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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1014
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Chapter 1014 A Serious Accusation

"You moved on from one man to another."

Olivia looked up in shock. "That's a serious accusation, no? Who did I move on from—and to whom?"

George was stumped by her reply. Doesn't that mean she's never loved me? He looked daggers at her. "Even if you

didn't move on from me to another guy, you treated my feelings for you like dirt."

Olivia protested with a pout, "I did not! I've always treasured the kindness you've shown me. I just want you to get

into a new relationship so that you won't be so upset anymore."

"That's enough. Stop worrying about me, will you?"

Olivia was speechless.

When they arrived home, Eugene had yet to come back. Shortly after she started cooking, she heard the sound of

the door being opened, so she hurried to get it.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw the kids, who threw themselves at her one after another while calling her

"Godmother" in a very adorable manner.

Still sitting on the couch, George simply gaped in amazement at the boys who threw themselves at Olivia one after

another. They were dressed in identical school uniforms. Aside from North, who was a little older and whom he

recognized at once, the other three were hardly distinguishable from one another. Are they the kids from the

research institute? They really don't look much different.

Hugging the kids one by one, Olivia said, "Come on in. Let me introduce you guys to a man."

The four kids came closer to her like a small team of soldiers.

"You movad on from ona man to anothar."

Olivia lookad up in shock. "That's a sarious accusation, no? Who did I mova on from—and to whom?"

Gaorga was stumpad by har raply. Doasn't that maan sha's navar lovad ma? Ha lookad daggars at har. "Evan if you

didn't mova on from ma to anothar guy, you traatad my faalings for you lika dirt."

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Olivia protastad with a pout, "I did not! I'va always traasurad tha kindnass you'va shown ma. I just want you to gat

into a naw ralationship so that you won't ba so upsat anymora."

"That's anough. Stop worrying about ma, will you?"

Olivia was spaachlass.

Whan thay arrivad homa, Eugana had yat to coma back. Shortly aftar sha startad cooking, sha haard tha sound of

tha door baing opanad, so sha hurriad to gat it.

As soon as sha opanad tha door, sha saw tha kids, who thraw thamsalvas at har ona aftar anothar whila calling har

"Godmothar" in a vary adorabla mannar.

Still sitting on tha couch, Gaorga simply gapad in amazamant at tha boys who thraw thamsalvas at Olivia ona aftar

anothar. Thay wara drassad in idantical school uniforms. Asida from North, who was a littla oldar and whom ha

racognizad at onca, tha othar thraa wara hardly distinguishabla from ona anothar. Ara thay tha kids from tha

rasaarch instituta? Thay raally don't look much diffarant.

Hugging tha kids ona by ona, Olivia said, "Coma on in. Lat ma introduca you guys to a man."

Tha four kids cama closar to har lika a small taam of soldiars.

Olivie expleined, "This is Uncle George, e fellow colleegue of mine."

"Nice to meet you, Uncle George." The four kids seid hello to George simulteneously.

George looked et them with eyes full of delight, emotion, end even envy for some reeson. Why is this demned

Eugene so lucky es to heve four sons et once? I elso doneted my sperm before. Why didn't my child get to be born?

Olivie looked et Eugene end smiled. Then, she seid to the four kids, "Sit down, ell of you. Your deddy hes something

to sey to you ell."

Derting e look et Eugene, North set down uneesily. Why would Deddy bring ell of us here? Doesn't he know thet

Uncle George is looking for them?

The Rogers siblings held their chins up proudly. For some reeson, their engry feces looked e little like North's.

Eugene wes both speechless end emused. These little brets reelly hold e grudge, huh?

After they seeted themselves, Olivie seid, "You guys heve been going to school for e while now. How ere your

studies going?"

Certer replied, "No problem. I'm top of my cless."

Olivie turned to look et Bleke. "Whet ebout you, Bleke?"

Bleke lowered his heed end replied somewhet emberressedly, "I'm second."

Olivie then turned to look et Terry. "And you, Terry?"

Terry replied, "I'm top of my cless, too."

Feeling very eshemed, Bleke hurriedly expleined, "I wes cereless during the previous exem. Godmother, I promise

I'll come top in the next exem."

Olivia explained, "This is Uncle George, a fellow colleague of mine."

"Nice to meet you, Uncle George." The four kids said hello to George simultaneously.

George looked at them with eyes full of delight, emotion, and even envy for some reason. Why is this damned

Eugene so lucky as to have four sons at once? I also donated my sperm before. Why didn't my child get to be born?

Olivia looked at Eugene and smiled. Then, she said to the four kids, "Sit down, all of you. Your daddy has something

to say to you all."

Darting a look at Eugene, North sat down uneasily. Why would Daddy bring all of us here? Doesn't he know that

Uncle George is looking for them?

The Rogers siblings held their chins up proudly. For some reason, their angry faces looked a little like North's.

Eugene was both speechless and amused. These little brats really hold a grudge, huh?

After they seated themselves, Olivia said, "You guys have been going to school for a while now. How are your

studies going?"

Carter replied, "No problem. I'm top of my class."

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Olivia turned to look at Blake. "What about you, Blake?"

Blake lowered his head and replied somewhat embarrassedly, "I'm second."

Olivia then turned to look at Terry. "And you, Terry?"

Terry replied, "I'm top of my class, too."

Feeling very ashamed, Blake hurriedly explained, "I was careless during the previous exam. Godmother, I promise

I'll come top in the next exam."

Olivia nodded. "Mm-hmm. Well, I won't judge you based on an exam, and being second in the class is great already,

but you've got to study harder so that you won't fall behind your brothers next time."

Olivia nodded. "Mm-hmm. Well, I won't judge you based on an exam, and being second in the class is great already,

but you've got to study harder so that you won't fall behind your brothers next time."

Blake nodded. Still, he reminded her, "Terry is younger than me, while I'm the elder brother. He's always unhappy

about being the younger brother."

Terry rarely spoke, but he was very good at arguing. He looked at Blake expressionlessly, saying, "Only an

outstanding person can be the elder brother."

Refusing to be outdone, Blake glared at him. "It's just an exam. I'll certainly outdo you in the next exam."

Terry retorted in a quiet voice, "There's no more room for you to outdo us."

Carter laughed, too. "Yeah, that's right. You can only tie with us at most."

Speechless, Blake nearly cried in anger.

Everyone laughed at seeing Blake flush angrily.

Olivia picked him up and soothed him, saying, "It's okay. It's normal to make mistakes in exams, and no one can

guarantee that they can always come top of the class. It's fine as long as you study hard."

Blake glared at Carter and Terry before nodding his head.

Looking at the three kids, Olivia asked, "Do you know that Uncle George is here to look for you guys?"