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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 419
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Chapter 419 Every Second to Annihilate Her

The veterinary clinic was the finest veterinary clinic in the neighborhood, and Blake had chosen it based on a quick

search for the nearest one. To his surprise, it was bustling with people.

There were all sorts of pets, mostly cats and dogs, but also hamsters, parrots, and even rabbits and pigs…

Polly rested its head against the glass of its carrier, feeling like it had just stepped into a whole new world. It let out

a little “wow,” mimicking the cute baby voice that was popular in short videos. “What’s this?!”

It stared at a small guinea pig cradled in its owner’s arms.

Lilly, busy attending to her duties, replied, “That’s a little piggy.”

Polly then fixated on a parrot that had been confined to a cage, its plumage shining as bright as it was


“Hey buddy, are you a male or female?” Polly asked, remembering its previous mistake in flirting with the wrong


But the parrot paid no attention, giving Polly the cold shoulder.

Lilly was accompanying Blake as they rushed their large wolfhound for emergency treatment and gastric lávage.

The father-daughter duo was undeniably striking, with Blake exuding tall, graceful charm and Lilly is a small,

adorable bundle of softness. Their presence caught the attention of onlookers, who couldn’t help but turn their

heads in admiration.

Seated in a chair outside the emergency room, Blake’s arm casually draped over the backrest, there was an air of

protectiveness as if he was embracing Lilly in his arms.

His other hand rested on the head of the stray dog they had found.

The stray dog remained motionless, not daring to move.

It watched the constant stream of people with an expression of timidity and desolation in its


Most of the dogs brought in for treatment were cradled by their owners, who wore expressions filled with

compassion. These dogs were pampered and groomed, their fur clean and radiant.

It reminded the stray dog of its past, of being held in the arms of a loving owner.

But then, that owner had abandoned it, driving away to a place it didn’t recognize.

It had thought the owner was taking it out to play, so it happily scampered outside.

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But when it turned around, the owner’s car was already far away. It tried to chase after it, but no matter -how hard

it tried, it couldn’t catch up.

Eventually, it became lost, unable to find its way back home.

The stray dog believed that its owner must have forgotten that it hadn’t boarded the car and that it wasn’t


The stray dog’s gaze grew dim, and it shifted slightly, overcome by emotions.


Blake rested his palm on the stray dog’s head, using it as a makeshift cushion, and calmly said, “Don’t move

around. We’ll take you for a bath later.”

The stray dog obediently remained still, occasionally darting glances at Blake, then shifting its gaze to Lilly.

In the bustling lobby, a stunning girl craned her neck, starched the area, and quickly spotted Blake.

He was remarkably attractive, towering above others even when seated.

A glimmer of joy appeared in the girl’s eyes, and she hurriedly composed herself, assuming an anxious expression.

“Oh… there you are! How is the dog? Is it okay? What did the doctor say?”

She spoke while peering towards the emergency room, her eyes filled with concern.

Blake’s hand, which had been gently stroking the dog’s head, paused.

He raised his gaze, his eyes coldly fixated on the girl. “What’s your name?”

The dog sensed the malevolence in Blake’s demeanor and couldn’t help but tremble, its paws shaking slightly.

Kelly let out a startled “Ah?” and then paused for a moment before saying, “I’m Kelly.”

Her face displayed a mix of astonishment and adorably dumbfounded, while deep down inside, she couldn’t help

but scream with excitement: He asked for my name! He noticed me! Ahhh…

At that moment, Kelly almost forgot about the presence of the dog. Seizing the opportunity, she smoothly took a

seat beside Blake and continued to anxiously gaze towards the emergency room.

“Ah, how could a perfectly fine dog end up ingesting something poisonous? Some people these days lack any sense

of decency.”

“I once saw a lady near the neighborhood who scattered meat bones laced with rat poison on the roadside,

claiming that stray dogs were too annoying and needed to be exterminated…”

Kelly ranted indignantly to herself, but when she turnell to face Blake, she found him unmoved, his profile exuding

an icy detachment that only enhanced his charm.

She became infatuated, stuttering as she asked, “You agree, right… those people, how could they do such things… I

tried to stop her at the time…”

Blake sneered, abruptly turning his head to fix his gaze (lirectly on Kelly. “Where exactly did you find this


Kelly’s heart skipped a beat, and in an instant, the rush of excitement sent blood rushing to her brain, making it

buzz with anticipation. She failed to notice the trap embedded in his question.

Without any precautions, she replied, “It was in an alley off Lincook Route…”

Having obtained the information he desired, Blake realized that sometimes it was quicker to ask directly. despite the

availability of search options. He opened his phone, and in no time, the screen transformed into a black background

with green text, rapidly scrolling with data. As the screen brightened, it displayed surveillance footage from the

streets of Lincook Route


Blake remained expressionless as he watched the surveillance footage.

Unaware of Blake’s motives, Kelly pretended nonchalance and asked, “By the way, I still don’t know your


Seeing Blake’s lack of response, she turned her gaze towards Lilly, wearing a friendly smile. “Little girl, what’s your

name? Is this your doggie?”

Lilly hesitated, trying her best to mimic her father’s aloofness… but being too sweet and innocent, her attempt



Since neither Blake nor Lilly answered, Kelly didn’t feel awkward and shifted her attention to the stray dog beside

her. “What’s wrong with your doggie? Where did it go? It’s all dirty but so cute.”

As Kelly spoke, her hand extended with audacity, reaching out to touch the dog…

But before her hand could make contact, Blake’s hand firmly rested on the dog’s head, preventing her from

accidentally touching it.

And then, in a cold, detached tone, Blake uttered, “Forget about the hand. I can help you chop it off.”

Kelly stood there, her hand suspended awkwardly in mid-air, feeling utterly mortified.

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“I… I just wanted to pet the dog,” she stuttered, desperately trying to salvage the situation.

Retracting her hand directly would be too humiliating, so Kelly shifted gears and gently stroked the dog’s back,

going with the flow.

Little did she know that the seemingly docile and ever timid stray dog suddenly turned its head and sank its teeth

into the back of her hand!

Although it didn’t dare to let out a loud cry, it bared its iceth and stared at her, as if it knew she wasn’t a good


Kelly let out a shriek, “Ah…”

Her cry caught the attention of those nearby, who turned their heads to see what was happening.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Kelly whimpered, “Ouch… It hurts… I’m bleeding…”

Lilly looked at her with a gaze of utter disbelief and muttered to herself, “This auntie seems a bit dim-


Finally, Blake put down his phone and lowered his gaze to look at the dog.

“We’ll take you for a vaccination later,” he said calmly.

Kelly’s face lit up, pretending to be modest. “Oh… actually, it’s not necessary. I often encounter stray dogs on the

streets, and sometimes I get scratched while trying to rescue them…”

Unable to hold back any longer, Lilly interjected, “Hey auntie, my dad is talking to the dog, not to you!”

Blake’s lips curved slightly as he ruffled the dog’s head and continued, “Don’t go around biting people, you know.

Vaccinating dogs can be quite troublesome.”

Kelly stood there in silence, stunned by the turn of events.


Lilly couldn’t resist adding, “Daddy, if someone gets bitten by a dog and needs to get a rabies shot, what kind of

vaccine does the dog need?”

Kelly remained speechless.

Blake hadn’t said a word yet.

Meanwhile, Polly, pecking out from the pet carrier, shouted, “Every second, I want to kill her!”

Kelly remained speechless.
