused.

She checked through the information on the clipboard “It’ll be two shots for the first dose. Both left and right arms

will receive a jab.”



Why two?

The sight of the needle in the nurse’s hand with a tiny bit of the drug bubbling out of it scared her witless.

She began to wail even louder than the two children who came before her.

“No! I don’t want it! It hurts!”

The nurse hadn’t even started….

Polly, in her pet carrier, couldn’t help but cover her cars with her wings.

Pablo seemed amused. “I almost forgot how good she was at crying.”


Bettany acted as cool as a cucumber as she fitted earplugs into her ears with all the grace of a cultured


Blake was here after all.

Would a God of War allow a child to escape him?

Blake couldn’t let her escape but his cardrums suffered the price.

Lilly endured her shrill cries and patted Hannah’s hand comfortingly. “Stop crying, Hannah! I’m going



Lilly came up with a good idea. “Oh, why don’t you switch up your cries a little bit, Hannah? Every time you feel like

crying, just scream ‘I can do it’ to boost your morale!”

“Uh…I can do it…”

The nurse returned with the needle. “It’ll be quick. Hold on.”

She screamed the moment she felt it pierced through her skin. “Ah…”

It was Lilly’s words ringing in her head that her incoherent cries turned into yells of positive affirmation.

It resulted in a spooky sight in the room.

The child being given a shot was screaming over and over again, “I can do it! I can do it! Oww, I can do it!”.

The crowd watched on in amusement with Blake feeling shame rush over him.