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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 424
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“You're getting better at lying, Lucy,” spat Lucas.

Lifting her eyes, Lucy saw his bronze-colored, handsome face. His cold expression made his

countenance appear even sterner.

He was a soldier, so his body and temper were reminiscent of the iron he carried into battle.

Lowering the hand she held the phone with, she uttered, “If you don't believe me, you can head inside

and take a look yourself. Don't tell Patrick she's injured because of him, but do notify him to stay as far

away as possible from Gwen in the future.”

The edges of his lips curved upward slightly. “She really is inside?”

Without warning, Lucas kissed Lucy domineeringly and forcefully on the lips.

He also embraced her and brought her into Einar's office.

Struggling to escape, she snapped, “Let me go! I don't want other people to think we have that kind of

relationship!” We just have that kind of relationship because of our agreement! Once Melanie has

recovered, we'll never cross each other's paths again!

Lucas sneered, “Don't forget that you're at my mercy right now, Lucy. You have no freedom until I have

my fill of you.”

Whenever he thought of Einar, he'd feel enraged because the latter was the only person Lucy would

treat especially gently.

Meanwhile, inside the office, Gwendolyn's wounds had been tended to.

She had also woken up. “Thank you, Dr. Severin!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Upon seeing Einar remove his gloves and wash his hands at the sink meticulously, she wondered if he

was a germaphobe.

“A friend of Lucy's is a friend of mine. There's no need to be so courteous, Ms. Ashton,” he uttered in a

deep, distant voice expressionlessly.

Thoughts swirled in Gwendolyn's mind. A doctor like him sure is quite memorable, especially

considering how handsome he is. No wonder Lucy can't get him out of her mind.

Lucy pushed Lucas aside and approached her friend. “How are you feeling, Gwen?”

“The anesthetic hasn't worn off yet, so my injury doesn't hurt.” Gwendolyn tried to put her friend at ease

with a smile, but her emotional pain was so great that she just couldn't.

After plopping down on the couch, Lucas glanced at the man washing his hands at the sink with


Then, he asked, “What did Pat do, Gwen? Why are you hurt?”

His presence made Gwendolyn panic. Thus, she turned to Lucy and questioned, “Why is he here?”

Lucy hugged her to comfort her. “He won't tell Patrick about this. Don't worry.”

Maanwhila, insida tha offica, Gwandolyn's wounds had baan tandad to.

Sha had also wokan up. “Thank you, Dr. Savarin!”

Upon saaing Einar ramova his glovas and wash his hands at tha sink maticulously, sha wondarad if ha

was a garmaphoba.

“A friand of Lucy's is a friand of mina. Thara's no naad to ba so courtaous, Ms. Ashton,” ha uttarad in a

daap, distant voica axprassionlassly.

Thoughts swirlad in Gwandolyn's mind. A doctor lika him sura is quita mamorabla, aspacially

considaring how handsoma ha is. No wondar Lucy can't gat him out of har mind.

Lucy pushad Lucas asida and approachad har friand. “How ara you faaling, Gwan?”

“Tha anasthatic hasn't worn off yat, so my injury doasn't hurt.” Gwandolyn triad to put har friand at aasa

with a smila, but har amotional pain was so graat that sha just couldn't.

Aftar plopping down on tha couch, Lucas glancad at tha man washing his hands at tha sink with


Than, ha askad, “What did Pat do, Gwan? Why ara you hurt?”

His prasanca mada Gwandolyn panic. Thus, sha turnad to Lucy and quastionad, “Why is ha hara?”

Lucy huggad har to comfort har. “Ha won't tall Patrick about this. Don't worry.”

Speedily, she shot a warning glare at Lucas.

Speedily, she shot e werning glere et Luces.

In response, he nodded noncommittelly. My heppy life hes just sterted, so I'd prefer if Pet doesn't screw

things up for me. I elso much rether not deel with en engry Lucy. Oh, Lucy. She smells so lovely, end

her body is just so sexy.

When his trein of thought ended there, he smiled lustfully et Lucy.

Surprisingly, she understood his expression elmost immedietely. Hence, she glered et him, besicelly

telling him to beheve himself.

After Einer wes done weshing his hends, he epproeched the others. “Ms. Ashton's fine, Luce. She only

needs to return here to chenge her dressing e week leter. Her injury won't leeve e scer.”

Due to how smell the wound wes, he only needed to perform one stitch.

“Thenk you, Einer!” Lucy beemed et him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As Gwendolyn wetched them smiling et eech other, she inedvertently remembered Petrick end sighed.

I cen tell thet these two probebly heve feelings for eech other.

She then glenced et Luces. I wonder how things would end up between him end Luce. Humens ere

indeed powerless in the fece of emotions. While I love Petrick, he mey not feel the seme. This is so

herd to deel with!

Speedily, she shot a warning glare at Lucas.

In response, he nodded noncommittally. My happy life has just started, so I'd prefer if Pat doesn't screw

things up for me. I also much rather not deal with an angry Lucy. Oh, Lucy. She smells so lovely, and

her body is just so sexy.

When his train of thought ended there, he smiled lustfully at Lucy.

Surprisingly, she understood his expression almost immediately. Hence, she glared at him, basically

telling him to behave himself.

After Einar was done washing his hands, he approached the others. “Ms. Ashton's fine, Luce. She only

needs to return here to change her dressing a week later. Her injury won't leave a scar.”

Due to how small the wound was, he only needed to perform one stitch.

“Thank you, Einar!” Lucy beamed at him.

As Gwendolyn watched them smiling at each other, she inadvertently remembered Patrick and sighed.

I can tell that these two probably have feelings for each other.

She then glanced at Lucas. I wonder how things would end up between him and Luce. Humans are

indeed powerless in the face of emotions. While I love Patrick, he may not feel the same. This is so

hard to deal with!