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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 952
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Chapter 952 I Like Them Both

"I do interoct with people on the islond. I con still distinguish right from wrong," Ellen replied.

Suddenly, she stood up ond went bock to her room to toke the pointing thot Jewel gove her. She unfolded it ond

showed it to Stefonie.

"You coll this o smoll fovor?" Ellen osked. "Do you know who pointed this?"

Stefonie glonced ot the signoture. "Amos White?"

Ellen looked ot her. "Do you know how voluoble Amos White's ortwork is? Do you hove ony ideo of the worth of his

finol mosterpieces? This is whot Jewel gove me. She could eosily sell this pointing for o few hundred thousond or


"A pointing worth thot omount meons nothing compored to the Nolon Fomily. Besides, this pointing moy not even be

genuine. As for os I know, Old Mr. White retired o long time ogo."

"He did retire o long time ogo, but Jewel hod him personolly point this for me becouse she did him o fovor o few

yeors ogo."

Stefonie wore o disdoinful expression os she muttered, "The more you tolk, the more unbelievoble it gets. Just who

is Jewel thot she even mode Old Mr. White owe her o fovor?"

Ellen suddenly felt like she wos tolking to o brick woll.

As she pocked up the pointing, she worned, "Soy whotever you wont. You only see her flows becouse you hove

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grudges ogoinst her. But the Jewel I know is beoutiful, gentle, kind, ond sensible. She even soved my life. Pleose

refroin from speoking ill of her in front of me."

Stefonie grew somewhot upset os she retorted, "Why don't you keep her for your son if she is so greot?"

"I do interact with people on the island. I can still distinguish right from wrong," Ellen replied.

Suddenly, she stood up and went back to her room to take the painting that Jewel gave her. She unfolded it and

showed it to Stefanie.

"You call this a small favor?" Ellen asked. "Do you know who painted this?"

Stefanie glanced at the signature. "Amos White?"

Ellen looked at her. "Do you know how valuable Amos White's artwork is? Do you have any idea of the worth of his

final masterpieces? This is what Jewel gave me. She could easily sell this painting for a few hundred thousand or


"A painting worth that amount means nothing compared to the Nolan Family. Besides, this painting may not even be

genuine. As far as I know, Old Mr. White retired a long time ago."

"He did retire a long time ago, but Jewel had him personally paint this for me because she did him a favor a few

years ago."

Stefanie wore a disdainful expression as she muttered, "The more you talk, the more unbelievable it gets. Just who

is Jewel that she even made Old Mr. White owe her a favor?"

Ellen suddenly felt like she was talking to a brick wall.

As she packed up the painting, she warned, "Say whatever you want. You only see her flaws because you have

grudges against her. But the Jewel I know is beautiful, gentle, kind, and sensible. She even saved my life. Please

refrain from speaking ill of her in front of me."

Stefanie grew somewhat upset as she retorted, "Why don't you keep her for your son if she is so great?"

"If my son didn't already have Olivia, I would be more than happy for him to be with Jewel. Both my daughter-in-law

and Jewel are good girls. I like them both."

"Fine. Keep lying to yourself. Do you even know what your daughter-in-law is up to outside?" A smirk appeared at

the corners of Stefanie's mouth. Her main agenda for coming here this time was to expose Olivia.

Ellen's expression only grew darker. "I don't want to know. My daughter-in-law knows what she should and shouldn't

do. You don't need to worry about her."

Stefanie sneered, "Does knowing what she shouldn't do include getting intimate with another man in the middle of

the night? Last night, your daughter-in-law came as well when I called Jewel to the hotel. She sure gave me a piece

of her mind! I asked how she could be with Eugene while flirting with another man. She didn't say anything, but do

you know what that man said? He said I can criticize him but not your daughter-in-law, and he even boasted about

seducing her. Can you believe someone would say something like that? I came here with good intentions to warn

you, but forget it if you don't believe me."

She lifted her teacup and took a sip before continuing, "Even if your daughter-in-law doesn't have such intentions,

can you guarantee that nothing will happen when she keeps mingling with another man in the middle of the night?

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You know what? Forget it if you don't want to listen. I thought we had common topics. It is a waste of time to talk to

someone who doesn't understand!"

After saying that, Stefanie got up and started to leave.

At that moment, the bedroom door suddenly swung open, and a messy-haired Brian emerged from inside.

Despite how harmless he looked, his next words packed a punch.

"Indeed, it is a waste of time to talk to someone who doesn't understand. I see you can only wish for someone else

to live the same chaotic life as yours just because you can't have peace yourself. Both Olivia and Jewel are my

family. I dare you to say another bad word about them!"

Stefanie immediately clicked her tongue. "Ha! How can your son say that? You didn't even see for yourself how that

guy threatened to hit me just because I talked about Olivia! I came to warn you all out of the kindness of my heart. I

hope you don't defend those women when your brother gets cheated on one day!"

"Don't start wishing the whole world to be the same just because you got cheated on. It has been so many years.

Have you ever reflected on your actions? You are even going around spreading rumors. You don't fear retribution,

do you?!"

Furious, Stefanie turned to look at Ellen and complained, "Ellen, are you going to let your son speak to me this way?

He has absolutely no manners!"

Meanwhile, Ellen remained calm and composed. "Having good manners depends on who it is for. You stand in my

house and criticize my daughter-in-law and my goddaughter. I think I'm being kind enough to not kick you out
