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Spoiled by Mr Russell

Chapter 1247
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Chapter 1247

Austin turned and saw Lily approaching.

"Professor Thompson." Lily greeted.

"You came just at the right time. The team just finished a set of experiments, but it's still not right. Come

and take a look at what went wrong." Thompson was eager to bring Lily into the lab.

"Professor Thompson," Austin could not help but call out.

"Uh..." That made Thompson tilt his body sideways and raise his hand. " This is Austin Fike. I believe

you two met yesterday. You haven't visited the institute recently, so you might not know him. Austin just

joined US not long ago, and he's the student of a reputable teacher in this field!"

After a pause, he continued, "You two can chat since one of you is an expert in medicinal herbs while

the other is an expert in fragrances. I'm sure the two of you can create sparks and miracles through

exchanging ideas."

Lily looked at Austin and nodded lightly as if yesterday's unpleasant incident did not happen. Then she

smirked. "I wonder who Austin’s reputable teacher is?"

"Well..." Thompson did not know how to respond to that. Everyone in the industry implicitly understood

that Austin was Dominic's student. However, as it was something Dominic did not publicly announce,

no one would mention it even though they all understood it.

After all, Dominic kept his student a secret from the public for now. If he wanted it to stay that way,

everyone would pretend they knew nothing about it yet, although it was the opposite.

"His teacher is a respectable man, and he's one of the pioneer researchers of medicinal herbs. Since

he prefers to stay lowkey, I'll not say too much about him,” Thompson explained.

Austin, who was by Thompson's side, had his hands placed in front of him as he straightened his back.

"My teacher doesn't care about his fame and likes to stay lowkey. I don't like using his name to get

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certain things for myself when working. After all, we're doctors, and the most important thing is saving

lives. We don't care for fame, popularity, and whatnot.

"Oh?" Lily tilted her head and said profoundly. "Mr. Fike, you don’t want to talk about it, but everyone

seems to know about it already."

"Everyone is kinder to me due to their respect for my teacher."

Austin would always put on airs in front of Lily, acting like a student who only chased knowledge for

everyone's benefit. His entire demeanor showed that he looked down on Lily.

Last night, Lily was quite angry, but she no longer felt that way. Getting angry over such a stubborn and

old-fashioned hypocrite was not worth it to her.

'This man is just using Mr. Dominic’s name to fool everyone for his benefit, so how dare he put on airs

in front of me? It'd be unfortunate to work with such a hypocrite.'

"Professor Thompson, what did you say went wrong earlier?" Lily asked the man, ignoring Austin and

the act he put on.

Upon hearing Lily's question, Thompson suddenly became energetic and motioned with his hands

while explaining the situation to Lily as he led her to the lab. "It's about the formula. The experiment

was close to success when you were still around, right? Still, there’s a slight scent of medicinal herbs,

so I got them to decrease the amount of it from 3 milliliters, and we've decreased it several times over a

few experiments.

"However, the problem now is that if we reduced the dosage used, it would reduce the effects of the

medicine, but if we don't do that, the medicinal herbs’ scent would be too potent. Would you advise we

make some amendments to the ingredients?"

"We don’t need to change the main ingredient because it’s the only ingredient with the closest scent to

the medicinal herbs. Plus, it's the easiest to mix with the other ingredients. We could work on the

proportions, though," Lily said with determination.

They headed to the lab, with Austin following behind. He wanted to listen to the nonsense she could

come up with as someone who knew nothing about the field.

After washing and disinfecting their hands, they put on their masks and gloves before entering the lab.

There was a mixture of scents inside, which attacked the trio. The stench choked them even with their

masks on. Lily could not breathe and had to turn around for some fresh air.

'What is this mess?" Thompson growled while waving.

"Professor Thompson, we conducted a few more experiments simultaneously because we're running

out of time, so the scents kind of got all mixed up," one of the employees stood up and replied


'What nonsense is that?" His response made Thompson frown. "How are you going to differentiate the

scents that way?"

He waved and motioned for them to stop whatever they were doing while Lily stayed silent. She

understood what was going on.

Back then, they were rushing for progress as well. The institute's people kept urging her to return

because they feared delaying their process.

She understood they wanted results, but a new project like this would need more time to succeed. It

was also usual for them to fail and make mistakes along the way.

However, the institute was in a rush, as if they were chasing after the hands of the clock. Their

aggressiveness in pursuing research results differed from Lily’s usual working style. However, she was

determined to know what they were up to since she decided to return and would not stop before getting

the answers she wanted.

She looked down and glanced at the results, then picked up the ingredients and the medicinal herbs to

weigh them before mixing them and adding a few drops of essential oil.

'You..." When Thompson noticed Lily adding essential oil into the mixture, he was stunned and wanted

to comment when he came to his senses, but someone beat him to it.

'You're fooling around here!" Sneering, Austin said disdainfully. However, Lily ignored him, not even

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sparing him a glance as she focused on the items in her hands.

Apart from those working on their tasks, the other researchers came over and earnestly watched. Since

they had failed many times, they had no hopes for it to succeed in just one try but since the research

data Lily left behind was helpful, they had expectations for Lily.

In other words, all the lab staff placed their hopes in Lily, except a certain someone.

"Professor Thompson, she's just wasting the herbs! I think she should stop!" Austin could not help but

voice his opinions, hoping to stop Lily again, looking disappointed by her actions.

'The medicinal herbs are different from those ingredients used in producing fragrances. We use these

herbs to save lives instead of being rich people's playthings! Seeing you waste these resources like

this goes against how medical practitioners should act!"

"It’s inevitable to waste some ingredients while conducting the experiments. We can only get better

results and achieve better things by doing so.” One of the staff could not help but retort while watching

Lily continue with the experiment.

When Austin noticed everyone's attention on Lily-who was doing something pointless and nonsensical,

at least that was how it appeared to him-he felt suffocated by anger.

'Did she brainwash everyone or something? She's just a mere perfumer, someone who plays with

fragrances only! How can she compare to people in my field?’

Austin was confident that Lily's experiment would fail, so he gave up and stayed silent. Now, he was

observing the changes in the data every second while Lily kept adding essential oil to the mixture.

Time passed, and Lily still stood there tirelessly while everyone waited for the result.

Soon, the mixture produced a small pot of light and the yellow liquid from the condensation process,

and the texture appeared crystal clear. The color looked much better than anything they had gotten and

no longer looked as cloudy. Next, they were going to test for the most important thing -the smell.

Lily used a dropper to extract a drop of the liquid onto the test paper and pulled down her mask as she

moved closer to take a whiff.